Montana State University
Associated Students of MSU Senate
SUB Conference Room234
Thursday, September 25th, 2014
Meeting Called to order at 6:01pm by Senate President Dana Dale
Meeting records by Senate Secretary Dani Clark
Roll Call
- Members absent:Burnett (excused), Cristando, Erwin (excused), Mains (excused), Pratt (recognized), Rickman (excused)
Approval of Minutes:
- Rowe- Move to approve.(Seconded)
- Vote: 12-0
- Resolved:Motion carried- Minutes of September 18th, 2014 are approved.
Public Comment:none
- Cromwell Law PLLC- ASMSU Legal Services- introduction of Audry and Charlie;
- Overview: Limited vs. full representation; Benefits of unbundled/a la carte legal services; History
- Office hours- two afternoons per week, scheduled by ASMSU through their software, sign representation agreements, invoicing, MyCase Client Profile; consultation sessions (adjustable hours, emergency situations)
- Majority of legal services rendered; Encompass most areas of law:
- Family law, landlord-tenant, estate planning, criminal, immigration, employment, veterans/military, etc.
- Typically encompass following areas of law (case-by-case basis): family law, landlord-tenant, debt collection, liens & judgements
- Resource limitations, utilize referral networks (Montana Legal Services Assoc., Modest Means Program, Lawyer Referral Service, Gallatin Legal Assistance Clinic, Community Mediation Center, Office of the State Public efender,, Gallatin County Self-Help Legal Center
- Reasons for referrals: conflicts of interest, claims against MSU, bankruptcy cases, tort lawsuits, tax audits/litigation with IRS, real property litigation, employment law litigation, business litigation.
- Cowles- move to extend presentation time by 15 minutes. (Seconded)
- Vote: 12-0
- Resolved: motion passed.
- Cowles- move to extend presentation time until its conclusion. (Seconded)
- Vote: 12-0
- Resolved: motion passed.
- Birky- Will you both be in the office?
- Rowe- Do contracts go through our legal services?
- Response- Cowles- No, it goes through MSU attorney, Leslie Taylor.
- Soares- move to recognize Senator Pratt. (recognized)
- Dove- I would like to recognize Garrett Langford- ASMSU State Legislature Director and Student Lobbyist.
- Garrett Langford- ASMSU State Legislature Director and Student Lobbyist- Introduction
Senate Reports:
- Soares- Parking Lot Solutions Subcommittee met today to discuss possible solutions.
- Cowles- unable to attend MSU Budget Council meeting this week. MSU Leadership Institute program updates coming soon regarding changes to be made via email (further expand- please see Senator Cowles for further explanation).
- Rowe- Con-Audit Committee meeting tomorrow morning. Outdoor Recreation Fee not reviewed by the MUS Board of Regents, but they are understanding. Spirit Program- polls are open until 7pm tonight.
Unfinished Business: none
New Business:
- ASMSU Senate Seat Appointment- College of Education, Health & Human Development
- Introduction of Candidates- Lauryn Windham, Kate Manley-Rohrer, Amanda Gatz
- Review of applications
- Rowe- I move that each candidate has 1 minute for introduction, 3 questions decided upon this body, and 30 seconds to close. (Seconded)
- Haskell- move to amend to 2 questions (Seconded)
- Vote: (amendment to motion) 8-4
- Resolved: motion passed.
- Vote: (on main motion) 13-0
- Resolved: motion carried.
- Rowe- What qualities do you possess that embodies an ASMSU Senator? (seconded)
- Vote: 13-0
- Resolved: motion passed.
- Haskell- What are the most important issues facing MSU students right now? (seconded)
- Vote: 13-0
- Resolved: motion passed.
- Lauryn Windham (candidate)-Introduction. Elementary Education major, transfer from MSU-Billings.
- 1: Organized, general work experience with people, very passionate about College of EHHD and being an advocate. Wants to help people.
- 2: Parking, food... She wants to bring those issues in from her classes, college, and Hapner Hall.
- Kate Manley- Rohrer- Introduction. Early Childhood Development & Child Services major.
- 1: Enthusiastic and positive. People skills, willingness to learn and help people.
- 2: Parking, cost of living and tuition.
- Amanda Gatz- Introduction. Dietetics major.
- 1: Articulate, compassionate, leader. Wants to be a voice for EHHD students.
- 2: Finances, paying for necessities is an issue. Wants to reach out to students to ask.
- Cowles- move to open discussion (seconded)
- General discussion of candidates and qualifications.
- Vote: (appointment of EHHD seat) Lauren Windham-8, Amanda Gatz-5, Kate Manley-Rohrer-0
- Resolved: Lauren Windham appointed to ASMSU Senate seat for College of EHHD.
- Sworn in by ASMSU President Destini French.
Administration Reports:
- Student Body President Destini French:MAS Budget feedback taken to the MAS meeting last week- edits will be made, it will go to Finance Board first. Website is updated. Admin III position to be filled soon hopefully. Will be asking certain senators to sit on different committees.
- Student Body Vice President Jordan Garceau:Not in Our House Campaign Committee update. Commended Elections Program. Commended Spirit Program Director. MUS Board of Regents- Strategic Plans and Accreditations Plans have been aligned.
- Business Manager Katrina Wilhelm:Working with Sen. Cowles on Leadership Institute changes.
- Senate President Dana Dale:Go to Homecoming Events, remember you are a formal representative. Please make your office hours. Ad-hoc list is available, please sign up.
- Senate Vice President Billy Dove:Three students have passed away, we haven’t done enough for those students and those families- I have been approached by a student in changing how we address these losses. The Go Cats Lighting is also the vigil for student, Derek Brown. Please attend.
Senate Announcements:
- Soares- Please volunteer for Student Alumni Association- Light the M event tomorrow and escorting President Cruzado in the parade.
- Cowles- needing someone to drive my pick-up for the parade (escorting Homecoming Royalty). Commended Freshman Ex-officio Representative for being here. Commending Legal Services.
- Haskell- move to adjorn. (seconded)
- Vote: 14-0
- Resolved: motion passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:25pm by Senate President Dana Dale