Prince George Ringette Association
Annual General Meeting – April 3, 2014
PGRA Minutes of the Annual General Meeting – April 3, 2013
Prince George, BC
In Attendance:
PGRA Minutes of the Annual General Meeting – April 3, 2013
Brenda Atkinson
Keith Sullivan
Madeleine Crandell
Jill Donnelly
Leslie Blagdon
Ryan Todd
Georgina Scully
Antoinette Lamarre
Janine Gervais
Jana Campbell
Kari-Lynn Karpes
PGRA Minutes of the Annual General Meeting – April 3, 2013
Julia Tuininga John VanGeloven
PGRA Minutes of the Annual General Meeting – April 3, 2013
Ashley Cake
Brian Crandell
Rhonda Meroniuk
Deanna McLeod
Tim Irving
Sharlene Irving
Mike O’Neill
Karen Nicklen
Shelly Bruder
Devin Atkinson
Caroline Ross
Donna Lamothe
Art Lamothe
PGRA Minutes of the Annual General Meeting – April 3, 2013
President Janine Gervais called the meeting to order at 7:04pm.
Janine welcomed everyone to the 2013/2014 AGM and introduced the Directors and Officers and Brian Crandell, BC Ringette Association Board member/Canada Winter Games Sport Leader for Ringette.
Sydney Irving and Justine Lamothe Team BC update. Thanks to PGRA for support and sponsorship of ice. Good luck!
Reviewed PowerPoint presentation with highlights from the Annual Report 2013/2014. Reviewed each Directors reports. Complete reports are in the Annual Report 2013/2014. Reviewed in detail the Income and Expense statement for the 2013/2014 Ringette Season.
Madeleine Crandell discussed the 2014/2015 Ice allocation to PGRA from the City of Prince George with respect to the 2015 Canada Winter Games. There will be NO ICE AVAILABLE from February 9th to March 3rd, 2015. We discussed ending the Ringette Season early due to only 1-2 weeks remaining in March and Ringette players may not return after the month long break. It was discussed and decided unanimously amongst all members that all those teams NOT competing at the Provincial level (U9-U12) will end their season at the last ice allocation in early February with a revised registration rate. The U14, U16, UI19 and Open teams will all need to be skating elsewhere during the month of February (tournaments outside of PG, Quesnel and Fraser Lake ice?) and will need to return to the ice in March to prepare for Provincial Championships.
Elections for new Board of Directors
MSC-Janine/Karen to add a new Director position – Director of Website and Marketing
All in favor of adding a new Board of Director position: Director of Website and Marketing
PGRA Minutes of the Annual General Meeting – April 3, 2013
President: Janine Gervais
– will let name stand for 1 year term
-by acclamation
Vice President: Brenda Atkinson
-nominated by Georgina Scully
seconded by Deanna McLeod
-will finish a1 year term
Treasurer: Jill Donnelly
– will let name stand for 1 year term
-by acclamation
Ashley Cake to help Jill
Secretary: Open Position
Brenda moves to Vice-President position
Registrar: Georgina Scully
-will complete the 2nd year of 2 year term
Ice: Madeleine Crandell
– will let her name stand for a new 2 year term.
-by acclamation
Tournament: Nomination of Kim Brown
Publicity Director: Kari-Lynn Karpes
-let her name stand for 2nd year term
Sponsorship Director: Ashley Cake
-nominated by Deanna McLeod
-seconded by Georgina Scully
– will begin 2 year term while training for the Treasurer position
Coaching: Jana Campbell
-will let name stand for a new 2 year term
Equipment Director: John VanGeloven
- nominated by Madeleine Crandell
- seconded by Georgina Scully
- new 1 year term
Website and Marketing: Caroline Ross
-Caroline Ross nominated by Madeleine Crandell
-Ryan Todd nominated by Deanna McLeod
VOTING to take place
Caroline Ross wins vote and accepts position
-will begin new 2 year term
PGRA Minutes of the Annual General Meeting – April 3, 2013
-nominated by Antoinette Lamarre
Seconded by Jill Donnelly
New 2 year term
Officials: Keith Sullivan
-will let name stand for a new 2 year term
U9 to U12 – Mike O’Neill and Sharlene Irving
U14 to Open – Deanna McLeod and Devin Atkinson
All in favour to destroy ballets for vote of Website and Marketing position.
Thank you to team sponsors, coaches and managers.
Guest Speaker: Brian Crandell (BC Ringette Association Board member/Canada Winter Games Sport Leader for Ringette)
-Volunteering for CWG – if you have volunteered previously please resubmit again as the volunteer program has been replaced.
-Minor officials needed for 1st week of competition – please let Brian know availability. 4 games a day stating at 9 with a 1 hour break between games
-Venue committee volunteers needed.
-PGRA held test event and is now not affiliated with CWG (other than some more minor official training)
-BCRA has 7 board members. The North needs an AA coordinator.
Head coaches and managers were given a coaches gift from association.
Meeting minutes from April 3, 2013 MSC Georgina Scully/Kari-LynnKarpes - all in favor - Approved
Deanna McLeod won the free 2014/15 PGRA Player Registration.
Meeting finished at 8:39pm
PGRA Minutes of the Annual General Meeting – April 3, 2013