6270 Parallel Road, Anderson, CA 96007-4833 ∙ Phone: (530) 365-7332 ∙ Fax: (530) 365-7271
Lower Clear Creek Restoration Team Meeting
Western Shasta Resource Conservation District
6270 Parallel Road, Anderson
Thursday, May 31, 2007
9:00 AM
Present: Brenda Blinn, Western Shasta Resource Conservation District (WSRCD), Tricia Bratcher, CA Dept. of Fish and Game (CDFG), Shiloe Braxton (WSRCD), Ryan Burnett, PRBO Conservation Science (PRBO), Gary Diridoni, USDA Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Mike Berry (CDFG), Anastasia Lytle (BLM).
Guests: Steve Brumbaugh, CA Dept. of Water Resources (DWR), Dawn McGuire (CDFG), Larry Danos, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Richard Harris, UC-Berkeley, James Hayward, Redding Rancheria (RR), Tori Maxwell (RR), Aaron Setran (EPA), Rebecca Tuden (EPA), Chris Wilkinson (DWR).
Changes to the Agenda
The afternoon portion of the meeting at the WSRCD office was postponed until the next Team meeting in July.
Lower Clear Creek Field Trip
The field trip to the section of Lower Clear Creek that parallels the Redding Rancheria was a combination of several planned visits to Clear Creek. LCC Restoration Team (Team) members were interested in the section of CC that parallels the Rancheria. Staff from the EPA in San Francisco (Waste Management) was present to examine several sites on CC on Rancheria property including a dump site. Chris Wilkinson and Steve Brumbaugh (DWR in Sacramento) are working on a mitigation program as part of the FERC re-licensing agreement at the Oroville Dam. They are mostly interested in spring-run habitat. Shiloe and Brenda showed them sites in the upper reaches of Clear Creek in the afternoon.
During the visit to the Rancheria, it was suggested that rearing habitat for juvenile salmonids be created by adding log structures and boulder clusters in the creek behind the Rancheria. The riparian zone should also be revegetated with native plant species. Gravel injection would also be beneficial, since there is a large amount of fine sediment in the creek as well as claypan. There appears to be significant leakage from the A.C.I.D canal through the floodplain and into the
creek. This has created a small wetland. Efforts to control run-off and bank erosion should continue.
Team members and guests visited two sites on Phase 3B and discussed construction activities and timeline, as well as the history of the Lower Clear Creek Rehabilitation Project.
Adjourned at 12:45 PM.
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