Syllabus English
Henderson 2017-2018
Grade 9 CP & Honors
Welcome to English 9!
This year students will be challenged to approach literature and writing from the World themes of Overcoming Obstacles, Triumph of the Human Spirit, and the challenges of Individual Vs. Society.
Major works we will read include Night, The Odyssey, along with several substantial non-fiction readings.
Students should plan on working on 4-6 major writing assignments, and 4-6 projects over the course of the year. This includes one BOOK REPORT each marking period, in addition to summer reading assignments.
This year’s textbook is Prentice Hall Literature, Teal Edition (Grade 9), 2016.
All freshmen classes will be working on higher level thinking skills, enhancing their writing abilities, and increasing their fluency in reading. These skills will be necessary in order to meet the demands of the
Common Core and PARCC.
Honors students should expect to be challenged with additional rigorous materials designed to enrich their year of English.
Grade Structure:
Students will be graded at the following percentages:
Classwork – 35%
Homework – 20%
Tests/Projects – 25%
Quizzes – 20%
Students must be responsible and complete homework, reports, and projects, in order to succeed in this class. There will be just as much to work on during your own time, as there will be in class.
MCVTS’ grading structure is as follows:
A+=98-100% A=92-97% A-=90-91% B+=86-89% B=82-85% B-=80-81% C+=76-79% C=72-75% C-=70-71% D=65-69% F=Under 65%
Required Materials:
- Students are required to have either a notebook or binder section dedicated to English. This must be brought to class daily.
- Students would benefit from having an English folder, to hold packet materials given out in class.
- Textbook (see below)
- Internet (see below)
Your student will be standardly assigned homework 3-4 days each week. ALL homework is recorded on the chalk board, and remains on the chalkboard for weeks. Students are REQUIRED to write their homework in their planner. If you ask your student to see their planner, and their English HW is missing, please ask him/her why the assignments weren’t written down. Most homework is due on Fridays, so students have PLENTY of time to do it.
Instructor Info:
- I am Ms. Henderson. I hold an MEd, and am currently studying post-graduate work. I also adjunct in a local New Jersey college. I have almost 20 years working in education, and this is my 13th year with the district. Other experiences I possess include working on Wall Street and in the United States Military.
- If you need to contact me, I can be reached best by email ( ), or by phoning the school 732=985-0717 X2200.
Textbook and Internet Information:
Students will be accessing their textbooks in school. Students will also spend a fair amount of time using internet-based software, such as Google Classroom, Google Drive, and Google Docs/Spreadsheet/Slides. If you are not clear on how to access those features, simply visit the school website, and go to my teacher page. You will find a presentation that clarifies the technology we will be using this year.
Classroom Conduct/Work Expectation Agreement
By signing this I am showing that I understand the rules of Ms.Henderson’s class.
- I acknowledge that I must be on time, and prepared; I must get items from my locker in the morning, or before lunch, since there is not enough time during class.
- I acknowledge that CELLPHONES and OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES are NOT permitted in class at any time – if there is an emergency, my guardian can PHONE THE SCHOOL.
- I acknowledge that hats are not permitted in class, as it is against the law to wear a hat in a government building.
- I acknowledge that my appearance must be appropriate for a school setting. It is not appropriate to expose your underwear to Ms. H – I am an old lady!
- I acknowledge that I am responsible for my homework, and that I may not turn in late assignments.
- I acknowledge that I must comply with all government/school rules relating to the safety of students; no smoking, no weapons, no alcohol/drugs of any type.
- I acknowledge, that despite the fact that this list is long, I will do my best, have a bit of fun, learn some cool and nifty things, and enjoy the fabulous experience of being in Ms. Henderson’s class! Woohoo!
Student Signature/Print Parent Signature/Emergency Contact Date