Tuesday 19 February 2013 10.00am-12.30pm
Drysdale Room - Level 3, Campus Hub (Building C10A)
Present:Rachel Anderson, Hiranya Anderson, Suzane Azzi,Alison Barnes, Belinda Bean,Hilary Bekmann, James Borbone, Christine Borbely, Iain Brew, Cindy Cunningham, Leanne Denby, Linda Evans, Daniel Garratt, James Hazelton, Clare James, Peter Keegan, Carlene Kirvan, Alana Mailey,Neville McElroy, Andy McNeill, Preetika Murphy, Samantha Newton, Sally Northover,James O’Hanlon, Rebecca Ohanessian Nick Opperman, Ivana Popovac, Amy Pilkington, Ivana Popovac, Nataliya Pysarkenko,Janet Robertson, Jasmin Ruch, Sarah Jo Steinhoff, Molly Stoneberg, Claire Wade, Susan Wallace, Amber Warner.
- Welcome
Cindy welcomed new SRN members to the network and introduced Hilary Bekmann’s presentation on the One Planet Strategy for the campus.
- ‘One Planet Strategy’ for the Macquarie University Campus - Hilary Bekmann, Manager Sustainability, Macquarie University Property
Hilary explained that Green Star is a rating system of the Green Building Council that evaluates the environmental design and construction of buildings and communities. The green star approach is not applicable for new buildings of our type on campus and it does not address small building projects or precincts. There is no method to scale small projects or recognise the campus as a group of independent buildings.
As the University grows and develops to accommodatemore students as well as research and development partnerships, it is important that we are able to ensure that we do so whilereducing our impact on the planet.Our aim is to “achieve the same or more, using less”. Hilary explained the eco-footprinting concept and that Macquarie University has teamed up with the Footprint Company to create a “campus calculator”that allows us to measure our impact upon the environment.The question that ecological footprinting asks is: “how many planets would it take to support us, if everyone lived like this?”
Using the methodology and the calculator provided by The Footprint Company, we are able to rate our campus, our campusbuildings, our activities and also run “what if” scenarios, to improve our buildings and our activities.
Using the tool, the campus requires 1.4 planets. This has been compared to campuses in the USA and Macquarie is performing better overall than those in the states.
Inputs at a campus level include water, energy usage, embodied materials, bio-capacity and commuting transport,building and population. Waste is not yet included.
Inputs at a building level include all above, as well as IT equipment and support, campus infrastructure, services, waste, cleaning, food & drink, paper use, printing and flights.
Two buildings are currently being reviewed with the ecological footprint methodology and the ecological footprint calculator – The Australian Hearing Hub and the new Library. The new library = .56 planets and the old library = 1.96 planets
Underground car parking increases a building’s impact by 2 times. Above ground parking does not need as much load bearing infrastructure, ventilation, lighting etc.
The development and use of the tool has been integrated into two new university subjects in first and second year in the Department of Environment and Geography whichlinks what is done within our operations with Learning, Teaching and Research.
A copy of Hilary’s presentation can be found at:
- Sustainability Focus for 2013 – Cindy Cunningham, Sustainability Engagement Officer
The Sustainability Engagement Officer provided an overview of some of the projects and initiatives that the team will be working on this year. The sustainability projects fit into four key priority areas that reflect our core business as an educational institution. These areas include:
- Leadership & Governance
- Partnerships and Engagement
- Facilities and Operations
- Learning, Teaching and Research
The presentation can be viewed as a separate attachment under the Minutes on the Sustainability website.
Cindy announced that Macquarie Sustainability is running a design competition for a Macquarie Sustainability Brand which is open to both students and staff. The University has given the go ahead to develop a Sustainability brand, which we can use in a variety of different ways.There are great prizes to be won with the details for the design brief on the sustainability website.
- ‘M-power – One Planet Campus Engagement Program’ - Belinda Bean, Sustainability Officer and Cindy Cunningham, Sustainability Engagement Officer
Cindy announced thenew “M-power – One Planet Campus Engagement Program” which is a new way for SRN members and other staff sustainability enthusiasts to engage with colleagues and friends in a fun and practical way.
The M-power program seeks to facilitate staff awareness and engagement via an interactive portal delivered bi-monthly, which focuses around a particular theme.
Each theme provides:
- an overview about the theme itself
- simple and direct actions to undertake individually or as a group
- downloadable content such as posters, videos, briefing ‘cheat’ sheets on the theme for meetings, email communications template
- opportunity to get involved and win some great prizes.
Belinda presented on the March-April bi-monthly theme which focuses on “Healthy You, Healthy Planet” which will be launched early March. Belinda explained the theme and ran through the resources on the website, including the team ‘cheat sheet’ and poster. Belinda also explained the competition and how staff can go into the draw to win $200 towards a Crunch catered lunch and gain 2 points towards the 2013 Department Sustainability Challenge.
The presentation can be viewed as a separate attachment under the Minutes on the Sustainability website).
- Sustainability Action Planning - Group Exercise
SRN members were required to identify three initiatives/projects they would like to undertake throughout 2013 and then select one of these as a priority project to commence. This involved working through the steps needed to plan and implement it.
- Vice-Chancellor address
The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Bruce Downton addressed the network and saidthe campus has many things to offer, but the most important thing is the people. The Vice-Chancellor is excited to see so many people who care about the impact of the campus, as well as the wider community. The Vice-Chancellor said he is going to announce over the next couple of days the commencement of a strategic planning process for the University which involves developing sustainable long term direction, vision and values.
The Vice Chancellor expressed that he appreciates the efforts put in by SRN reps in their own ‘back yards’ but also giving the time to come together as a group and share experiences as well as challenges.
Hilary Bekmann asked about the Masterplan.The VC stated that the current Masterplan has been put on hold so it can be improved. The VC wants to investigate how to create a sense of space, interface between campus and local community. He will be bringing together a creative group mainly consisting of external experts.Sam Newton asked how feedback will be received from within the university community.A set of communications will be sent out later this week. Plan is for university in its entirety rather than a sub-plan (Science/Sustainability etc). The University doesn’t have a philosophy of what we should become,then the sub areas will be able to follow. The process is all about what we can and should become. The VC will pick people from a range of areas (staff and students) to join a committee who will work on this overall plan.
- Wrap Up – Cindy Cunningham, Sustainability Engagement Officer
Members were informed of an arboretum walk focusing on the Indian Spice Garden. The walk will take place on Thursday 14th March from 1-2pm. Meeting point is between W6B and W5C on Wally’s Walk.
- Next SRN MeetingTuesday 7th May, 2013.
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