Travel Guidelines
and Expense Reimbursement Policy
Schneider National, Inc.
For Calendar Year 2009
Last Revision Date: November 20, 2009
Travel Guidelines and Expense Reimbursement Policy
Schneider Corporate Business Traveler,
As we continue to maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, cost savings will remain a priority at Schneider National, Inc. We must all have great passion around cost control and how we manage our individual department spending. The Corporate Travel Guidelines and Expense Reimbursement Policy will enable you to contribute to the goal of obtaining the greatest return of the dollar we invest in business travel.
This policy has been designed to meet your business travel needs in an efficient matter. Please exercise good judgment and always consider alternatives to business travel (e.g. conference calls, e-mail, etc.). All associates are an integral part of the enterprise effort to make this policy effective.
Key changes to this revised version include guidance relative to refueling of rental cars, GPS, and process changes with air travel.
Thank you in advance for your support.
John Brenholt
Chief Financial Officer
Table of Contents
Administrative Information
Policy Statement
Expense Reporting Policy
Expense ReportApproval Process
Exception Process
Important Notes
Policy Information
Corporate Travel Cards
Corporate Travel Center
Air Transportation
Travel Incentive Programs
Rental Cars
Personal Vehicle for Business Travel
Lodging Policy
Meals and Entertainment
Recognition and Expressions of Goodwill
Group Meetings,Events and Activities
Technology RelatedAuxiliary Equipment
Non-Reimbursable Expenses
Travel Advances
Miscellaneous Information
Accommodation of Disabilities and Religion
Telephone Numbers
Leadership Approval Checklist
Policy Statement
It is the policy of Schneider National, Inc. to reimburse its associates for all reasonable travel and/or business expenses incurred in connection with authorized company business.
All associates are required to read these guidelines and policy changes. Failure to read and understand the policy changes will not relieve the associate of their responsibility to follow them. Reimbursements will only be made in accordance with these policies.
Each associate has a responsibility to adhere to this policy when incurring business expenditures on behalf of the organization. It is the responsibility of the associate and the leader to be familiar with the need for the expenditures and to be satisfied that they are in compliance with this policy. The burden of proof to substantiate all expenses is the responsibility of the associate.
Expense Reporting Policy
Associates are required to prepare and submit an Expense Report within 30 calendar days after completion of the trip. Expense reports received after this period may not be reimbursed. US Treasury recognizes 60 days to be the maximum amount of time that people seem to be able to recall events with sufficient detail. Reports received within 30 days will insure we are able to process your report timely enough to meet these criteria and reimburse your expenses to meet this threshold and stay within time to pay your Corporate Travel Card bill. Reports received after 60 days will not be processed for reimbursement since the company assumes the risk of not being able to claim these as business expenses.Associates who incur pre-trip expenses (airline ticket booked on company issued credit card) may submit an expense report with paid receipts and manager authorization.
Expense Report completion procedures:
- Attach receipts to the Expense Report (See “Receipts” for detailed description of required receipts) to include airline passenger receipts, even though they are being directly billed.
- Explain the business purpose of expense and any unusual transactions or items.
- Attach exception process pre-approval documentation for reimbursement, if applicable.
- Associates must sign their expense report form before reimbursement can occur.
- Associates must submit expense reports to their leader for approval. If the associate or the associate’s leader (or both) is at a location other than the CBC, a faxed copy of the “Associate Expense Report” with leader signature is acceptable.
- Submit approved Expense Report for processing to Accounts Payable.
Expense reports must be complete and accurate for prompt reimbursement. Associates with incomplete reports will be contacted via company email. Step-by-step instructions are available on the Intranet.
Foreign Currency
Foreign currency expenditures should be converted and shown on the Expense Report in U.S. dollars. Use the exchange rate at the time the currency was exchanged and provides a copy of the exchange receipt. Keep good records and show documentation. Canadian expenditures may be reported in Canadian dollars.
Expense Report Approval Process
The intent of this approval process is leadership will have visibility to where his/her team is spending time and money in pursuit of the goals. The expectation going forward is leaders will review the destination, purpose, and accomplishment of each expense reimbursement. The expectation for leaders is NOT to tie receipts to the expenditures.
An appropriate departmental designee, approved by the Corporate Controller, may also approve expense reports.
All associates must submit expense reports to his or her leader for approval.
- If an associate and the associate’s leader are not at a common location, a faxed copy of the “Associate Expense Report” form with leader signature attached to the original “Associate Expense Report” is acceptable approval. Attached approval e-mails will also be accepted. If these methods are not available for use, please contact Accounts Payable x2813.
- If a leader is out of the office, the leader’s leader or VP of Finance can approve expense reports.
- Exception Process Contact approval will continue to be required for meals greater than $50 per person, tangible item purchases, and all other items not specifically defined in the policy. Please see “Exception Process” for further details.
- All expense reports greater than $2,500 must also have “Exception Process Contact” approval.
- Leader approval does not guarantee payment of an expense report.
- Executives will be required to obtain CFO or CEO approval on expense reports. The CFO will obtain CEO or Corporate Controller approval on expense reports. The CEO will obtain CFO or Corporate Controller approval on expense reports.
Exception Process
This policy will serve as a guideline. If an expense is not listed in this policy, it should be treated as non-reimbursable. If an associate has questions regarding expense reimbursement, please contact the Accounts Payable Manager at extension 3102. Items which appear to be exceptions should be pre-approved before the expense occurs.
If an associate has an expense that has been denied reimbursement, the associate should contact his/her leader. If the leader deems it a valid charge, then he/she will contact the Accounts Payable Manager via email (Lori Mueller ). The Accounts Payable Manager has the authority to approve amounts less than $100. Amounts less than $100 may need Exception Process Contact approval if deemed necessary. If the Accounts Payable Manager does not approve the expense, the associate’s leader can seek approval from the Exception Process Contact. If the Exception Process Contact approves the expense, an e-mail describing the situation will be sent to the Accounts Payable Manager. Exception Process Contacts can not approve missing documentation that is necessary for IRS reporting purposes (i.e. proof of payment). If the Exception Process Contact is not available and approval is urgent, please contact the Exception Process Contact’s leader (VP of Finance).
Exception Process Contact Approvals Needed:
Prior to Booking Trip:
- .Airfare lowest cost alternative not accepted within two hours of original requested departure time.
- Requesting airline upgrades other than coach class. .
- Air travel booked less than 7 days prior to travel or airline changes within 7 days of departure.
- Changes to airline tickets for same day travel (other than stand-by at the airport).
- Fly versus drive.
- Lodging outside of SNI negotiated properties or rates greater than $70 per night. (Department Director Approval Needed).
- International trips (other than to Canada) require approval from Jack Gross.
Other Expenditures:
- Expense reports greater than $2,500 require Exception Process Contact approval.
- Any meals greater than $50 per person.
- Entertainment events with customers or suppliers greater than $50 per person.
- Recognition expenditures greater than $15 per person.
- Spouse or companion travel.
- Memberships to transportation or non-role related clubs.
- Tangible Items. (i.e. office supplies, books, shop tools and supplies)
- Any item that is not specifically covered in the T&E Policy.
- Gifts to customers or suppliers greater than $25.
- Sale of an item or service from an associate to Schneider and all subsidiaries requires VP of Finance Approval.
All Technology related expenditures need to be approved through the IT Department. Please see the Cellular Phone policy for approvals required for cellular phone reimbursements.
Important Notes
The Corporate Travel Guidelines & Expense Reimbursement Policy applies to all associates. It is also expected that associates in other countries adopt the policies contained herein.
All associates are required to read these guidelines and policy changes. Failure to read and understand the policy changes will not relieve the associate of their responsibility to follow them. Reimbursements will only be made in accordance with these policies.
Following is a brief overview:
- All expense reports require approval by the submitter’s leader or appropriate departmental designee approved by Corporate Controller. Please see the “Expense Report Approval” section.
- SNI TravelDepartment information has been updated to include phone numbers pertaining to after-hours assistance. Associates should only use after-hours assistance in emergency situations to reschedule canceled flights or make emergency reservations after normal business hours. Premium fees are incurred per call.
- Associates are reminded to decline the Collision/Loss Damage Waiver/Liability insurance coverage when renting cars in the United States with National or Enterprise Rental – these fees will not be reimbursed. However, when traveling outside the United States (to include Mexico and Canada) and the use of a rental car is required, associates should accept Collision/Loss Damage Waiver coverage.
- Offsite Meetings must be planned through theSNI Meetings and Events Manager, Lori Counihan, who is located in the SNI Travel Department. Meetings arranged outside this process will not be reimbursed. Meetings or offsite events also include holiday gatherings. Lori can be contacted at 1-800-558-6767,ext 3218.
- Cell phone users should review the Cellular Phone Reimbursement portion of the policy. It provides more detailed guidance concerning reimbursement when using a personal cell phone for business related calls.
- Associates are reminded of the 30 day reimbursement policy. US Treasury rules limit reimbursement time to 60 days for most transactions. Expense reports received within 30 days should meet all timeliness requirements. Reports received after 60 days will not be reimbursed.
- Please see T&ETips for a high level overview of the Travel and Entertainment policy.
Upon review by Accounts Payable, associates will be reimbursed through direct deposit to the associate’s bank account.
- Expense Reports will be processed on a first come, first served basis. Provided the expense report is accurate and all necessary receipts and exception forms are attached, it should be processed within a couple of days. You should receive reimbursement within 5 business days of receipt.
- Associates with an American Express Corporate Travel Card will submit their expenses as normal and in a timely manner to insure payment of their monthly statement within 10 days of receipt.
Documentation of expenses is required for all expenses. An original receipt must be submitted with an expense report for any expense $10 or more. Examples of documentation include:
Air TravelThe Travel Department will automatically direct bill air costs to SNI.
An exception to this will be for AMEX Membership Rewards Program Members. Members must advise the Travel Department to directly post the cost to their company issued card. In this case, the associate will be responsible to provide a receipt for reimbursement. A receipt can be printed at the airport upon check-in.
In the event an associate incurs air travel expense (ticket, luggage fee) on their company issued credit card, all receipts must be attached to their expense report and authorized by their manager.
HotelHotel bill (itemized) plus proof of payment. Express checkout may not be sufficient.
Car RentalThe car rental company’s final bill.
Gas and Oil All receipts for gas and oil are required. Reimbursement will not be made for lost receipts.
Meals$10.00 or more. Charge card receipt and itemized receipt (tear tabs are not acceptable.) Cash payments must be supported by “electronic” or register receipts.
EntertainmentCharge card receipt and itemized receipt (tear tabs are not acceptable) and explanation of expenditure. Event and entertainment tickets need legitimate proof-of-purchase. Associates should copy the event tickets with the price printed on the face of the ticket, or provide an electronic receipt from Ticketmaster, TicketStar, etc., when submitted for reimbursement. Event tickets purchased through third-parties or for charity participation should be approved via the exception process prior to purchase. The IRS normally limits reimbursement to the face amount of the ticket and any additional amount paid to obtain the tickets may NOT be reimbursable. Season ticket purchases should be processed for purchase through Accounts Payable in the name of Schneider National, Inc. Associates requiring season ticket purchases will contact their Exception Process Contact to prepare and attach a check request to the ticket invoice. A check will be made payable to the ticket agent. Exception Process Contact will be responsible for assigning someone within their department to track and insure that the tickets were properly utilized. Associates purchasing season tickets in their name, will be reimbursed on an as you go per game basis when properly submitted.
Other Transportation Taxi receipts when the expense is greater than $10. Railroad passenger coupon or invoice.
Associates must submit original receipts with their expense reports. Photocopies of receipts are not acceptable. The IRS requires originals to insure the expensed item was not returned for refund. Associates should not mix personal purchases with business purchases where the original receipt may be needed later for personal use.
Any purchase of $75 or more where a personal check was used as the form of payment must be supported by providing a copy of the “cancelled” check (cleared through the bank). Payment of the expense does not incur until the funds have been transferred from your account. A duplicate check stub or copy of the check written is not sufficient to document that an expense has incurred. Do not be offended when asked to provide a copy of a “cancelled” check.
Corporate Travel Cards
Corporate Travel Cards
Schneider requires use of the American Express Corporate Travel Card (Travel Card) by those associates who (a.) incur annual business related expenses in excess of $5,000, or (b.) travel six or more times per year.
- All applicable associates will be provided the American Express Corporate Travel Card (Green) free of annual fees. Frequent business travelers, as deemed appropriate and at their own expense, may receive an American Express Corporate Travel Card with upgraded features specifically oriented to frequent travelers (American Express’s Platinum or Gold Cards). If there is a demonstrated company need for an American Express Platinum Card, James Waters is the approving authority for reimbursement of their associated fees. Contact Accounts Payable (Ext. 3102) to begin the approval process.
- Although issued at the direction of Schneider, the Travel Card is issued by American Express to the associate and remains a personal liability of the associate. For this reason, issuance of the card is ultimately at the discretion of American Express. All charges, whether reimbursable or not, are the personal liability of the associate. Schneider will not issue a payment guarantee to American Express to facilitate the issuance of a Travel Card to an associate who would not otherwise qualify under the charge card provider’s policies. Accounts Payable will establish appropriate credit limits for all associates issued a Travel Card using established guidelines.
- All associates issued an American Express Corporate Travel Card will be required to complete a Corporate Travel Card Member Agreement Form. The form, located on the intranet, will outline the terms and conditions under which the company furnishes the Travel Cards.
- If an associate has been issued a Travel Card, all charged expenditures are to be paid using the American Express Corporate Travel Card issued at the direction of Schneider National. Associates with a Corporate Travel Card are not to use their personal charge card for reimbursable business expenses. Only when a vendor does not accept the Travel Card, an associate may use an alternative form of payment.
- Lost or stolen cards must be reported directly to American Express as soon as possible. Associates suspecting that their card is being used by someone else should notify American Express directly.
- Associates may not charge expenses for Group Meetings or events that should be arranged through SNI’s Meeting & Event Manager. . .
- Personal expenses can not be charged to the American Express Corporate Travel Card.
Membership Rewards Programs