May 11, 2011
The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular meeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,
226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:30 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Ted Kalo, President, Commissioner Lori
Kokoski, Vice-President, Commissioner Tom Williams, Member and Theresa L. Upton, Clerk.
Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Kokoski presented a black female lab mix that has been at kennel since April 30 and would love to have a home. There are also 42 other dogs to choose from.
The following business was transacted ______
9:45 a.m. Shroeder Ditch, Carlisle & New Russia Township – to place on county maintenance and establish assessments consisting of Schroeder Main ditch and lateral #2 – branch #2, Schroeder Lateral #2 – Schramm lateral
b.1 RESOLUTION NO. 11-289
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following Lorain County Job and
Family Services Bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:
H11-1773 Lorain County Treasurer $27,310.92
SB11-472 building rent $9,074.50
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
There were no investments for this day. ______
b.3 RESOLUTION NO. 11-290
In the matter of authorizing various appropriations)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations.
$ 10,494.00 to be appropriated to: cover costs of feb spec election/boe
$ 4,683.66 to 1000-0000-540-000-01-5000-5001
$ 336.35 to 1000-0000-540-000-01-6000-0000
$ 117.73 to 1000-0000-540-000-01-6000-6002
$ 4,510.00 to 1000-0000-540-000-01-6200-6201
$ 24.48 to 1000-0000-540-000-01-7200-0000
$ 821.78 to 1000-0000-540-000-01-7220-0000
$ 13,998.00 to be appropriated to: donations from Columbia eagles for purchase of equip for deputies & donation from lc pros
$ 13,998.00 to 1000-0000-550-000-03-6500-0000 office for purchase of universal forensic extraction device and add on
module for cell phone evidence extraction/sheriff gf
$ 10,000.00 to be appropriated to: inc adv for passports/clerk of courts title
$ 10,000.00 to 2520-000-510-000-01-7220-0000
$ 4,000.00 to be appropriated to: exp for 11 to include, misc office exp, lodging, staff training, parking & toll rd exp
$ 2,000.00 to 2780-0000-500-000-06-7070-0000 in connection w/travel/probate court
$ 1,000.00 to 2780-0000-500-000-06-7200-7200
$ 1,000.00 to 2780-0000-500-000-06-7200-0000
$ 5,000.00 to be appropriated to: approved for volunteer guardianship org/probate court
$ 5,000.00 to 2840-2844-500-000-01-6200-0000
$ 460,000.00 to be appropriated to: meet principal & interest obligation on various county bonds for 2011/bond retirement
$ 143,000.00 to 6000-0000-100-000-08-7050-7050
$ 317,000.00 to 6000-0000-100-000-08-7050-7052
$ 352,962.50 to be appropriated to: principal & interest payments due for 2011 for waste water treatment plant debt/san eng
$ 80,000.00 to 7100-7120-300-322-11-7050-0000
$ 272,962.50 to 7100-7120-300-322-11-7050-7052
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt resolution. Ayes: all (Tom Williams did not sign#5)
Motion carried. ______(discussion was held on the above)
b.4 RESOLUTION NO. 11-291
In the matter of authorizing various account transfers)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account transfers.
$ 150.00 from 1000-0000-400-404-02-6000-0000 inv for medical supplies at detention center/dr
To 1000-0000-400-404-02-6200-6228
$ 2,000.00 from 2280-0000-260-264-06-7070-0000 increase for new exp for staff training and new capitol imprv acct/lcjdfs
To 2280-0000-260-264-06-7200-7200
$ 4,000.00 from 2280-0000-260-264-06-7070-0000
To 2280-0000-260-264-06-6100-0000
$ 2,200.00 from 2660-fy10-100-120-07-6200-6207 meet grant req/chip fy10
To 2660-fy10-100-120-07-6400-6444
$ 500.00 from 2660-fy10-100-120-07-6200-6207
To 2660-fy10-100-120-07-7220-0000
$ 300.00 from 2660-fy10-100-120-07-6200-6207
To 2660-fy10-100-120-07-7000-7013
$ 5,000.00 from 8280-8288-100-000-14-6200-6218 **
To 8280-8288-100-000-14-7070-0000
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All to place #4 on hold for further review children & family council
Motion carried. ______
There were no advances/repayments for this day. ______
b.6 RESOLUTION NO. 11-292
In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and)
Services for various county departments ) May 11, 2011
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.
710-11 Auditor’s (2480) Arcinfo primary maint, secondary maint. Environmental Sys. 14,167.00
711-11 Auditor’s (2480) Property Tax Administration module real Devnet 127,468.00
712-11 Auditor’s (2480) Website Maintenance and support Emerge, Inc 7,600.00
Lorain County Auditor’s Dept – Total ------$ 149,235.00
713-11 Board of Elect. Legal ads for May primary Election 2011 Morning Journal 3,618.76
714-11 Board of Elect. Election kits, precinct kits, voter loc. Document Concepts 3,094.65
715-11 Board of Elect. Legal ads for Primary Election 5-3-11 Chronicle Telegram 2,361.21
Lorain County Board of Elections Dept – Total ------$ 9,074.62
716-11 CBCF (8300) Parking lot maintenance, seal coating, etc Maintenance Systems 5,240.00
Lorain County LOR/MED CBCF Dept – Total ------$ 5,240.00
717-11 Domestic Rel. (2700) Success for youth Mar 2011 Catholic Charities 5,546.83
718-11 Domestic Rel. (2020) Case manager half of contract Mar 11 Catholic Charities 6,533.25
719-11 Domestic Rel. (2700) Forensic Examination and report McClurg, Sherri 2,250.00
720-11 Domestic Rel. (2700) Forensic Examination and report McClurg, Sherri 2,250.00
721-11 Domestic Rel. Ohio Revised Code 2011 Supplements, Shipping Matthew Bender & Co. 1,164.98
Lorain County Domestic Relations Dept – Total ------$ 17,745.06
722-11 Engineers (2580) Design engineering services for the recon MS Consultants 83,500.00
723-11 Engineers (2580) Sandblast, repair holes and paint unit#74 West Shore Equipment 7,900.00
724-11 Engineers (2580) Arched CMP 12 Gauge, Arched band w/bolts Edwards Sheet Metal 7,561.15
Lorain County Engineers Dept – Total ------$ 98,961.15
725-11 Law Library (3110) Law Books Thomson Professional 1,995.00
Lorain County Law Library Dept – Total ------$ 1,995.00
726-11 Prosecutor’s (2500) SBPO Jan-Dec 11 Court Costs L.C. Clerk of Courts 30,000.00
Lorain County Prosecutor’s Dept – Total ------$ 30,000.00
727-11 Sanitary Eng. (7100) Wastewater charges collected Dec-Feb Grafton Village 2,488.20
Lorain County Sanitary Engineers Dept – Total ------$ 2,488.20
728-11 Sheriff’s (2200) Carrier unit a/c #3 colles 4east dayroom Ray Gidich Heating 4,778.00
Lorain County Sheriff’s Dept – Total ------$ 4,778.00
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All (Tom had exception to 717-11 DR – Catholic Charities $5,546.83)
Motion carried. ______
b.7 RESOLUTION NO. 11-293
In the matter of authorizing Travel Expenses to various )
personnel to attend meetings of interest to their departments)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize travel expenses to various personnel to attend meeting of interest to their departments.
Lorain County Job & Family Services
121-11 Griffin, Kathryn Statewide Elder Abuse Training Akron, OH 8/11-12/11 80.00
122-11 Kiely, Marge ODJFS Metro Meeting with Director Columbus, OH 5/12/11 10.00
123-11 Golski, MaryLou ODJFS Metro Meeting with Director Columbus, OH 5/12/11 30.00
Lorain County 9-1-1 Agency
124-11 Kennedy, Jan Dispatcher Training- Active Shooter Oberlin, OH 5/23/11 179.00
125-11 Wolf, Bryon Dispatcher Training – Active Shooter Oberlin, OH 5/23/11 179.00
126-11 Leisure, Melody Dispatcher Training – Active Shooter Oberlin, OH 5/23/11 179.00
127-11 Futrall, Melody Dispatcher Training – Active Shooter Oberlin, OH 5/23/11 179.00
128-11 Dorn, Donna Dispatcher Training – Active Shooter Oberlin, OH 5/23/11 179.00
Lorain County Coroner’s
129-11 Evans, Stephen Reimbursement for mileage 87 @.50 and 396 @.51 per mile 12/17-4/16/11 245.46
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt Resolution. Ayes:all
Motion carried. ______
b.8 RESOLUTION NO. 11-294
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:
LTI Power Systems, Inc / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 108 01 6000 0000 / $54.00
MT Business Technologies / Lease / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 0000 / $341.10
Refrigeration Sales / Building Maintenance / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 6381 / $46.84
Cintas Corporation / Uniform Rental / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6600 6602 / $356.70
Speed Exterminating / Building Maintenance / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 6381 / $45.00
Amanda Cooke-Szczepanski / Defense of indigent case / 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 / $100.00
Lorain County Sheriff / Defense of indigent case / 1000 0000 500 000 02 7070 0000 / $74.00
Ed Mullinax Ford / Vehicle Expenses / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 / $807.05
Perkins Motor / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 / $59.94
Perkins Motor / Building Maintenance / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 6381 / $115.03
Perkins Motor / Equipment / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6050 0000 / $272.85
TOTAL / $2,272.51
Dog Kennel
Cintas Corporation / Uniform Rental / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6602 / $72.67
Cintas Corporation / Mat Rental / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6600 6603 / $30.21
Shoreway Sports & Graphics / Supplies / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $42.50
Bobels / Supplies / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $81.49
Elyria Public Utilities / Utility Services / 2220 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 / $161.39
TOTAL / $388.26
9-1-1 Agency
Lorain County Engineers / Fuel / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6000 6000 / $120.29
Lorain County Engineers / Vehicle Expenses / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6380 6380 / $106.14
Lorain County Engineers / Professional Services / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6218 / $100.00
USA Mobility / Pagers / 3480 0000 100 000 03 6200 6202 / $122.04
TOTAL / $448.47
Sanitary Engineers
Verizon Wireless / Telephone Services / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 / $29.66
Ohio Edison / Utility Services / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 / $36.73
Ohio Edison / Utility Services / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 / $41.24
D.L. Bonk, Inc / Building Maintenance / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6380 6381 / $150.00
Ohio Time Corporation / Contacts-Services / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 0000 / $119.00
The Illuminating Company / Utility Services / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 / $492.63
The Illuminating Company / Utility Services / 7100 7100 300 304 11 6200 6202 / $58.03
Lorain County Metro Parks / Stormwater fee / 7100 7118 300 304 11 7070 7089 / $1,080.00
TOTAL / $2,007.29
Krystowski Tractor Sales, Inc / Supplies / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 / $265.66
Perkins Motor Service / Supplies / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 / $214.55
Tractor Supply / Supplies / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 / $318.72
Polen Implement / Supplies / 7300 0000 100 000 11 6000 0000 / $110.35
TOTAL / $909.28
Golden Acres
The Mariotti Printing Company / Printed window envelopes / 3420 0000 100 000 05 7220 0000 / $139.00
NAPA Auto Parts / Parts for pug and power wash. / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6380 6380 / $59.76
Brunner, Bonnie / Entertainment / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 / $25.00
Kelly, James DBA String Fever / Entertainment / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 / $80.00
Symphony Diagnostics DBA MobilexUSA / X-Ray service / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 / $195.36
Terminix / Pest control / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 / $77.00
Van Winkle, Sue / Entertainment / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6218 / $75.00
Home Depot / Other Expenses / 3420 0000 100 000 05 7070 0000 / $28.17
Home Depot / Building Maintenance / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6380 6381 / $62.00
Home Depot / Supplies / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $73.28
Invacare / Footboard for wheelchair / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $149.00
Lakeland Glass Company / Glass for window / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $155.12
Ohio Health Care Association / Residents bill of rights pamp. / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $44.00
Tractor Supply / Supplies / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $35.96
Stericycle / Medical waste disposal / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6202 / $158.88
Professional Medical, Inc / Online continuing education / 3420 0000 100 000 05 7200 7200 / $39.95
Lifecare Ambulance / Transportation / 3424 0000 100 000 05 6200 6220 / $320.08
TOTAL / $1,717.56
Medical Mutual of Ohio / Claims / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $219,675.76
Delta Dental / Claims / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $23,034.90
TOTAL / $242,710.66
Domestic relations
Elyria public utilities / Utilities / 1000-0000-400-404-02-6200-6202 / $1,186.10
Total / $1,186.10
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All
Motion carried. ______
Mr. Cordes requested an executive session to discuss on going labor negotiations re: USW.
b.11 RESOLUTION NO. 11-295
In the matter of approving & waiving the reading of )
the same for the Lorain County Board of ) May 11, 2011
Commissioners meeting minutes of May 4, 2011 )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & waive the reading of the same for the Lorain County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes.
For May 4 2011
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All
Motion carried. ______
B.12 RESOLUTION NO. 11-296
In the matter of authorizing payments in the amount )
of $1,000 for each indigent Veteran in accordance ) May 11, 2011
w/ORC 5701 )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize payments in the amount of $1,000 for each indigent Veteran in accordance w/ORC 5701.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, we hereby authorize said payment as follows:
1) $1,000 to Boyer & Cool Home for Funerals, Lorain for Melvin Rufus Morgan, Lorain
2) $1,000 to Boyer & Cool Home for Funerals, Lorain for Launey Drew Brown, Lorain
3) $1,000 to Boyer & Cool Home for Funerals, Lorain for Daniel Paul Dancik, Lorain
4) $1,000 to Dovin Funeral Home Lorain for Joseph J. Parker, Lorain
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All
Motion carried. ______