LEEM/PEEM-11 Abstract Template: Title Using Times New Roman Font, 14 pt, Bold, Centered

First Author1, Another Author2, …, Underline Presenting AuthorN

1institution name, address, using italic Times New Roman font, 11 pt, centered

2another institution name different from the first, another address

N=the number of unique institutionsyet another institution name, another address

Email: ered

Please conform to the abstract format presented in this template, particularly the A4 paper type and margins [1]. This will ensure that reformatting will not be necessary later to fit in the abstract booklet. Use MS Word and limit yourself to one page. There should be a 12 pt blank line separating the title and author list, a 4 pt blank line between author list and affiliations, an 8 pt blank line between author list and email of the corresponding author and a 12 pt blank line between the email address and start of the main body of text. The author list should be centered, using 12 pt Times New Roman font. The main text, acknowledgements and references, if any, should be in Times New Roman font, 11 pt, with full justification. Adherence to these specifications would be appreciated mainly for aesthetic reasons. Please provide information in the abstract that will help the Program Committee to make the best judgment about the placement of your contribution in the program. Twenty years have passed since the First Workshop on Low Energy Electron Microscopy (LEEM) was held in Tempe, Arizona. The scope of this biennial workshop was expanded at the following meeting in Paris to include photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM). Subsequent workshops were held in Albuquerque, Twente, Himeji, Trieste, New York, Hong Kong, Berlin and Monterey. The Eleventh International Workshop on LEEM and PEEM (Fig. 1), in fact, marks twenty years of LEEM. Let’s gather in Chong Qing on this occasion to reflect on the past, to discuss the present and to look to the future. You can draw your own conclusions. A Welcome Reception will be held from 6:00 pm on Tuesday, 30th Oct. 2018. Six Distinguished Guest Lecturers with contributed talks and presentation will be organized.

Figure 1. Use 10.5 pt Times New Roman font with full justification. If you include a color figure, then please ensure that important features will be identifiable in the abstract booklet, which will NOT be printed in color. Abstracts will also be made available on-line in their full color glory. [1].


This is where you can acknowledge funding and/or other important contributions to this work if you feel compelled or are required to do so, with or without the “Acknowledgement” heading.


[1] Margins are set to 27.9 mm (1.1”) on the right and left and 25.4 mm (1”) on the top and bottom.