CEMS Business Project Proposal Spring 2015

Norwegian School of Economics

1. Main contact in company/organisation (incl. e-mail, phone, etc.)
Stig Atle Gjøen
Groupleader Project
Section of e-health
Department of R&D

2. General information about your company/organisation
Haukeland University hospital
The public hospitals in Norway are organized in about 50 local health trusts.
Haukeland University Hospital is the second largest in the country and deliver health services to about 500 000 people. Haukeland University Hospital is no 2 in Norway on medical research and wants to be in front in innovation in healthcare services.
Innovation is an important part of Haukeland University Hospital’s strategy, because we wish to ensure safe hospital services with easy access, give our patients the best treatment possible, use resources efficiently and build a competent organization for the future.”
(Stener Kvinnsland, Chief Executive Officer, Haukeland University Hospital)
Some facts about Haukeland:
  • App. 11 600 employees
  • Somatic Departments
  • 76 000 inpatients
  • 103 000 hospital days
  • 402 000 outpatients
  • Psychiatric Department
  • 87 919 inpatients
  • 4850 hospital days
  • 123 566 outpatients

3. Business Project
3.1 Title
Cost/Benefit of patient self-registration before, during and after elective medical procedures/outpatient treatment
3.2 Background information of the project
In recent years there has been more focus on involving patient. This applies both before, during and after examination / treatment at the hospital.
One of the areas is how the patient can stand for a portion of their own registration. This is because we think that healthcare- and administrative personnel use too much time to collect information from the patient. With over 164,000 inpatients and 525,000 outpatients a year there is a lot of information to be collected. By letting the patient make a part of the registration themself, we think that it will free time for healthcare- and administrative personnel. In addition we have the hypothesis that the clinical information base will be more complete and better quality if patients self-reporting even in advance of and after investigation or treatment.
We can divide self-registration in two main areas:
- Administrative part: for example registration of personal information, deductibles, payment, check-in, user surveys. Thus registrations which helps with logistics at the hospital.
- Clinical part: for example information about their own illness to provide treatment better , symptoms, drug list , pain scale , nutrition form , anxiety , infections, etc.
Patients also have this expectation of being able to participate more. They have such expectations that the meet prepared personnel and that they even can share knowledge about their everyday with their disease.
3.3 Topic/Subject/Aim (What do the company/organisation expect)
We want the CEMS assignment to look at the cost / benefit by letting the patient self-register information themselves before, during and after examination / treatment. As well as obtain international experiences in this area.
3.4 Task of the CEMS team
1. We want the CEMS assignment to look at the cost / benefit by letting the patient self-register information themselves before, during and after examination / treatment.
2. Gather information about international experiences in this area.
4. Requested profile of the team members
4.1 Requested major field of studies
_____Marketing _____Accounting
_____Controlling __X__Statistics
__X__Logistics _____Corp. finance
__X__Supply Chain Management _____Others (specify)
4.2 Requested language skills
_____German ______Spanish ______English ______French ______other:
4.3 Other special requirements (specify)

Revised October 2014