(Initials, Position)
The questionnaire of a supplier of JSC “Atomstroyexport”
№ of line / № / Issue / Response of the plant/organizationgEneral information
Full name of organization
Legal status of juridical person
Number of state registration of juridical person
Date and address of state registration of juridical person
Address of administration headquarters
- / Mail index
- / State
- / City (town)
- / Region
- / Street
- / Building number
Juridical Address
- / Mail Address
- / State
- / City (town)
- / Region
- / Street
- / Building number
Mail Address
- / Mail Index
- / State
- / City (town)
- / Region
- / Street
- / Building number
Position, name, surname of the manager
Phone (Information or Clerical Office)
Fax No (of the manager)
Fax No (of the Clerical office)
Name, surname of the chief accountant
Phone number of the chief accountant
WWW-mail address
Bank requisites
Full name of the main share-holder (to be filled in if the organization is a joint stock company)
Organization’s web-site
- / Quantity
- / Locality (to be listed by commas)
Established organizations and plants
- / Quantity
- / Locality (to be listed by commas)
Financial indicators (US dollars.) of the prospective supplier performance within previous 2 years and financial forecast for the current year
(To be listed in corresponding lines in the following order: 1) authorized capital, 2) benefits, 3) damages, 4) material expenditures, 5) overhead charges, 6) basic assets, 7) current assets, 8) notes payable, 9) accounts due to customers, 10) liabilities to the budget)
The copy of the annual report for the previous year is to be attached hereto –formats 1 and 2, the copy shall include the statement of the fiscal inspection that the prospective supplier is free of liabilities to any budget
- / The year before last
- / The last year
A method of calculating expenditures and product cost price
22 / Affiliated persons (a full list of the affiliated persons indicating their full and short names, indicating their legal address and taxpayer identification number is to be enclosed with the present questionnaire)
Information about organization activities
Main types of products (services)
(The specified lists of products to be attached hereto.
Types of activities
If available the specified activity shall be marked by «Х»
- / Scientific and research works
- / Design works
- / Experimental design works
- / Processes
- / Manufacturing
- / Testing
- / Civil works
- / Installation works
- / Commissioning, including start-up and adjustment works
- / Personnel training
- / Consulting and scientific and engineering services
- / Information services
- / Transportation, handling and storage
- / Other services
Software applied in production management. The list of computer programmes is to be enclosed with the questionnaire.
Are subcontractors involved into technological process? To attach list of subcontractors in the form of interface layout indicating technological operations performed
Fixed assets available at the enterprise. Frequency of their replacement by the new ones. The description to be enclosed.
Are your products serial?
Types of serial products to be described and enclosed. Serial products to be specified as:
а) annual;
б) single.
Structural materials
- What materials and components are applied for your manufactured products
- Main suppliers
- Grades of main structural steels. The copies of chemistry certificates are to be enclosed with the questionnaire.
- If Russian materials were applied. If the steels applied were compared with those manufactured in Russia.
Patent clearance of manufactured products. The data about available national and foreign patents are to be enclosed.
а) Products designed in-house without foreign scientific and engineering technologies being applied. Products supported by domestic and foreign patents.
б) Products manufactured under the license, upon unoriginal documents and technologies, or in-house designs .
Warranty and after-sales service
How your enterprise fulfills warranty and after-sales service. The measures as to ensure fulfillment of warranty and after-sales services are to be described and enclosed.
Products supplied under the procurement contracts with JSC Atomstroyexport (scope of the works accomplished, the services rendered)
Reference list (to be attached)
35 / Organization’s participation in trials. Should there be any, tick off X (the organization’s participation as a plaintiff or respondent in trials in the arbitrage due to contracts (agreements), the year, plaintiff, respondent, subject of suit, the date and the judicial body’s decision is to be referenced and enclosed with the present questionnaire)
Production and engineering capabilities of organization
Surface of production facilities (м2):
- / Overall production facilities (rented to be specified in brackets)
- / Design area
- / Storage area
Number of personnel (persons)
- / Total number of personnel (recruited, contractual and part-time to be specified in brackets)
- / Management personnel
- / Scientific and engineering personnel
- / Design personnel
- / Workers including:
- line personnel;
- staff personnel;
- maintenance personnel
Wages fund
Average personnel grading
Labor performance factor
Work measurement factor
Technically based standard factor
Number of production and testing equipment (in pieces)
- / Production complexes and mills
- / Machines
- / Testing benches, complexes and tools
- / Measuring and inspection equipment
Norms and standards
The list of regulatory national and international documents is to be enclosed according to the requirements for product manufacturing. The list of in-factory standards is to be enclosed.
Archives and parameters of facilities for storage of drawings
Spare (vacant) capacities and resources (qualified personnel, equipment, production and storage areas) to ensure fulfillment of work (When available, mark «Х», the percentage of active production capacities to be specified in brackets)
Laboratories and test benches
When available, mark «Х»
(The description to be attached hereto)
The system of maintenance and servicing of production equipment
When available, mark «Х»
(The description of maintenance resources to be attached hereto)
Branch railroads, neighboring railway stations, port terminals
(The description thereof to be done in the reference note and attached hereto)
The common way of work planning in the organization, plant – types of developed plans, availability and development of integrated operational schedule, list of used software
(The description to be attached hereto)
Quality management
When the certificate of quality system (quality management system) is available, mark «Х» and the following data shall be listed: the standard to which requirements the certification was to conform; the area of certification; the that which issued the certificate, the number of certificate, the date of issuance and expiry. Copies of certificates to be attached hereto
If a certificate is not available, it is necessary to specify the time period of establishment, implementation and certification of quality system.
Does the quality policy approved by the top management exist?
When available, mark «Х» and the description thereof is to be attached hereto
Availability of quality system (quality management system) compliant to ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS18001 standards.
Which standard is the basis for the system?
When the quality system was put into effect? The copies of quality management system valid certificates and list of quality management system procedures to be attached hereto
Does the organization have experience in fulfilling requirements stated in IAEA Safety Code №50-C-QA, IAEA №50-C/SG-Q or IAEA № GS-R-3?
If yes, mark «Х»
(The description to be attached hereto)
Experience in categorization of quality requirements according to the grading approach (IAEA 50-C/SG-Q).
The organizational chart of the organization with positions and names of managers of structural units and their phone numbers, all types of connections (functional responsibility, working interface) between structural units shall be described with the most detail when appropriate
(The description to be done in the reference note and with organizational chart attached hereto)
Does the organization have experience of interface with independent technical inspections which carried out inspection of products or surveillance works)
If yes, mark«Х»
(The description to be attached)
Availability of specialized technical acceptance of items
Does or did the organization apply to consulting companies in the area of quality management?
If positive, mark «Х»
(The description of the interface to be attached)
Environmental management system in line with ISO 14001:2004 standard. If available, tick off «Х» (description to be given in the reference and enclosed with this questionnaire)
Local statutory environmental protection acts . If available, tick off «Х» (description to be given in the reference and enclosed with this questionnaire)
Amount of injunctions having been issued by the regulatory authorities during the last year should environmental protection requirements be infringed
Occupational health and safety management system
If available, tick off «Х» (description to be given in the reference and enclosed with this questionnaire specifying the relevant standard)
Local statutory occupational health and safety protection acts.
If available, tick off «Х» (description to be given in the reference and enclosed with this questionnaire)
Accidents that have occurred in production during the last year
In addition to the filled-in questionnaire other data of the supplier’s experience can be submitted upon his discretion as a plain text.
The list of the documents enclosed with the present questionnaire is defined according to the questionnaire instructions. The enclosed document shall refer in the right upper corner to the questionnaire’s item and line