Del Webb Middle School
2200 Reunion Drive
Henderson, NV 89052
Course ExpectationsTelephone: 799-1305
Teacher:Mr. SchindlerFax: 799-1310
Course Title: World Geography 8/8 Acc.Email:
Grade: 8
I. Course Scope and Goals
Course Description and Content
This one year course is the study of the world’s cultures, economics, history, regions, and geographic features from the development of ancient civilizations through the Age of Exploration. Students examine the earth from the scale of states, nations, countries, and continents creating connections to contemporary geographic conditions. Students synthesize concepts, patterns, and interdependent relationships that make our ever-changing world diverse and dynamic. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate use of technology is an integral part of this course. This is a required course for all eighth grade students.
Course Goals
- To use maps, globes, and other geographic tools and technologies to locate and extrapolate information about people, places, and environments.
- To explain the physical and human features of places and use this information to define and study regions including patterns of change.
- To evaluate how economic, political, and cultural processes interact to shape patterns of human migration and settlement, influence and interdependence, and conflict and cooperation.
- To summarize and predict the effects of interactions between human and physical systems on the resources of the world.
- To compare the different political systems in the world and how those systems relate to the United States and its citizens.
- To cite evidence of the contributions of people and their diverse cultures.
- To apply the content literacy skills necessary to analyze historical documents, artifacts, and concepts.
- To use information, media, and technology literacy skills necessary to research, communicate, and demonstrate critical thinking.
II. Course Activities
A. Testing
The teacher will administer tests and quizzes throughout the course of study to determine the individual student’s development as well as the effectiveness of the teaching strategies/ methodologies employed. Tests will be announced and posted in the classroom several days before they are to be administered. A student who misses a test must make arrangements to make up the test before or after school within the proper time allotted for the makeup work. Semester exams will be administered at the conclusion of the semester.
B. Assignments
Assignments will be done in class whenever possible in order to facilitate maximum teacher/ student interactions. Each assignment must be handwritten or typed and legible in order to receive credit. Papers must have student’s name, date, class period, and assignment written in the upper right hand corner of the assignment in order to receive full credit. If the assignment is illegible the student will be given a period of 24 hours to resubmit the assignment legibly with a deduction 20% for the assignment. Failure to resubmit the assignment will result in a “missing assignment” resulting in zero credit. Assignments that are submitted without names will be held for one week before being recycled. Students who submit assignments without names must check Parentlink and the designated “No Name Bin”. Assignments must be handed directly to me with the students proper heading for it to be accepted.
*Honors Only-Article Responses
Students will be participating in a weekly article review/peer discussion forum online through Edmodo. The teacher will post the Article of the Week (pulled from various news resources about local, state, national, and international current events) for students to read every Thursday. Students will then be directed to post within their discussion forum group the answer(s) to question(s) regarding the article by the following Monday by midnight. Students then must respond on the forum to at least two group members by Wednesday by midnight. Students will be graded for their thoroughness in their answers to the article question(s) and how well they respond to their peers. The rubric for this assignment will be on the teacher’s website as well as Edmodo
C. CNN Student News
We will be watching CNN’s broadcast of the Student News each day in class. If a student is absent it is their responsibility to watch the broadcast or get the information they missed. A separate assignment sheet will follow with the many ways in which this can be accomplished.
D. Novels
Honors level students will be required to read three novelsover the course of the school year about another culture. The first and the second novels will be provided in class. The teacher will provide a list of novels to choose from for the last. More information about this assignment will be handed out in class. Student in Geography 8 will be required to read one novel of the course of the school year. That novel will be read in class in place of the Student News for a period of time.
E. Extra Credit
It is vital that students, as well as parents, understand that extra credit is not a substitute for regular work that has not been completed. Extra credit will be provided on a weekly basis in the form of a trivia question. The students have the entire week to answer the question and turn in their answers. This extra credit is worth 2 additional points on any quiz or test. It is solely at the discretion of the student to take advantage of this opportunity. Because of this policy there will be no other opportunities for extra credit throughout the school year.
III. Late Work Policy
The eighth grade late work policy will be followed. Late assignments will be accepted one day late with a 20% deduction in earned credit. In addition, there will be no more than three late assignments accepted per quarter. Please note, this is not the policy for make-up work due to an absence.
IV. Textbook
Geography: The World and Its People (2002) published by Glencoe will issued to all students to use at home. World Geography and Cultures (2012) published by Glencoe will be used in the classroom. Care of the text – The student will be responsible for the care of this book for the entire school year. If the book is lost or stolen, the replacement cost of the book will be assessed. The student will pay a portion of the total cost if the book is in need of repair. This fee will be assessed in alignment with damage done to the book.
Student may access the Geography: The World and Its Peopletextbook online. Please see my teacher website to access direction to this valuable resource.
V. Assessment/Evaluation
A. Criteria for arriving at student grades
1. Grades will be calculated on the total number of points earned by the student each quarter.
2. The semester grade will be calculated as follows:
Each quarter grade – 45%
Semester Exam – 10%
3. Quarter grade will be calculated in the following manner
Tests and quizzes– 40%
Homework/Classwork/Projects/Class Participation– 60%
B. Explanation of academic grade
B80-89%Above Average
D60-69%Below Average
FBelow 60%Failing
C. Make-up Work due to an absence
Make-up assignments will provide student 100% credit if made up within the three day make-up period following any absence. Students with prolonged absence will make the necessary arrangements with the teacher.
D. Grade Reports
On a bi-weekly basis, teachers will notify students of their progress using the ParentLink grade reporting system. Specifically, the teacher will report the current grade in percentage terms. Parents may access ParentLink with their personal codes. The program can be accessed through the computer or through a touch-tone phone.
E. Academic Dishonesty
Honesty and integrity are basic, desirable character traits as recognized by DWMS. Academic dishonesty is generally defined as cheating, or creating a false impression of one’s work and performance. If a student makes a choice to be academically dishonest he/she will receive a zero for that assignment, a lowered Citizenship grade and may result in a Dean’s Referral.
VI. Behavior Expectations
A. Classroom Rules
1. Students will be in their seats and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
2. Students will bring paper, pens, pencils and notebook to class daily.
Colored pencils, pens or any other necessary materials are to be brought to class when required.
3. Students will treat everyone and everything with respect.
4. Students will not have makeup, hair spray, combs, toys, or other nuisance items in class.
5. No gum chewing or eating/drinking is allowed in class.
6. Backpacks are not to be brought to class.
7. Cell phones must be turned off during the instructional day.
8. Student will use appropriate language.
9. Class time is for geography only, not to do work from other classes or to write personal notes.
10. Students will not engage in disruptive behavior at any time. Please note that a student will be sent to directly to the Dean
if the student’s behavior is uncontrollable or disruptive to the learning process.
B. Explanation of Citizenship grade
The citizenship grade will be based on the student’s compliance with the behavior expectations.
O = OutstandingN = Needs improvement
S = SatisfactoryU = Unsatisfactory
C. Progressive Discipline
There will be a progressive discipline plan in place at Del Webb Middle School that will be strictly followed in this class.
For each negative behavior the following steps will take place:
1. The teacher will give a verbal warning.
2. The teacher will conference with the student.
3. A teacher intervention will take place (i.e., relocating a student’s seat).
4. The teacher will contact the parent.
5. The student will receive a referral to the Dean’s office.
VII. Material Requirements
Students are required to have a section of their school binder allotted for Geography. That section is to be divided into 3 tabbed sections:
- “Regional Atlases”
- “Maps”
- “Notes/Vocabulary”
Students should NOT clean out these sections unless instructed by the teacher. Come to class prepared to work with binder, paper, pens, pencils, and colored pencils (when directed).
Course Expectations
Teacher:Mr. Schindler
Course Title: World Geography/World Geography ACC.
Grade: 8/8ACC
Please sign the form below, detach and turn in. Course Expectations are to remain in your folder/notebook.
I have read and understand the Course Expectations for geography.
Student SignatureDateParent/Guardian Signature Date