SEED – LIST 2007-2008
1 Acantholimon acerosum ssp.parviflorum, 1500m, Karavan, Turkey.2,50€
B Compact silver-grey cushions,short lvs.,pink flws.,5-10cm.Sunny stony hilus, 2006 seeds.
2 Acantholimon armenum, 2000m, Sipikor Dag, Turkey.2,00€
B Silver cushions,triquetrous lvs. 3-4cm,pale pink flws.,stony slopes. 2006 seed.
3 Acantholimon armenum ssp. balansae, 1600m, Konya-Eregli road, Turkey.2,00€
B Similar to above, botanical differences. 2006 seed.
4 Acantholimon caryophyllaceum, 2200m, Artos Dag, Turkey.2,50€
B Digger cushions to 50cm,linear lvs. To 5cm, pink flws.,10-20 cm. 2006 seed.
5 Acantholimon cataonicum, 2200m, Berit Dag, Turkey.3,00€
B Very dense green cushions,bright pink flws. on scapes to 5cm,stony slopes. 2006 seed.
6 Acantholimon glumaceum, 2400m, Aras Dag, Turkey.2,50€
B Laxy pulvinate silver-green cushions, flws., pink,1-2 branched scapes 5-10cm,rocky slopes.2006 seed.
7 Acantholimon kotschyi ssp.laxispicatum, 1600m, Hezanli Dag, Turkey.2,50€
B Silvery-gry pulvinate cushions,dark pink flws,on scapes to 15cm,dry stony hilus. 2006 seed.
8 Acantholimon kotschyi ssp.laxispicatum, 1200m, Saricicek Dag, Turkey.2,00€
B The same from other place. 2005 seed.
9 Acantholimon lycopodioides, 4200m, Ladakh Range, India.2,50€
B Small dense grey spined cushions,almost stemless pink flws.,dry stony slopes. 2005 seed.
10 Acantholimon puberulum ssp.longispicatum, 1800m, Ergagli, E. Turkey.3,00€
B Very dense green cushions,linear short lvs.,bright pink flws.,scapes 5cm,rocky slopes. 2006 seed.
11 Acantholimon reflexifolium, 2900m, Mengene Dag, Turkey.3,50€
B Green compact cushions,pink flws.on scapes 5-8cm.Alpine meadows. 2006 seed.
12 Acantholimon spirizianum, 2500m, Mengene Dag, Turkey.3,50€
B Silver compact shrublet,pink flws.,10-15cm,scapes sometimes 1-2 branched,dry hilus. 2006 seed.
13 Acantholimon trojanum, 1600m, Kaz Dag, Turkey.2,50€
B Compact glaucous-green cushions,almost stemless pink flws.,similar to A.ulicinum. 2006 seed.
14 Acantholimon ulicinum ,2200m, Ala Dag, Turkey.2,00€
B Grey-green dense cushions,many stemless pink flws.,stony slopes. 2005 seed.
15 Acantholimon ulicinum, 2400m, Sipikor Dag, Turkey.2,00€
B As above from other lokality. 2006 seed.
16 Acantholimon ulicinum ssp.ulicinum var.purpureum, 1500m, Salda Lake,Turkey.2,00€
B Green dense cushions,stemless pink flws.,purple bracts,sunny hilus. 2006 seed.
17 Acantholimon ulicinum ssp.ulicinum var.purpureum ,1700m, Dirmil pass,Turkey.2,00€
B As above from other locality. 2006 seed.
18 Acantholimon venustum, 1600m, Salda Lake, Turkey.2,50€
B Silvercushions of linear lvs.,big bright rose flws.on scapes 10-15cm,dry stony hills. 2006 seed.
19 Acantholimon venustum 1800m, Cilcenin Dag, Turkey.2,50€
B As above from other locality. 2006 seed.
21 Aconitum orientale, 2100m, C.Caucasus, Russia.1,50€
A Robust perenn.1-2m,many flws. from pale pink to dark violet,alpine meadows. 2004 seed.
22 Aconitum aff. handelianum,4300m, Chola Shan,N.W.Sichuan, China.2,00€
A Erect plant 20-50cm,lvs.cutted into linear lobes,probably blue-violet dense spike.2006 seed.
23 Aconitum tanguticum, 4400m, Da Xue Shan,W.Sichuan, China.4,00€
A Tufted plant 10-25cm,small rounded lvs.,2-4 whittish-pale blue flws.,rocky slopes,meadows.
24 Aconitum sp.3700m, Min Shan, Sichuan, China.3,00€
A Solitary erect stems to 1m,deeply cutted lvs.,several blue flws..Meadows, shrubs.
25 Adonis pyrenaica, 2000m, Pyrenees, Spain,1,00€
A Tufted plant 15-25cm,solitary yellow flws.,krepe germination many years. 2002 seed.
26 Aetheopappus pulcherrimus ( syn. Centaurea) , 2000m, W.Caucasus, Russia.1,50€
B Tufted perenn. 10-20cm,pinnate lvs.tomentose beneath,solitary pink flws.,alpine meadows. 2004 seed.
27 Aethionema eunomioides , 1600m, East of Zkvas, Turkey.2,50€
A Dwarf suffruticose plant to 10cm,strongly glaucous lvs.,pale pink flws.Slowly growing, 2006 seed.
28 Achillea abrotanoides, 2400m, Komovi, Monte Negro.2,50€
A Small cushions,white lanate cutted lvs.,4-10 white flws.on scapes 5-15cm.Limestone rocks.
29 Achillea aleppica ssp.zederbaueri, 1600m, Karavan, Turkey.2,50€
A Very good dwarf silver-grey plant 5-15cm,linear lvs to 1,5cm,5-15 yellow dense corymb.2006 seed.
30 Achillea fraasii ssp. trojana, 1600m, Kaz Dag, Turkey.1,50€
A Compact cushions 15-30cm across,pinnate,white lanate lvs.,white flws. in dense corymb. 2005 seed.
31 Achillea holosericea, 1900m, Killini mts.,Greece.2,00€
A Cushions of pinnate white lanate lvs.,yellow flws. on scapes 15-25cm,limestone slopes. 2006 seed.
32 Achillea aff. kotschyi, 2000m, Sultan Dag, Turkey.1,50€
A Compact plant woody at base,tomentose lvs.,yellow dense corymb.Sunny hills,2005 seed.
33 Achillea nana, 2800m, Alps, France.1,00€
A Cushions of white lanate pinnate lvs.,white flws.on scapes 10-15cm,screes,stony slopes. 2004 seed.
34 Achillea sintenisi, 1600m, Sivas, Turkey. 1,50€
A Silver-green plant,narrow lvs.with linear segments,2-5 white flws.on erect scapes 10-25cm. 2005 seed.
35 Achillea sipikorensis, 2400m, Sipikor Dag, Turkey.2,00€
A Silvery-grey cushions,linear short tomentose lvs.,solitary white flws.,10-20cm,stony slopes. 2006 seed.
36 Achillea umbellata, 2100m, Killini mts.,Greece.2,00€
A Silvery-white tomentose cushions,big white flws.on scapes 10-15cm,limestone rocks. 2006 seed.
37 Achillea teretifolia, 2000m, Sultan Dag, Turkey.1,50€
A Tufted grey-green hairy perenn.,erect-ascending leafy stems 15-20cm,white flws., 2005 seed.
38 Achillea vermicularis ,2500m, Artos Dag, Turkey.2,00€
A Tufts or small cushions,erect leafy stems 10-20cm,yellow flws.,stony slopes. 2006 seed.
39 Achillea sp. ,2200m, Dedegol Dag, Turkey.1,50€
A Silver cushions,deeply cutted lvs.,white corymbs, 15-25cm.Limestone rocks. 2006 seed.
40 Allium akaka, 1500m, Kargapazari, Turkey.2,00€
A 10-20cm,only 1 glaucous-green leave,pale to dark pink dense ball inflorescence,screes. 2006 seed.
41 Allium cyathophorum ssp. farreri, 4400m, Chola Shan,N.W. Sichuan,China.3,00€
A Tufted glaucous-green plant 5-15cm,linear lvs.,2-5 big rose-purple flws.,screes,stony slopes.Good plant.
42 Allium forrestii, 4500m, Beima Shan, Yunnan, China.4,00€
A Beatiful tiny plant 5-10cm,glaucous linear lvs.,2-5 big red-purple flws..Limestone screes,stony slopes.
43 Allium chrysanthum , 4400m, Anyemaquen Shan, S.-E. Quinghai,China.3,00€
A Erect stems 10-20cm,lvs.5mm wide,yellow globuse inflorescence.Stony slopes,screes. 2006 seed.
44 Allium macranthum, 4000m, Sbalili Shan, Sichuan, China.3,00€
A Stems 15-25cm,lvs.3-6mm wide,3-8 big pale purple flws.on short pedicels.Moist alpine meadows,2006 seed
45 Allium sikkimense, 3600m, Min Shan,Sichuan, China.2,50€
A Stems 10-25cm,linear lvs.,good blue semi-globose inflorescence.Meadows,shrubberies.
46 Allium sp., 4200m, Da Xue Shan,Sichuan, China.4,00€
A Glaucous linear lvs.,2-6 dark blue flws.on scapes 5-10cm.Alpine meadows.Beatiful plant!
47 Allium sp. 4400m, Min Shan, Sichuan, China.3,00€
A Similar to A.chrysanthum but smaller,flws.probably white or yellow..Alpine meadows.
48 Allium sp., 4300m, Chola Shan,N.-W. Sichuan, China.2,50€
A Erect stem 15-20cm,2-4 narrow lvs., semi-globose inflorescence.Stony slopes.
49 Allium sp., 2000m, Sultan Dag, Turkey.1,50€
A Erect stem 10-20cm,many globuse inflorescence.Screes, 2005 seed.
50 Allium prostratum, 1600m, Changhai mts.,Mongolia.1,00€
A Tiny plant 5-10cm,linear lvs.,pale to dark pink flws.,mountain steppe. 2003 seed.
51 Alyssum argyrophyllum, 3200m, Bolkar Dag,Turkey.2,00€
A Decumbent leafy stems 5-15cm,silver-grey lvs.,golden yellow heads,limest.rocky slopes.2006 seed.
52 Alyssum caespitosum, 1800m, Hezanli Dag, Turkey.2,50€
A Very dwarf compact silver cushions,yellow flws.on scapes 4-10cm.Sunny stony hills. 2006 seed.
53 Alyssum corningii, ,1600m, Karavan, Turkey.2,50€
A Similar to above, smaller flws.,interesting seed pods.2006 seed.
54 Alyssum lepidoto-stellatum, 1700m, E.of Sivas, Turkey.2,50€
A Compact silvery-grey cushions,narrowly lanceolate lvs.,flws.yellow,10cm.Gypsum hills, 2006 seed.
55 Alyssum montanum ssp. graecum, 1600m,E. of Mt.Smolikas, Greece.1,50€
A Decumbent leafy stems to 20cm,yellow heads.Acidic screes, 2006 seed.
56 Alyssum ochroleucum, 1700m, Tortum, Turkey.1,50€
B Silvery-grey cushions,lanceolate lvs.,white or yellow heads,5-10cm. 2005 seed.
57 Alyssum aff. oxycarpum, 1500m, Salda Lake, Turkey.1,50€
A Grey hairy suffruticose cushions,spathulate 1cm,many of yellow flws.,10-15cm,stony hills.2006 seed.
58 Amblynotus rupestris , 2500m, Changai mts., Mongolia.1,00€
B Dwarf compact cushions,short grey hairy lvs.,blue flws.,5-10cm.Gravel places, 2003 seed.
59 Anaphalis contorta, 3500m, Garhwal Himal, India.1,50€
A 15-25cm,linear silvery lanate lvs.,many of small white dense corymb.Similar to A.triplinervis,2005
60 Anaphalis triplinervis ssp.intermedia, 3500m, Gharwal Himal, India.1,50€
A Small cushions forming plant,white lanate lvs.,4-10 white flws.on scapes 15-20cm.Stony slopes,2005 seed.
61 Anaphallis triplinervis ssp. monocephala, 4000m, Gharwal Himal, India.1,50€
A Similar to above but smaller,bigger solitary or 2-3 white flws.on scape.Alpine meadows.
62 Androsace bisulca ssp. aurata ,4000m, Shaluli Shan, Sichuan, China.4,00€
B Dwarf compact green cushions 3-10cm across,2-5 big golden yellow flws.on scapes 2-5cm.Beautiful plant!
63 Androsace bisulca ssp. aurata, 4000m, Shaluli Shan, Sichuan,China.3,50€
B The same plant, seed 2006.
64 Androsace bungeana, 2000m, Sajan mts.,Siberia,Russia.2,50€
C Laxy caespitose plant,narrow green 1,5cm,2-5 white flws.,5-10cm.Alpine meadows.
65 Androsace brachystegia, 4200m, Min Shan, Sichuan,China.4,00€
B Cushions or mats,pale green hairy lvs.,1-4 white or pink flws.,2-5cm.Alpine meadows.Solt as
A.minor in 2006 seed list- numer 79B.
66 Androsace brachystegia, 4100m, DaXue Shan,Sichuan,China.4,00€
B The same plant from other locality.
67 Androsace dasyphylla, 2600m, Changai mts., Mongolia.1,50€
B Compact silvery-green hairy cushions,solitary stemless white flws.,well growing form. 2003 seed.
68 Androsace delavayi, 4400m, Beima Shan,Yunnan,China.5,00€
B Dwarf compact green cushions,solitary stemless purple flws.,stony slopes.Beautiful color form.
69 Androsace globifera, 3700m, Gharwal Himal, India.3,00€
B Compact silvery-green cushions,mostly solitary stemless lila-pink flws.,alpine meadows.Solt as
A.muscoidea in 2006 seed list- numer 81B.
70 Androsace incana, 2000m,Sajan mts.,Siberia,Russia.3,50€
B Silvery-grey hairy compact cushions,1-4 almost stemless white flws.,sunny stony slopes.
71 Androsace limprichtii, 4200m, DaXue Shan, Sichuan, China.3,50€
B Stoloniferous plant creating cushions of dimorphic silky hairy lvs.,5-15white or pink flws.,10cm.
72 Androsace limprichtii, 4100m, DaXue Shan, Sichuan,China.3,00€
B Thesameplant, 2006 seed.
73 Androsace longifolia , 2000m, Datong Shan, Quinghai, China.4,50€
B Very dense cushions,glabrous linear lvs to 3cm,2-3 white flws.on short scapes.Loamy slopes. 2006 seed.
74 Androsace mariae, 3600m, Min Shan, Sichuan,China.4,00€
B Dense cushions,narrow dark green lvs.,3-7 white flws.on scapes 5-10cm.Stony slopes.
75 Androsace mariae, 3600m, Min Shan, Sichuan, China.3,50€
B The same plant, 2006 seed.
76 Androsace mariae , 4000m, Chola Shan, N.W. Sichuan, China.4,00€
B Form with acute narrow lvs.,pink flws.,smaller than Min Shan plants.Among Rhododendrons,meadows.
77 Androsace mariea, 4000m, Chola Shan, N.W.Sichuan,China.3,50€
B The same plant, 2006 seed.
78 Androsace mariae, 4100m,Anyemaquen Shan, S.E.Quinqhai,China.4,00€
B Small form with 5-15pink flws.on short scape,stony slopes. 2006 seed.
79 Androsace mariae ,4200m, DaXue Shan, Sichuan,China.4,00€
B Small compact cushions 4-8cm across,probably white flws, 3-8cm,sunny stony slopes.
80 Androsace mariae , 4700m, Huanglong pass,Min Shan,Sichuan,China.4,50€
B Very small form 3-5cm,pink or dark pink flws.,alpine meadows.
81 Androsace multiscapa , 2600m, Bolkar Dag, Turkey.1,50€
B Solitary or more rosettes in cushion,solitary white flws.on very short scapes,monocarpic.Screes. 2005 seed.
82 Androsace rigida ,3500m, SangriLa mts.,Yunnan,China.4,00€
B Large cushion forming plant,narrow green lvs.2-3cm,pale to dark pink flws.,5-10cm,shrubberies.
83 Androsace robusta ssp.robusta , 4200m, Ladakh Range, India.3,00€
B Compact to lax cushions,hairy narrow lvs.,2-6 big white flws.aeging to pink with red eye.Stony slopes,2005
84 Androsace sarmentosa, 3200m, Gharwal Himal,India.2,00€
B Cushion forming plant,white lanate lvs.,rose-pink flws.with dark eye,5-10cm.Grows well. 2005 seed.
85 Androsace sarmentosa, 3800m, Langtang, Nepal.1,50€
B As above but growing in moist places,under Rhododendrons.2003 seed.
86 Androsace selago, 4600m, Huanglong pass,Min Shan,Sichuan,China.5,00€
B Very dense silvery hairy cushions,solitary stemless white flws.,limestone rock crevices.
87 Androsace sempervivoides, 4000m, Rothang pass, India.1,50€
B Cushions or mats of dark green rosettes,3-7cm,dark pink flws.with yellow eye,alpine meadows. 2005 seed.
88 Androsace tangulashanensis, 4100m, Anyemaquen Shan, S.E.Quinghai, China.4,50€
B Very dwarf dense cushions,rosettes 2-5mm across,solitary stemless white flws.,stony and grassy slopes.2006
89 Androsace spinulifera, 4300m, Shaluli Shan, Sichuan,China.4,00€
B Rosettes solitary or compact cushions to 5cm across,many red flws.on scapes 10cm,beautiful perenn.
90 Androsace tapete, 4700m, DaXue Shan, Sichuan,China.5,00€
B Very dense silvery-green cushions,solitary stemless white flws.,rocky and stony slopes.
91 Androsace villosa, 2100m, Komovi, Monte Negro.2,50€
B Compact silvery hairy cushions,2-5 white flws.,scapes to 5cm.Limestone rocky slopes,rocks.
92 Androsace villosa , 1800m, Sierra Cantabrica, Spain.1,00€
B Hairy silvery-green cushions,white flws.,sunny stony slopes. 2002 seed.
93 Androsace villosa ssp. ?, 1700m, Hezanli Dag, Turkey.3,00€
B Cushions 5-15cm across,strongly silky hairy lvs.,2-4 big white flws.,not seen elsewhere in Turkey.2006 seed
94 Androsace villosa ssp.congesta, 2500m, Ercies Dag, Turkey.2,50€
B Very dwarf compact silver cushions,solitary stemless white flws.,gravel places. 2005 seed.
95 Androsace villosa ssp.glabrata , 3000m, Palandoken, Turkey.2,50€
B Dwarf cushions,glabrous lvs.,2-4 almost stemless white flws.with reddish eye,scapes 1-2cm. 2005 seed.
96 Androsace wardii, 4500m, Beima Shan, Yunnan, China.5,00€
B Laxcushions of short lanceolate-spathulate lvs.,2-5 dark pink-red flws.on scapes to 5cm,limest.rosky slopes
97 Androsace aff. zambalensis ,4900m, DaXue Shan, Sichuan,China.5,00€
B Dwarf compact cushions,grey-green glabrous short lvs.,almost stemless 4-6 flws.,screes,rocky slopes.
98 Androsace sp. , 5000m, Bayan Har Shan ,S.E.Quinghai,4,50€
B Very dwarf compact silvery hairy cushions 4-8cm across,2-5 flws.(color not seen) on scapes 1-3cm,grows
on small wet grassy hummock.No other relative found in Flora of China,probably a new one. 2006 seed.
99 Anemone crinita ,2400m, Sajan mts.,Siberia,Russia.3,00€
A Tufted plant 15-25cm,3-6 white flws.on scape,similar to A.narcissiflora.Forest clearings,meadows.
100 Anemone demisa, 4200m, Shaluli Shan, Sichuan,China.2,50€
A Similar to above but lvs.more cutted,white to pink flws.on scapes to 50cm.Alpine meadows,shrubs.2006seed
101 Anemone polyanthes ,3800m, Gharwal Himal, India.1,50€
A Similar to above but more robust, white flws.Alpine meadows. 2005 seed.
102Anemone rivularis, 3600m, Min Shan, Sichuan, China.2,50€
A Tufted plant 25-45cm,scapes branched above,many white to pale blue flws.,alpine meadows.
103 Anthemis cretica ssp. columnae ,2300m, Kajmakcalan, Greece.1,00€
A Smallsilvery-grey cushions,deeply cutted lvs.,solitary white flws.,5-15cm.Acidic stony slopes,2004 seed.
104 Anthemis marschaliana, 2400m, C.Caucasus,Russia.1,50€
A Dwarf cushions of hairy lvs.,golden yellow solitary flws.,5-10cm,limestone rocks. 2004 seed.
105 Anthemis marshaliana ssp.pectinata, 2300m, Zigana pass,Turkey.1,50€
A Silvery-green cushions,deeply pinnate lvs.,solitary dark yellow flws.,5-15cm,alpine meadows.2005 seed.
106 Anthemis melanoloma ssp.trapezuntica,2000m, Karagol Dag, Turkey.1,00€
A Erect-ascending leafy stems 15-40cm,deeply cutted green lvs.,solitary yellow flws.,rocky slopes. 2005 seed.
107 Anthemis montana ,2000m, Pirin mts.,Bulgaria.1,00€
A Silvery-white tomentosa cushions,linear dentate lvs.,solitary white flws.,rocky slopes.2004 seed.
108 Anthemis sp., ,3200m, Artos Dag,E.Turkey.1,50€
A Very small silver plant 5-10cm,solitary white flws.,perhaps A.cretica ssp.?Limestone rocks. 2006 seed.
109Aquilegia alpina ,2000m, Alps, Italy.2,50€
A Very small plant5-15cm,solitary blue flws.,limestone rocks.
110 Aquilegia caucasica ,2200m, C.Caucasus, Russia.1,00€
A Tufted plant 25-45cm,glaucous lvs.,pale blue flws.with dark centre.Alpine meadows, 2004 seed.
111 Aquilegia dinarica, 2200m, Komovi, Monte Negro.2,50€
A Similar to above but smaller,pale blue flws.,alpine meadows.
112 Aquilegia fragrans, 4000m, Zanskar, India.1,,50€
A Tufted glaucous plant 20-40cm,big milky white to pale blue flws.,rocks,rocky slopes. 2005 seed.
113 Aquilegia rockii, 4000m, DaXue Shan,Sichuan,China.2,50€
A Many branched stems 20-40cm,many of smaller pale blue flws.,stony slopes.
114 Aquilegia sibirica, 2200m, Sajan mts.,Siberia, Russia.2,50€
A Similar to A.caucasica,to 50cm,big blue flws..Forest clearings, meadows.
115 Arabis androsacea ,2500m, Bolkar Dag, Turkey.2,00€
A Compact cushions,white lanate lvs.,3-6 white flws.on scapes 5-10cm.Limestone rocky slopes. 2005 seed.
116 Arabis caucasica ssp.brevifolia, 1800m, Oyuklu Dag, Turkey.2,00€
A Compact cushions,narrow dentate,strongly lanate lvs.,big white flws.with yellow eye,5-15cm. 2006 seed.
117Arabis caucasica ssp. flaviflora, 2200m, W.Caucasus, Russia.1,00€
A Small grey-green cushions,big creamy white to pale yellow flws.,limestone rocks, 2004 seed.
118 Arenaria alfacarensis, 1800m,Sierra Segura, Spain1,00€
A Very dense hard cushions,solitary stemless white flws.,limestone rocks. 2002 seed
119 Arenaria acerosa, 2000m, Sultan Dag, Turkey.1,50€
A Glaucous-green cushions,needle-like lvs.,white dense raceme,10-15,stony slopes. 2005 seed.
120 Arenaria balansae , 2900m, Bolkar Dag,Turkey.1,50€
A Low dense green cushions-mats,short orbiculate lvs.,white flws. on scapes 5-10cm,limestone rocks.2005 .
121 Arenaria briophylla, 5100m, Tanglang pass, Zanskar, India.2,50€
A Compact green cushions,solitary stemless star-like white flws.,stony slopes. 2005 seed.
122 Arenariacretica, 2000m, Killini mts., Greece.1,00€
A Dwarf dark green cushions-mats,white flws.on scapes to 5cm,good rocky plant. 2004 seed.
123 Arenaria cucubaloides, 2500m, Palandoken, Turkey.1,50€
A Densely tufted perenn.,linear glaucous lvs.,white flws.with red spots,15-20cm,stony slopes. 2005 seed.
124 Arenaria dianthoides, 1700m, Yalnizbag Dag, Turkey.1,50€
A Tufts or small cushions,shirt linear glaucous lvs.,white dense inlorescence,10-15cm.2005 seed.
125 Arenaria drypidea, 2400m, Ercies Dag, Turkey.1,50€
A Loose suffruticose cushions,needle-like glaucous lvs.,creamy flws.with red spots, 2005 seed.
126 Arenaria festucoides, 4000m, Rothang pass, India.2,00€
A Compact pale green cushions,big solitary white flws.,5cm,stony slopes.2005 seed.
127 Arenaria formosa, 3200m, Sajan mts.,Siberia,Russia.3,00€
A Compact cushions,short linear lvs.,solitary white flws.,scapes 2-5cm.Alpine meadows,stony slopes.
128 Arenaria globiflora ,4500m, Langtang, Nepal.1,50€
B Very dense hard spined cushions,almost stemless white flws.,stony slopes. 2003 seed.
129Arenaria kansuensis, 4400m, Huanglong pass, Min Shan, Sichuan,China.3,50€
A Dense green cushions,almost solitary white flws.,alpine meadows.Very good plant.
130 Arenaria oreophila, 4200m, DaXue Shan, Sichuan, China.3,50€
A Hard compact cushions,solitary white flws.,scapes 1-3cm.Alpine meadows.
131 Arenaria polytrichoides, 4400m, Beima Shan, Yunnan, China.3,50€
A Very dense compact cushions,solitary stemless white flws.,stony slopes.
132 Arenaria ramellata, 4500m, Beima Shan, Yunnan,China.4,00€
A Tiny plant 2-5cm,leafy stems to 5cm,solitary white or pink flws.,similar to A.roseiflora.Screes.