MINUTESUmatilla County EOCCO Citizens Advisory CouncilFriday, November 13, 2015Pendleton
CALL TO ORDER: Rod called meeting to order at 8:37am
ATTENDANCE:Rod Harwood/CHI St.Anthony; Jenna Lorenzen/UCHD; Aimee Herbert/UCHS; Catie Brenaman/Connexions; Carol Johnson/Connexions, Angie Treadwell/ Oregon State Extension services; Amy Hendrix/ Head Start; Cathy Wamsley/IMESD; Alisha Southwick/ UCHD/SBHC; Danny Bane/ CHI St. Anthony/UCHD; Juli Gregory/ Good Shepherd; Kiera Siex/Oregon Pediatric Improvement Partnership; Colleen Peck Reuland/Oreogn Pediatric Improvement Partnership; Kevin Campbell/GOBHI; Darrin Umabarger/Clearview Mediation and Disability Resource Center; Jeremy Umbarger/Clearview Mediation and Disability Resource Center; Carol Speed/GOBHI; Bart/GOBHI; Summer Craue/GSMC; Maggie McDonnel/ORPRN-OHSU; Mary Ann Wren/Advantage Dental
AGENDA ITEM / RECOMMENDATIONS/ACTIONS1. Welcome and Introductions / ACTION: Introduction around the table.
2. Review of Minutes from / ACTION: Cathy Walmsley noted that on page 2 of the minutes correction was needed. It should state 2,000 for lab training.
3. Review of updated Advisory Council Member List / Advisory council member list was shown to the group. / ACTION: If you haven’t attended in the last 6 months then you need to be removed from the list.
Catie Brenaman needs to be added to the list. Jenna will follow-up with county.
Identified GAPS and Recommended Preventative Health Care Practices.
4. Community Members Feedback "what are you hearing from consumers"?
5. Around the Room-Preventative Care and other activities. / Dr. Townsley with St. Anthony family Clinic- Members come in to be seen at the Family Clinic but have multiple comorbidities and need to be referred to specialist. It is difficult to refer them because local specialist will not accept their insurance.
Dr. Townsley- Other Physicians in the community aren’t accepting EOCCO clients. Patients need to be seen by physicians due to comorbidities.
Dr. Townsley- Would be great to have a formulary posted for providers.
Juli Gregory- Transportation couldn’t be provided for a Medicare Patient because they were not 60 years old. CAPECO wouldn’t provide due to age.
Catie Brenaman- Patient recently moved from another county and has Open Card waiting for EOCCO. Went to Urgent Care and was prescribed a medication. Pharmacy says his number doesn’t exist and he must pay out of pocket.
Aimee- Patient needs dental care but doesn’t qualify for benefits.
Developmental Disabilities- EOCCO clients are needing transportation to and from work. Can EOCCO help?
Parent and Community Information Night.
Great American Smoke out event being held at Good Shepherd Hospital on Novemeber 19th. Another way to share new policy with community members because Good Shepherd is going Tobacco Free on December, 1st, 2015.
Sea of Health- A1C screenings caught 11 pre-diabetics and none had diagnosed as pre-diabetics previously.
Living Well with Chronic Disease – February 23rd, 6 week class. Spots are still available. Contact Catie Brenaman
Cathy- Oregon Dental Education Training Lab- 30 individuals now trained to do dental lab.
Carol Johnson- Mental Health First Aid training scheduled for December 4th at Good Shepherd Hospital. Class is full and there is a waitlist 25 people.
St Anthony Hospital drive through flu clinic immunized 2000 people.
Assisters holding an OHP enrollment session at St. Anthony’s Hospital on November 21st. / ACTION: Kevin provided Dena Rossi’s phone number, who is responsible for ensuring Oregon Health Plan patients have accessible care. He also provided Dan Schwan’s phone number who ensures EOCCO clients have transportation.
Juli to follow-up about urologists at Good Shepherd.
Aimee- she will help Dr. Townsley with anything he needs in assisting EOCCO clients.
Kevin provided Sean Jessup’s phone number with Moda to discuss medication formulary and updated provider list contracting with EOCCO.
Jeremey states to call Clearview also in this circumstance.
No one present from the State to address Open Card concerns.
Mary Ann- will call around to local providers and see what she can find out.
No, but can look into it because in the DD service, there should be some sort of option.
Flyer passed out.
Kevin suggested contacting Erin and Armania with GOBHI to see if they can come and teach a second class on the same day to avoid a waitlist.
Community Health Improvement plan
6. Oregon Pediatric Improvement Partnership-Colleen Peck Reuland, MS
● Incentive Measure Committee Update
7. Community Health Assessment FY 16 Update
8. Violence Prevention Update / Colleen Peck Reuland MS from OHSU did a power point presentation on Adolescent well child checkups. They are trying to have better access to improvement of quality care of service. Colleen stated they are trying to provide managed care, and that is why they have talked to Juli at Good Shepard about working with the Connexions team. Colleen talked about in the OPIP which is population based barrier is treatment. OPIP wants to get the word out on barriers in care. They are trying to think of ways to get the kids in. They are using the steps right now. 1. Get them in 2. Set the stage 3. Strength, and risk based. These are the steps that are going to be reliable and valid. The website to go to for more information is Colleen talked about the trauma informed care, and they are doing a study. The study in going to be on PHS ( Pendleton High School, and the Portland Tigard school. They are going to compare the school based programs from each county. This will allow them to identify areas in each, and to be able to compare the difference.
Kevin Campbell spoke of using the ACES, and more trauma informed approach.
Dr. Townsley stated that a lot at the middle school age should be the target population. He feels that there is a huge target population of opioid users.
Pastor Rod Hardwood introduced:
Danny Bane is the new Violence Prevention Coordinator for Umatilla County. He also works with the Lost and Found. Dan stated that he has been working with over 600 youth in the Pendleton, area. Dan feels there has been a huge disconnect. Dan felt that the information was no accurate in the Pendleton area due to the shift of drugs being in Hermiston. Dan also stated that he thinks that the cultural in the communities is needing to be addressed. That there is more of a need for evidenced based practices in order to help the population.
Bart from GOBHI stated that we need to get the ACES involved in all of our programs so it can be addressed. Danny Bane agreed that it needs to be addressed as well.
That we need to identify with the trauma the cultural aspect of it as well.
Kathy Wamsley- talked about how they are going to change to the name to Wellness Health Balance for help in the community for the Wellness Clinic.
Jen/ WIC stated that she had an experience with her own daughter for her adolescent well checkup.
They are due by Dec 2nd, and it has to be as a proposal for the grant to be approved for us to be able to see how the money is going to be used. The committee is going to get together today after the meeting to come up with a plan.
Pastor Rod stated that we have met our goal with the survey’s with Umatilla County, and Morrow County for the general account. They are looking into the Hispanic/Latino results for the survey’s still and the Native Americans to finish some as well. There was 115 questions, and all have to be in by the end of Dec.
The new VP Danny Bane stated that they are working on a grant with Umatilla County A&D for preventive community based program. This grant is for violence prevention. / ACTION:
Catie stated that has a lot of information on the data for the state.
Other Activities
9. Report out on Transformation Grant Activities
10. Statewide CCO Summit November 17th in Portland
11. Good of the Order, agenda
Items, and set a date for the next meeting: / The Transformation grant is due Dec 2nd, and the grant is looking at really partnering up with each other. They are looking at the partnership in the communities.
Juli Gregory from Good Shepard stated that she is partnering with other agency and applying for the grant.
The summit is going to be next week and is already full. There is one going on in Ontario.
December 11th, 2015- Good Shepherd Hospital
Recorder: Jenna Lorenzen / Adjourn-11:00am