Mary L. McGinnis, Principal Community School South

Wade Edmond, Principal Community School North

Adult Learning Principles

A WebQuest for Lifelong Learning teachers

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


This WebQuest is designed to assist the Broward Community School Lifelong Learning teacher in learning the important principles of adult learning. It also will introduce you to this valuable learning process and spark ideas about how it could be used within your class. Finally, it will ensure that appropriate file naming conventions and e-mail protocols are adhered to.

The Task

As a result of completing this WebQuest, the Lifelong Learning teacher will have a better understanding of the principles of adult learning. Your tasks are to:

·  summarize the principles of adult learning

·  express how the adult learning principles are applied in your class

·  identify web resources appropriate to your curriculum

·  appropriately name your WebQuest, attach it to an email, and send it to your administrator

The Process

1.  You should have already completed and passed the Procedures test. If not, please complete that portion of the training before beginning this WebQuest.

2.  Visit the web site How People Learn. At this site there are 14 links to other pages that explain the principles of adult learning. You will be required to visit two (2) sites and encouraged to visit additional sites.

3.  Click on the link Principles of Adult Learners. Answer the questions below:

a.  According to this author, there are ______adult learning principles.

b.  TRUE or FALSE: Adults relate new information to previously learned information and experiences.

c.  The three most important principles in my opinion are ___ because ____.

i.  ___, because ____.

ii.  ___, because ____.

iii.  ___, because ____.

4.  Click on the link Active Learning. Answer the questions below:

a.  The four components of the Active Learning Model are: ____, ____, ___, ____.

b.  Which of the four components would you say have been used most often in your class? _____

c.  Which of the four components will you integrate into your class and how will you do it? _____

5.  Visit two other sites at How People Learn or visit How Adults Learn. List three things you learned and how you will apply them in your class.

a.  Site: ______. I learned ______. I will apply this in my class by ______.

b.  Site: ______. I learned ______. I will apply this in my class by ______.

6.  Visit Google, Yahoo, Bing, or some other search engine. Find at least three (3) sites that are relevant to your curriculum content. List the site and give a brief description of how you could use it in your course:

a.  Site 1: __ I could use the information at this web site to ____.

b.  Site 2: __ I could use the information at this web site to ____.

c.  Site 3: __ I could use the information at this web site to ____.

7.  Completing this WebQuest best exemplified the following adult learning principles because: ___.

8.  Save this document with the following naming protocol: LastnameFirstInitial_WebQuest (i.e., CunninghamR_WebQuest).

9.  Send this document to your administrator.


Describe to the learners how their performance will be evaluated. Specify whether there will be a common grade for group work vs. individual grades.

2 / Accomplished
3 / Exemplary
Lifelong learning teachers are able to describe the principles of adult learning. / Lifelong learning teachers are able to briefly describe the adult learning principles. / Lifelong learning teachers can describe the adult learning principles and understands their impact within lifelong learning. / Lifelong learning teachers demonstrate in-depth knowledge and application of adult learning principles.
Lifelong learning teachers are able to describe how these principles can best be applied in their course. / Lifelong learning teachers can name important adult learning principles. / Lifelong learning teachers demonstrate the effect of active adult learning principles. / Lifelong learning teachers explain how important active learning principles are applied in their course.
Lifelong learning teachers are able to identify appropriate web resources for their course and describe how they could be applied. / Lifelong learning teachers are able to identify web resources related to their curriculum / Lifelong learning teachers are able to describe how web resources could be used in their course. / Lifelong learning teachers implement web learning activities in their course.
Lifelong learning teachers are able to save files appropriately and send as an attachment to their administrator. / Lifelong learning teachers complete this WebQuest on paper only. / Lifelong learning teachers reply via email with this WebQuest attached. / Lifelong learning teachers appropriately name, attach and send this WebQuest to their administrator.


At the conclusion of this WebQuest you have a better understanding of the adult learning principles and how they apply within your course. You should also have thought about how you can integrate web learning into your course and located appropriate resources.