August 18th, 2016
Dear Parents:
Hooray! It is almost time for school to begin again! We know some of you may be feeling that you are not ready for the routines, and over scheduled madness that often occupies our lives during the school year, but we are ready for laughter, children’s voices and LEARNING to fill this old school house for the 105th year! It's hard to believe but it's that time of the year again - the beginning of a new school year. Welcome back! We give a warm welcome to the students and families who will be joining us for the first time. While you aren't part of the official teaching staff YOU are just as important to your children's education as we are. Your children receive the best education when you and our dedicated teachers and staff work as a team. It's a parent’s enthusiasm, support and involvement that inspires children to do their best, and a teacher's ability to teach what they need to learn. Together we can achieve wonderful things.
There's a lot of excitement ahead of us, including new teachers to meet, new books to read, new friends to meet and new skills to master...and we look forward to you sharing in these exciting times. As parents, we know how fast time goes by. One year your child is in 1st grade and seemingly in the blink of an eye they're in middle school, or in their senior year of high school for that matter!
As we begin the school year, you will continue to see familiar faces throughout the building as we welcome over 550 children to our school. We do have a few staff changes this year, and we know you will support our staff changes as we continue to meet the needs of all of our learners:
We wish Mrs. Gerianne Shaner, Special Ed. Teacher, good luck as she has taken a position at a school near her home in Williamsburg. Best wishes also go to Sra. Conchi Myretetus, long time FLES teacher, who has taken a full time position at St. Bridget’s. We welcome Annie Bird to our school family as a Special Ed. Teacher, and Molly Booker as the new FLES teacher. I have attached a list of our classroom teachers and what they are teaching this year for your information.
We are excited about the new school year and looking forward to greeting you and your children as they enter the building on the first day of school, Tuesday, September 6th , 2016. We know we will continue to work closely together as we work to fulfill our mission: “The mission of William Fox Elementary, the model of unity in a diverse and inclusive learning community, is to enable and empower our students to develop creative, inquisitive minds; strong, healthy bodies; and caring, compassionate hearts through challenging and engaging learning experiences guided by innovative, compassionate educators who are engaged learners themselves.”
In closing, we encourage you to fully embrace the moment and urge you to take the time from your busy schedule to become familiar with our school, as well as create a homework-friendly home environment that will allow your children to excel. Thank you for your commitment to your child's education and we look forward to seeing you in the very near future.
We are looking forward to another beautiful year at William Fox Elementary School! Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or concerns (780-6259).
Daniela S. Jacobs, Principal Emma P. Ellis, Assistant Principal
For your information:
Are you new to the Fox Community? Curious about the administration and how we run things here at Fox? This is your chance to informally chat with Mrs. Jacobs and Mrs. Ellis and hear about the latest things going on. Please join us for an informal Coffee on Tuesday, August 23rd from 4-5 pm.
Kindergarten and new student orientation will be held on Thursday, September 1st , at 4:00pm. This is an opportunity for the kindergarten and new students to meet their teacher, see where their classroom is located, and find out more information about the school. Kindergarten students (only) should be dropped off in their classroom while parents attend the 45 minute info session in the auditorium. The PTA will be providing hotdogs and information on some opportunities at Fox following the approximately one hour session.
Again this year, you will have the option of dropping off your students’ school supplies, seeing your classroom, and meeting the teacher before the first day of school. Teachers will be available to receive your child’s school supplies and pay any school fees on Thursday, September 1st , from 4-6 pm. However, if you can’t come at that time, just send in the school supplies with your child on the first day of school. Please keep in mind that this is a time to briefly meet the teacher, see the classroom, and drop off supplies, but not a time for an in-depth conference!
School hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. each day. Students may be dropped off at school beginning at 8:40 am for breakfast (except for those students who are currently signed up for the YMCA before/after care program). Students should report to the cafeteria where they will be dismissed to class at 8:55 a.m. If a student is not planning on eating breakfast, he/she can wait outside with a parent, or report to the cafeteria beginning at 8:40 to wait until the 8:55 bell. No students or parents should be waiting in the hallways or at classroom doors. Please be mindful that there is NO SUPERVISION for students prior to 8:40 a.m. Students should not be dropped off at school prior to 8:40 a.m! A 2016-2017 school calendar is enclosed so that you can mark important dates on your calendar.
The enclosed card should be brought to school on the first day. Your child’s teacher’s name, room number, and grade are on the card. Please add your child’s address, phone number, and dismissal arrangements so that we can ensure the safety of all of our students at dismissal time. Please print the information clearly and pin the card to your child’s clothing.
Parents bringing children to school may utilize the “Kiss ‘n Ride” lane from 8:40-9:05am. The Kiss ‘n Ride lane is located in front of the school when driving west along Hanover Ave. Drivers may pull up to the drop off area (the sidewalk in the front of the school), a staff member will open your car door, and your child should proceed to the front doors of the building. There is NO PARKING, STOPPING, OR WAITING, ALONG HANOVER AVE in the morning! Please be cautious when moving up to the drop off point and pulling back out into traffic along Hanover Ave! Students cannot be dropped off along Strawberry or Stafford Streets. If you prefer to walk your child into the building you should find a LEGAL parking spot to park your car. There is NO PARKING on the school side of Hanover, Strawberry, or Stafford Streets.
Bus schedules will be mailed to all homes, placed on the RPS homepage (, and put on the front doors of the school by Thursday, September 1st. Staff members will meet the students on their bus at school. Students are to remain on the buses until met by staff for the entire first week of school. Please discuss bus behavior with your child. He/she is to wait quietly at the bus stop, board the bus carefully, and remain seated until met at the school. Bus safety is very important.
Students will be dismissed from their classrooms. Parents/Caregivers should wait outside until the 3:40 bell. At the sounding of the bell, you may enter via the MAIN FRONT DOOR and report directly to the classroom to pick up your child (the side doors are used for bus and van riders, please ONLY enter through the front door.). At dismissal only, parents/caregivers may park along Hanover Ave!
Again this year: All students currently enrolled in any Richmond Public School are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at no charge each day of the 2016-2017 school year! No further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit an application. A la carte snack items, milk, 8 oz. waters and 8 oz. 100% juice beverages will continue to be offered for sale to students. Keep in mind our salad bar is available for 1st-5th grade students and adults (charged by weight).
A list of requested school supplies for your child’s classroom is enclosed.
FOX SOCCER Online Registration is open!*2016 Fall Season Registration Deadline is 9/09/16 *
William Fox PTA offers a soccer league for players of all abilities in Pre-K through 5th grades (ages 4 to 12 years old). There are fall and spring seasons, with approximately 250 children (70+ K students) participating in each one. Registration link and answers to FAQs can be found at or by contacting Laura Brady -301-9253 or the Fox Soccer Committee at .
Please plan on joining our PTA. Dues are only $5.00 per person. We also encourage you to volunteer some time by helping with any of the programs offered by our very active PTA. Our first PTA meeting and “Back to School Night” will be held on Tuesday, September 13th, 2016 at 6:30 pm. Please plan on coming to meet your child’s teacher(s) and learn about his/her classroom.
The proposed PTA Budget for 2016-2017 is on our PTA website ( and enclosed. The budget will be finalized at Back to School Night. Please take a look at the proposed budget and see all of the exciting enrichment and remediation programs, community building activities, and teacher support that our wonderful PTA is proposing for this school year.
Mark Your Calendars!
August 23, 4-5pm: Coffee with the Principals
September 1, 4-6 pm: Kindergarten and New Student Orientation AND School Supply Drop-off
September 6: First Day of School J
September 13, 6:30pm: Back to School Night
Classroom Teachers
Jessica Blumberg / / Kindergarten / 112
Joan McClellan / / Kindergarten / 110
Lisa Mitchell / / Kindergarten / 109
Jen Ramachandran / / K/1st Multiage / B-4
Keri Treadway / / 1st grade / 117
Arsonia Rhems / / 1st grade / B-1
Yolanda Bezeres / ybezares / 1st grade / B-2
Ashley Fitzgerald / afitzger2 / 2nd grade / B-6
Laura Kinnaman / / 2nd grade / 113
Debora Romero-Utley / / 2nd grade / 115
Melissa Smith / / 2nd grade / 202
Jamie Simon / jpatters2@ / 3rd grade / 116
Cynthia Dejnozka / / 3rd grade / 114
Annie Campbell / / 3rd grade / 204
Pat Kite / / 3rd grade / 205
Danielle Adkins / / 4th grade / 206
Denise Yancey / / 4th grade / 207
Sally Miller / / 4th grade / 213
David Dejnozka / / 4th grade / 217
Angela Smith / / 5th grade / 214
Diane Marshall / / 5th grade / 215
Tracee Candia / / 5th grade / 216
Liz Scher / / Exceptional Ed. / 104/B-6
Katie Baron / / Exceptional Ed. / 217/203
Macaria Scott / / Exceptional Ed. / 203
Tonisha Brooks / / Exceptional Ed. / 114/104
Annie Bird / Exceptional Ed. / B-3
Christie Rasberry / / Exceptional Ed. / 108A
Patricia Wood / / Instruc. Assistant
Brian Geib / / Instruc.Assistant
Laura May / / Instruc. Assistant
Julie Crowder / / Art / B-5
Rob Winslow / / Music / Music Room
Thomas Sykes / / P.E. / Auditorium
Faithe Norrell / / Media Specialist / Library
Patricia Woodberry
Lynn Pleveich / lpleveic@ / SPACE / Loft