WyndhamPlanning Scheme
This clause provides local content to support Clause 14 (Natural Resource Management) of the State Planning Policy Framework.
Specific references to individual suburbs and towns are also included in Clause 21.11 (Local Areas).
The Intensive Agriculture Precinct (IAP) at Werribee South comprises about 3000 hectares utilised for intensive agriculture and with an annual value of production estimated at $200 million. The IAP generates a large percentage of the total annual Victorian production of many vegetables including most of the state’s cauliflower and broccoli.
In the City’s north and north-west, beyond the urban areas, there is extensive dryland cropping and grazing. Parts of these areas, mainly in Tarneit and Wyndham Vale, have been identified for future urban use. The majority of the City’s dryland farming areas are likely to form part of a long-term green wedge, including about 11,000 hectares of native grasslands that are suitable for future “net gain” restoration of native vegetation. Some other localities may be suitable for generation of “green” electricity or for quarrying if well buffered.
Key issues
- Minimising the loss of productive agricultural land.
- Minimising the impacts of incompatible uses on farming operations.
Objective 1
To preserve the agricultural areas of the municipality.
1.1Retain productive land as identified on the Coastal and Werribee South Precinct Map (Map 5) for agricultural purposes.
1.2Consider the impact of non-agricultural activity on agricultural production.
1.3Consider the need to buffer and protect existing agricultural activities.
1.4Encourage consolidation of rural allotments.
1.5Encourage re-alignment of lot boundaries if it supports farm viability.
1.6Consider land uses that complement and enhance the viability of agricultural activity.
Objective 2
To protect agricultural land in the Intensive Agriculture Precinct from incompatible uses.
2.1Minimise the loss of productive land within the Intensive Agriculture Precinct by encroachment or expansion from surrounding precincts.
2.2Discourage new Intensive Animal Husbandry and Broiler Farms in precincts est of the Werribee River (south of the Princes Freeway) and within the UGB.
2.3Ensure that agriculture takes precedence over non-agricultural land uses in the Intensive Agriculture Precinct.
2.4Ensure that the siting of dwellings minimises the potential for conflict with farming activities.
2.5Ensure that rural stores are primarily used for local agricultural produce.
2.6Ensure that transport terminals are primarily used to load and transport agricultural produce from the precinct.
2.7Ensure that depots or loading facilities that accommodate heavy articulated vehicles locate on Duncans Road, Diggers Road or Aviation Road (east of Duncans Road).
2.8Ensure new buildings and vegetation are set back an appropriate distance from any boundary adjoining productive agricultural land.
Council has identified the need to protect its waterway corridors and waterway view sheds for their environmental, landscape character, heritage, cultural and economic values. The Wyndham Waterways Strategy Plan (2003) and the Kororoit Creek Regional Strategy 2005-2030 guide future land use and development associated with the major waterways within Wyndham. The waterway corridors provide biodiversity links in estuarine environments. “Environmental buffers” are those areas beyond the waterway corridors providing protection between identified environmental values and development sites.
Key issues
- Ensuring that urban development addresses waterways and open space corridors.
- Promoting waterways as significant environmental features.
- Improving the interface between waterways and development.
Objective 3
To protect waterways, aquatic areas, floodplains, wetlands, swamps and catchments.
3.1Protect, enhance and reinstate environmental values of the waterway.
3.2Ensure that development minimises loss or damage to waterway values.
3.3Incorporate best practice stormwater management in subdivision and drainage design.
3.4Avoid increases in the rate of stormwater discharge.
3.5Encourage connectivity of waterways to open space and other natural environment and landscape features.
Objective 4
To protect riparian land, vegetation communities, waterway valleys and escarpments.
4.1Protect and enhance waterway corridors and their view-sheds through use of good urban design, appropriate built form, water sensitive urban design, appropriate plantings and land management.
4.2Protect and restore native vegetation corridors along waterways.
4.3Establish an appropriate buffer to protect the environmental values of a waterway corridor from negative impacts of development.
4.4Encourage passive open space provision and linkages along or within waterways corridors.
4.5Encourage active open space along waterway corridors. .
4.6Discourage new urban development or rural activity in any environmental protection buffer.
4.7Ensure that if an environmental buffer is required to protect waterways, that it be transferred to Council.
4.8 Encourage development within viewsheds to protect views and avoid visual intrusion.
4.9Require archaeological assessments prior to development for areas of identified significance and within 200 metres of watercourses.
4.10Encourage the existing natural features of waterways to be retained in preference to constructed waterways.
4.11 Incorporate protection and management recommendations in PSPs and planning permit conditions.
The strategies will be implemented through the planning scheme by:
Application of zones and overlays
The objectives, strategies and policy guidelines in the Planning Scheme are implemented through the application of the following zones and overlays.
- Outside PSP areas, apply Environmental Significance Overlay with design guidelines along Werribee River, Skeleton Creek, Lollypop Creek and Little River.
- Apply Schedule 1 to the Design and Development Overlay to maintain the boulevard appearance of the Princes Highway.
- Apply the Environmental Significance Overlay to protect sites, areas and corridors of current and potential future environmental significance.
- Apply Design and Development Overlays to protect major gateways.
- Apply the Heritage Overlay to heritage places and precincts.
- Apply appropriate flooding overlays to areas identified by the Floodplain Manager (Melbourne Water) as subject to flooding
- Apply Development Contributions Plan Overlays to plan for infrastructure provision.
Further strategic work
- Investigate increased agricultural innovation and diversification of activities.
- Investigate application of an ESO along Wyndham’s section of Kororoit Creek.
- Prepare strategic waterway management plans and waterway masterplans in line with the Wyndham Waterways Strategy Plan.
Reference documents
- Wyndham Waterways Strategy Plan (2003).
- Landscape Context Guidelines (2013).
- Werribee South Green Wedge Policy and Management Plan (2017).
- Werribee South Coastal Reserve Management Plan (2002).
- Wyndham Coastal Scoping Study (2012).
- Werribee South Foreshore Master Plan (2006).
- Wyndham City Environment and Sustainability Strategy 2011-2015.
Municipal Strategic Statement - Clause 21.05Page 1 of 3