Names: Class:

Date: Mr. Pistell

Mythbusters Rubric

There are ten categories here that contribute to good experimental design. For each of the 10 categories, you are graded all-or-nothing. (Check or zero). Thus, you will receive a score out of 10.

Independent Variable / Dependent variable / Control / 3 Constants / Not evil
Double blind/eliminate bias / Multiple trials / Random Sampling / Eliminate extraneous variables / Attention to detail in procedure

My score out of 10:

Names: Class:

Date: Mr. Pistell

Mythbusters Rubric

There are ten categories here that contribute to good experimental design. For each of the 10 categories, you are graded all-or-nothing. (Check or zero). Thus, you will receive a score out of 10.

Independent Variable / Dependent variable / Control / 3 Constants / Not evil
Double blind/eliminate bias / Multiple trials / Random Sampling / Eliminate extraneous variables / Attention to detail in procedure

My score out of 10: