CEO/HR Director
Program Visit Feedback
/ Resource/Suggestion / Person (s) Responsible / Program / Action Code: / Actions/Next Steps /1. / Request for 403B information / Jacqui / Lowell / 1 / Completed.
2. / Re-evaluate Jury Duty Policy / Jacqui / Lowell / 1 / Completed; update included in employee manual revision 1/1/2016.
3. / Request for Flu Shot Clinic / Jacqui / Lowell / 1 / Completed.
4. / Security at front door - Request for one way film for front door so staff can see out but passerby cannot see in – were promised mirror paper / David
Richard / Lowell / 1 / Completed.
5. / Feedback from Staff Safety Training – “felt alarmist” / Betsy
Maureen / Lowell / 1 / The training was immediately changed to draw on existing safety skills of staff, and to tone down the alarmist quality.
6. / Request to investigate Plenti Points and Fidelity Perks for discounts / Jacqui / Lowell / 4 / Working on identifying discounts with Personnel Committee; no additional update.
7. / Challenge with Claimtrak losing reports / Andrea
Liz / Lowell / 1 / I do not believe that there have been any lost reports in recent months.
8. / Roof with tarp for months – Flooding - Standing water / David
Richard / Lowell / 1 / Completed.
9. / Smelly carpet / David
Richard / Lowell / 1 / Completed.
10. / Computer/Servers down for months / David
IT / Lowell / 1 / Completed.
11. / Safety Issues
a. Outside vendors coming in to the building without notice or oversight.
b. Outside vendors leaving side door propped open.
c. Receptionist window doesn’t lock properly.
d. Issues regarding protocol for folks when they are in the building early in the morning or late in the evening, particularly if the evening receptionist is not in the building.
e. Snow – concerns for folks having to drive to the office in bad weather so they don’t have to use a vacation day. / Betsy
Maureen / Milford / 1 / a & b. Vendor protocol has been developed and approved. Needs to be distributed to all Program Directors.
c. Completed. Replaced entire window and frame
d. Maureen will meet with Milford staff on 12/9/2015.
e. Senior Team needs to review this again.
12. / Building issues
a. Building has a ramp outside but is not really handicap-accessible inside. Folks need to be seen on the first floor, which usually works fine, but not if a large group room is needed.
b. The paper towels in the bathrooms are hung too high for someone in a wheelchair to access. / David
Richard / Milford / 1* / Work scheduled for April. All restrooms in Milford have been remodeled to ADA specifications as of February 29, 2016
13. / Remote log-in for Claimtrak is very slow. Difficult to use at home because it takes so long. / David
IT / Milford / 1* / New Fiber connections being installed to all sites in April.
14. / Blue Cross Blue Shield – challenges with website and selecting PCPs (site indicated accepting new patients, providers were not) / Jacqui / Milford / 4 / Need to research; no additional information.
15. / New referrals needed for prescriptions / Jacqui / Milford / 1 / New health plan requires new referrals.
16. / No request for HR to spend time at Milford or Area Lead facilities / Jacqui / Milford / 1 / Completed – HR hours held October 8th.
17. / Request for In/Out board for identifying who is in the building / Andrea
Lauren / Milford / 1 / Completed and implemented in Milford.
18. / From Diversity/Personnel Committees – change restroom signs / David
Richard / Milford / 1 / Completed 9/23/15.
19. / Fee for service clinicians would like a chance to accrue some paid time off – particularly for when they are sick or when snow days occur (since they can’t get paid for working at home). Possibly based on years with the agency or number of hours worked per month, or some combination / Andrea / Milford / 1 / FFS and provisional staff now accrue PTO each year which may be used for sick, vacation, holidays, etc.
20. / Staff were happy to hear about the upcoming increase in paid parental leave. / Jacqui / Milford / No
Response Required
21. / Kim Ward challenges with Blue Cross Blue Shield (Sandi has been working with BCBS rep.; I will still escalate to Dro) / Jacqui / Lincoln Street / 4
22. / Issues with receiving documentation from Fallon for reimbursement – staff members say they are anticipating receiving the requested information by the end of the week – requested that they let HR know if the documentation is not received / Jacqui / Lincoln Street / 4 / Documentation received.
23. / Challenge with maxing out on out-of-pocket costs with Fallon and incurring additional out of pocket with BCBS / Eric
Jacqui / Lincoln Street / 3 / Followed up with staff members; some documentation received.
24. / Challenge with more out of pocket cost on dental plan – need to get additional information (Manjola?) / Jacqui / Lincoln Street / 4 / Additional information needed from staff; no additional information received.
25. / Positive feedback on the expansion of access to providers with BCBS in the Boston area / Jacqui / Lincoln Street / No response required / Thank you!
26. / Positive feedback on HR/Benefits spending time on-site – will work with Allison Parks to schedule date(s) / Jacqui / Lincoln Street / 1 / Completed – HR office hours held October 5th.
27. / Can badges be replaced at cost to the agency, or once every five years? / Betsy
Maureen / Fram FN / 1 / Badges have been replaced.
28. / Will Ceridian have the same password for the Intranet as for the payroll system? / Jacqui / Fram FN / 1 / We are working with WINXNET on accomplishing this.
29. / Extended Sick – there was a lot of discussion about whether extended sick time could be increased one way or another. There is a cap of 480 hours which seems like a lot, but in order to earn that much it is difficult to use for a pregnancy, and certainly for a second pregnancy. There was a suggestion that unused vacation could be rolled over to extended sick. / Eric
Jacqui / Fram FN / 1 / Extended Sick increased to 960 hours; included in employee manual revision 1/1/2016.
30. / Worker Safety – There was a request that personal alarms be investigated. Another request was for self defense classes and/or “Get Away” techniques. / Betsy
Maureen / Fram FN / 4 / Betsy will research with Michelle Grasso by 5/15/16
31. / Lead Agencies reported that Wayside passwords expire without notice and so they are locked out ofWayside’s email. / David
IT / Fram FN / 1 / Completed.
32. / There are non-Wayside vehicles at 3 Lockland. The driveway was not well paved and one staff person reports 3 flat tires even since it has been paved. / David
Richard / Fram Cont / 1 / New signs in place to indicate parking for Continuum program only. Cars are Campus visitors I personally inspected parking lot and found 3 nails, two of which were under deck. Paving and striping are completed.
33. / There needs to be better signage directing people to the main Campus. This is a customer service issue as well as a point of aggravation for Continuum staff. Campus visitors who are directed via GPS to 3 Lockland are often irritated that they have to knock on the door at 3 Lockland in order to get an answer and then find out that they are at the wrong building. / David
Richard / Fram Cont / 1* / Most signs have been replaced. Others are in production. Will discuss with IT what is needed to correct GPS snafu and provide notice on resolution for all staff in December.
34. / Also at 3 Lockland there is a concern that cigarette smoke from the smoking area actually travels into open windows at 3 Lockland. / David
Sara / Fram Cont / 4 / Suggest bringing to Personnel Committee and maintenance will seek alternative location or smoking structure to deter and communicate same in December.
35. / Concern regarding one staff member in building at times / Betsy
Maureen / Multi / 4 / Betsy will research issue with Andrea by 5/15/16.
36. / Request for clarification of snow policy / Jacqui / Multi / 4 / No update.
37. / Request to investigate yoga/Pilates at Multi / Andrea
Laura / Multi / 3
38. / Issues with Silverlight / David/IT
Jacqui / Multi / 4 / Part of larger Ceridian setup project. IT notified and working to resolve this week and notice to all regarding proper practice will go to all Wayside by 12/11/15.
39. / Jacqui will work with Laura to scheduled office hours / Jacqui / Multi / 1 / In process.
40. / Several staff unable to access Ceridian; Jacqui sat with Jenny to get her in / Jacqui / Multi / 2 / Staff are assisted as issues are identified. Update requested from Ceridian for staff to reset their own password.
41. / Staff wanting to be able to enter time in timesheet – related to the Ceridian issue. / Jacqui / Multi / 1 / Working on this issue with Ceridian.
42. / Better quality laptops for staff to use. / David
IT / Multi / 1* / Widespread distribution plan in effect. Address all issues as they arise.
43. / Jacqui to verify whether staff can enter their own pay adjustments (sick, vacation, etc.) / Jacqui / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 1 / Working on issue with Ceridian; Completed; staff and/or supervisor can request Time Away from Work within the system.
44. / Jacqui to verify whether PDs can enter their own pay adjustments / Jacqui / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 1 / Working on issue with Ceridian; Completed PDs can request Time Away from Work within the system.
45. / Request to see if satisfaction survey can have length of service component / Betsy / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 4 / Betsy will explore at next Netsmart user’s group, TBD
46. / Request to see if there is a difference in satisfaction between pay levels / Betsy / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 3 / Not possible due to system design.
47. / Request for more qualitative data from satisfaction survey / Betsy / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 4 / Betsy will explore at next Netsmart user’s group, TBD
48. / Suggestion made to incorporate/link our agency questions with the benchmarking survey / Betsy / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 2 / Netsmart will add diversity questions to their survey.
49. / Question regarding adequate support around staffing / Betsy / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 1 / Addressed at Prescott in winter 2016.
50. / Concern12 P not wheelchair accessible / David
Richard / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 4 / Plan developed scheduled maintenance over spring months.
51. / Safety concern when only one person in building; no “receptionist” type buffer for anyone entering building / Betsy / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 4 / Betsy will explore with Andrea by 12/15/15
52. / Request for additional camera at Shortstop / David
Richard / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 1 / Completed.
53. / Claimtrak issues; suggestion for staff to join users group / Andrea
Liz / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 1 / Group getting revitalized and started up again by June 2016 with new and expanded membership.
54. / Request to review travel reimbursement / Eric / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / 3 / We pay the same mileage rate that the State pays.
55. / There was some good feedback re: the change to BCBS, and better access to more physicians in the Boston area / Jacqui / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / No response required / Thank you!
56. / The ease of reimbursement from BCBS, instead of having to submit documentation/receipts to HRC for health care reimbursement / Jacqui / 12P,SS, Arl FN, Mal FN / No response required / Thank you!
57. / Request for a rule requiring a team to go out to an initial home visit / Andrea / Waltham / 3 / This will not be made a rule but rather all staff will be reminded of the option to go out as a team for all initial visits.
58. / Question regarding short plan year for FSA Jan-June 2016 / Jacqui / Waltham / 2 / FSA Open Enrollment held for 1/1/16-6/30/16; questions answered.
59. / Two endorsements for use of EAP / Jacqui / Waltham / No response required / Thank you!
60. / Safety concern in Malden when staff are alone in the office / Andrea
Maureen / Waltham / 4
61. / Request for additional technology so staff may be more productive while in the community / Andrea
David / Waltham / 1* / Pilot project underway with staff from 3 community sites with laptops and smartphone hotspot. Feedback to be provided by end of May 2016 with next steps to be discussed at that time.
62. / Question/Concern regarding use of personal data if using Smartphone as hotspot / Andrea
David / Waltham / 4 / See below. No staff is expected to use personal cell as hotspot currently. We are piloting a plan to do so for which we are reimbursing staff for data use on their personal plans.
63. / Concern that until interface with Claimtrak is fixed, staff will be unable to use phone to complete notes / Andrea
David / Waltham / 3 / Claimtrak as currently set up is not readily useable with tablet. No expectation that this will change in the immediate future.
64. / Continuing issues with Claimtrak: spell check, window size, and font size on progress note / Andrea
David / Waltham / 2 / Liz and Susan send out regular tips and resend at routine intervals as well.
65. / Request that educational assistance be allowed to cover workshops / Eric
Jacqui / Waltham / 1 / Completed; Educational Assistance expanded to include Student Loan Repayment, Seminars/Workshops, and License renewal fees; included in employee manual revision 1/1/2016.
66. / An HR rep in the office a couple times a year as a means to increase access by staff outside of the campus to HR folks / Jacqui / Waltham / 1 / Needs to be rescheduled.
67. / Concern regarding lights in the parking lot coming on at an appropriate time for overnight staff / Sara
Richard / Campus / 1 / To my knowledge this has been resolved. Parking lot lights are on early and remain on throughout the night.