The Greater Chicago Club Managers Association
Mid Management
Educational Grant
Dear GCCMA Members:
In 2010 the Committee Members of the GCCMA Strategic Long Range Planning Committee met, discussed and defined the initiatives they would adopt for the coming years. One of those initiatives was known as the BMI Initiative. The sole purpose of this initiative was to award grants to mid level managers who were in the pursuit of the Certified Club Manager (CCM) designation but lacked the funds to complete the journey.
In March of 2011, the GCCMA EXPO was held at Drury Lane and with the overwhelming support of the membership and our vendor partners we achieved our financial goals to launch this program. This initiative will now be known as the Mid Management Educational Grant(MMEG).
The GCCMA will award MMEG grants annually at the GCCMA Annual Meeting, based on the availability of funds and merit of applicants. In this inaugural year we will be awarding two grants of $3,500.00 each to cover the fees and expensesto attend a BMI class for the ultimate purpose of achieving your CCM designation.
Awards will be granted based on the recommendations of this committee and the GCCMA Board.
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Who Should Apply?
Any GCCMA member who is dedicated to the pursuit of the CCM designation, is of a mid level management position and can show a defined need for assistance in the completion of this goal.
Applicant must be a member of the GCCMA in good standing, a mid level management position and have at least one BMI level class remaining or the review course before obtaining CCM designation.
Application Requirements
To be considered for the GCCMA Mid Management Educational Grant you must have the following complete:
1)A completed scholarship application must be received before October 15, 2011. Applications can be downloaded from the GCCMA website
2)Include a letter from your General Manager supporting your application.
3)Include a letter of recommendation from a club officer supporting your application.
4)Enclose a copy of your most recent resume’
5)Include a description of all activities and committees you have served on in CMAA, GCCMA, affiliated associations and non related charities. Explain what each
organization and activity mean to you and your life experience.
6)Write an essay (between 750 and 1000 words) addressing the following topic;
*Club Membership Recruitment and Retention.
- Offer constructive and quantitative statistics on the trends in the industry
- Research the newest strategies and how each can be applied to various types of clubs
- Demonstrate personal knowledge and results of current practices
- Present your own conclusions
*For full consideration, applications,letters of support and essays must be typed.
All completed applications are to be submitted to the committee chairman on or before October 15, 2011
Awards will be given out at the GCCMA Annual Meeting and Dinner.
Thomas P. Bartek CCM, CCE
Bryn Mawr Country Club
6600 North Crawford Avenue
Lincolnwood, IL60712
We wish you the best of luck and look forward to receiving your application.
Thomas P. Bartek CCM, CCE
MMEG Committee Chair
Greater ChicagoClub Managers Association
Mid ManagementEducational Grant
Application 2011
Name:______Member ID#______
City:______State:______Zip Code: ______
Current Employer:______
City:______State:______Zip Code: ______
Title:______Number of years at the club: ______
Previous Employer:______
City:______State:______Zip Code: ______
Title:______Number of years at the club: ______
*If total of last two positions is less then five (5) years please provide additional employment information and attach.
Name of Institution/Location:______
Years Completed:______Degree Earned: ______
Name of Institution/Location:______
Years Completed:______Degree Earned: ______
GCCMA Education:
BMI’s you have you completed are: BMI I BMI II BMI III CCM Review
BMI you wish to take next: BMI I BMI II BMI III CCM Review CCM Exam
Describe your clubs educational budget and how you personally benefit from what is allocated.
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Applicants Signature:______Date:______
General Manager Signature:______Date:______
Greater ChicagoClub Managers Association
Mid ManagementEducational Grant
Application 2011
General Manager Recommendation Form
Dear General Manager,
The manager named below is applying for the Greater Chicago Club Managers Association(GCCMA) Mid Management Educational Grant (MMED). He/She is seeking your endorsement as required by the GCCMA and the MMED Committee program criteria. Please type your recommendation on club letterhead, attach it to this recommendation form and return it to the applicant. The content of the endorsement is of your discretion, but it would be appreciated if you would address the following points:
- How long and under what circumstances have you known the applicant?
- Why are you endorsing the candidate?
- What do you feel the potential for advancement in the club field is for this candidate?
This endorsement is a very important part of the applicant’s submittal. We will be taking your comments and consideration of this applicant with a great deal of importance. On behalf of the MMEG Committee, we thank you for taking the time to complete this form and your endorsement letter.
General Managers Name:______
Club Name:______
General Managers Signature:______Date:______
Greater ChicagoClub Managers Association
Mid ManagementEducational Grant
Application 2011
Club Officers Recommendation Form
Dear Officer,
The manager named below is applying for the Greater Chicago Club Managers Association (GCCMA) Mid Management Educational Grant (MMED). He/She is seeking your endorsement as required by the GCCMA and the MMED Committee program criteria. Please type your recommendation, attach it to this recommendation form and return it to the applicant. The content of the endorsement is of your discretion, but it would be appreciated if you would address the following points:
- How long and under what circumstances have you known the applicant?
- Why are you endorsing the candidate?
- What has this applicant done to enhance the experience at your club.
- What do you feel the potential for advancement in the club field is for this candidate?
This endorsement is a very important part of the applicant’s submittal. We will be taking your comments and consideration of this applicant with a great deal of importance. On behalf of the MMEG Committee, we thank you for taking the time to complete this form and your endorsement letter.
Club Officers Name:______Title:______
Club Name:______
Club Officers Signature:______Date:______