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FEI Forest School Scotland Working Group Meeting
22 May 2012, 10.30 – 12.30
East Boardroom, Silvan House, 231, Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 7AT
- Welcome
Apologies: Mike Brady, Anna Craigen, Simon Harry, Aline Hill
Thanks to Simon and Aline who sent comments prior to the meeting which have been included in these minutes.
- Ratify the minutes of the last meeting and clarify what action has taken place subsequently
The group agreed that the previous Minutes were an accurate record
Arising: AP 1 – not achieved – flag system flagged for resources but not yet trainers. On-going action required.
AP2. Food Hygiene – one course run in Glasgow – refined form Aberdeenshire course. Possible plan to run as a series of CPD for the FEI network. Debate whether essential or whether this meets some but not all people’s needs. A note of caution was raised that this sort of course (although not compulsory) has potential to become a barrier to cooking outdoors rather than enabler, but it could help build confidence in outdoor practice (with wider application than Forest School), The person running it is certificated to deliver this course, developed from the indoor food hygiene model. Need to discuss with her, with alongside an outdoor practitioner to develop this further to meet FS/ Outdoor learning needs. Could be developed as a written resource/ checklist and made available on the FEI website with a Teach Meet/ video option.Could it be written as an OCN L1 course (Food hygiene for Outdoor Learning?) and offered on a modular basis. For further discussion. Contractor could be invited to Tayside FEI cluster event for input. AP: Bonnie
AP3: not progressed –Bonnie & Penny to meet
Ap4 - 7: done
AP8: on agenda
- Making the FEI FS Working Group effective & inclusive
Simon H. comments by email suggested that we need to rotate the working group meeting to N, S, E + W locations across the year, invite trained FS practitioners to a practical session to spice things up and give everyone the best possible opportunity to input.
Aline H.comments by email suggested rotation of group meetings would be good with Skype connections for those who can't afford to travel. However if people who want to be involved they need to make a long term commitment to maintain momentum. She suggests asking each FEI if they want to nominate someone to be involved (Postscript from Penny M. - this happens already). She suggests it might be time to establish what makes a quorum and how key decisions are made (majority vote) etc. In terms of future meetings she thinks a group cookout might well help foster co-operation and shared understanding long term.
Emailed comments by group members can prove as useful as attendance itself and can be a better use of people’s time. Everyone stretched and busy – sign of the times. Has been very positive having cluster groups represented in previous meeting although none invited for this one as the main business was the Strategy document. Sally pointed out that this is strategic group so not everyone is needed to attend every meeting. There is a need forstrategic thinkersand it would be better to engage people with higher level strategic input with representatives from the Forest School trainer’s group.
Penny’s role is to coordinate FS in Scotland and deliver the strategy. Chris noted that PennyM. has taken a consultative approach with the wider FS network to date. It was suggested that Penny M. re-visits members of the FS Working Group, and aims for twice yearly meetings with high level input. Suggestions for who to invite included Julie Wilson, (Development Officer Outdoor Learning Education Scotland)who sits in the Health &Wellbeing section of Education Scotland and is pushing hard for progression in OL, a cluster approach and continuity of experience from EY to secondary. A National Trust for Scotland person was also suggested. Chris suggested representation from Children In Scotland. The Skills & qualifications sector is probably best represented on the FS trainers’ network with a link from trainers’ network to this Working Group.
The level of communication between practitioners and strategy was discussed. It was noted that Scotland differs from England in that this group provides strategic steer and links to national initiatives; the steer is not from the FS training and delivery arm of the network so this means that FS Scotland can maintain objectivity, perspective and philosophical stance. Chris M. noted that many schools can fail to meet the needs of children in their efforts to meet what they perceive as the demands of the Curriculum and consequently the Inspectorate. Sally York noted that Forest School Scotland has positive influence with Scottish ministers. Arising from Forest School we have One Planet Schools/ SDE and Ian Menzies(Development Officer, Developing Global Citizens at Education Scotland) is a champion. The Branching Out programme has evolved from the FS approach. Penny M. noted that the Strategic Plan should be used to set membership of this group.
AP1: All to send any useful contacts to Penny M. for consideration to invite to next meeting
- Proposed new professional Forest School (GB) body & launch on 7th July 2012– our position & input
IOL has previously circulated survey monkey consultations on the proposal to shift Forest School from IOL’s Special Interest Group to a new FS body and the name and structure of the new body. There has been an issue with very tight deadlines for responses involved so a concern that the survey results won’t be widely representative. Bonnie M. has circulated this around FEI cluster groups. There have been technical problems for some of the group in submitting responses. Penny noted that in her responses she called for wide representation on the new body if it is to be a GB wide organisation. Sally Y. noted that funding of this body may be in difficult position if no match funding is found. Mike Brady has conveyed his opinion that we need Scottish representative on this group.
Simon H. feels we need some form of organisation to cover FS to make it as distinct as possible from other courses being developed and provide a structure for FS. He feels the challenge of completing FS training should be upheld as a way of maintaining high standards and not diluted.He noted that folk in Scotland currently source FS information from the FEI FS Coordinator, the internet, training providers, and cluster groups and that Forest School Scotland needs to be the main conduit for all things Forest School.
Aline H. emailed comments to say she is supportive of some kind of democratic organisation that can ensure standardisation as represented by the aims of the NGB group. She feels that
The group has done a lot of beneficial work in relation to occupation standards. Likewise their role for raising awareness of the benefits of FS through the format of the NGB, and she does not have concerns about duplication. Regarding Scotland she would like to know if national occupation standards and mapping to the English and Welsh qualification frameworks will map easily to the Scottish qualification framework. She noted that it can't be an NGB that awards a qualification unless that qualification also works within the Scottish framework. It's unclear at the moment who would take that forward as the GB working group has withdrawn from the process. She feels that the NGB is moving into a new phase and Scotland should have representation on it.
However, concerns were reiterated that the consultation process has been very poor and terminology rather ambiguous – for example loosely intermingling the terms ‘UK’/ ‘GB’/ and ‘British’ in the pre-launch information. This highlights the need for a strategic thinker on this group and input from Scotland.The question arose whether paying the £50 membership serve as endorsement of the new body, but Chris M. pointed out it would be better to work within to help to shape it rather than from the outside.
Bonnie noted that the geographical issue remains regarding the cost implications of travel and remote input has to be made available by the new FS body.
Penny M. and Sally Y. going to launch event on 7th July.
The role of the Forest Education Network (FEN) role was raised following the dissolution of FEI England and discussion of the role of Fiona Groves in relation to Forest School queries. FEN is using FEI website as temporary measure, and the FEI website will be cloned for FEN use. Penny has arranged to call Fiona Groves and discuss FS information needs. Sally Y. noted that we need to clarify role of FEN with the NGB/ FSA and with FS in England.
AP2: Penny to circulate a query among the Scotland Working Group to ask who wants to put themselves forward as a Scottish representative on the new Forest School Association.
AP3: Penny M. to chat to Jon Cree to get his perspective
AP4: Penny M to speak to Fiona Groves, FEN and share info on dealing with FS enquiries
AP5: Sal to speak to FEN and Helen Townsend (FC England)
- Forest School Trainers network – Scotland & GB – input at future meetings
It was agreed that the trainers’ network in Scotland need to take responsibility for their own group and Penny needs to discuss an exit strategy from trainers’ network to avoid over-reliance on her managing this group.
Penny M. circulated the minutes of the last GB meeting. The next meeting is on 6 July 2012 Derby
Regarding the GB trainers network, Clare N. attended the last GB FS trainers meeting. She was concerned that decisions were being made that would affect Scotland, including voting to take on the FS qualification. It was reiterated that we need representatives from Scotland on this group from the Scottish trainers’ network. Apparently there is a perception by English FS network groups that Scotland isn’t interested or doesn’t care and that Scotland has stepped aside from involvement in the GB Trainers network. There is also the sense that a small group of people felt they can make decisions that have wider influence. The next GB Trainers meeting takes place on 6th July and Jon Cree has confirmed with Penny M. that will also take place in Derby to precede the launch event the next day. Ideally someone from the Scottish trainers’ network will attend, but Penny M and possibly Sally Y. could attend as observers.
AP6: Penny to inform FS trainers Scotland network that she and Sally can attend the 6 July meeting, and seek agreement at the Scottish trainers network meeting on 20th June that Penny M. attends the GB meeting, unless a trainer from Scotland can attend
AP7: Penny to write letter to GB training network on behalf of this group to clarify that Scotland hasn’t pulled out of GB trainers’ network; simply stepped aside from the NGB steering group.
- Forest School Strategy for Scotland – comments on draft documents circulated earlier and next steps for sharing more widely
It was agreed that the larger report sets the context for FS in Scotland, it is not a strategy document, but Penny M. felt this was important to do first as a snapshot of FS in Scotland and to highlight issues for a strategy to address. It was agreed that a strategy document should set the timescale with a time based action plan, and delivery methods.Chris M. noted that the Framework document can be adapted to clarify those boxed sections that are philosophical/ strategic and those that imply delivery/ practitioner input.
Chris suggested that a visual representation of FS network groups in Scotland would be useful in the context document and on the FEI website.
Bonnie M. wanted the context document to show explicit links between FEI as the lead body for FS, and other OL options.
It was noted that implementing the Strategy is dependent on the continuation of Penny M’s post.
AP8: Penny to redraft an FS Action plan table and circulate around the group
AP9:Penny M to edit the context document as above and circulate the revised document around the Working Group for approval then put on the FEI website to include a visual representation of groups in Scotland.
- FS Scotland database update
She has put a Call out on the FEI Facebook page and also circulated a request via Bonnie M. and the FEI Cluster Groups, for anyone trained or in training to send their contact details.To date she has had 124 responses with more coming in.
Clare Nugent suggested that Penny forwards information for trainers in contact with FS trainees to ask for their permission to share their data for FEI use.
AP10: Penny M. to resend info to Bonnie to send to FEI subscribers Scotland
AP11: Penny M. to send data capture information to trainers to catch current bookings.
- Future of FEI Forest School Co-ordinator post
Bonnie noted that the Forestry for People Fund (F4P)has been closed. She proposes to support this post through a FCS Forestry Development Programme (FDP) application in partnership with another body. Discussions with Claire Warden have indicated that Mindstretchersare happy to do continue this as a partnership. Falkland Centre for Stewardship has also offered similar. The Working Group agreed that it was happy to change from F4P to FDP. Application development likely to go ahead this month.
AP12: Sally Y. & Bonnie M. will write up a FDP to Claire Warden and aim for a December application
- Discuss any urgent and unexpected items agreed at start
Bonnie M/ Penny M have been approached by ITC First Aid Ltd - SQA accredited Awarding Body (they support a Level 5 SCQF Outdoor First Aid qualification)regarding the possible development of a common first aid course that would be suitable for the Forest School practitioner with plans to open an office in Brora, Sutherland later this year.
FS information on the FEI website – Penny M suggested this needed revision and updating. Bonnie suggested this would be best done once the new Welsh FEI coordinator for Wales is in post from June 2012
AP13: Penny M. to upload FS parental guidance note on FEI website
AP14: Bonnie M. and Penny M. to update First Aid information on FEI website
AP15: BonnieM. and Penny M. to look at updating the FS information on the FEI website
- Decide date and venue of next meeting
AP16: Penny to check venue option with Mike B. and Karen B.
AP17: Penny M. to Doodle dates