Application Oriented Course


Human Environment

Bachelor’s Degree Programme

Assignments 2005

Assignment 1 – TMA 1

Assignment 2 – TMA 2

Assignment 3 – TMA 3

Assignments 1, 2 and 3


Dear Students,


Assignments 1, 2 and 3

2005 – 06

Dear Students,

As explained in the Programme Guide, you will have to do 3 assignments for the Application Oriented Course of Integrated Pest Management (APM-01). All the Assignments are Tutor Marked (TMA). The blockwise distribution of the assignments is as follows:

Assignment – 1 (TMA) Block 1

Assignment – 2 (TMA) Block 2

Assignment – 3 (TMA) Block 3, 4 and 5

The instructions for doing the assignments are provided in the Programme Guide under Section 7.1 ‘Assignments’. You should read the instructions carefully before you start doing these assignments.

Please submit your assignments as follows:

Assignment No. /

Date of Submission


Where to Send

Assignment – 1 (TMA) / 6 weeks after receiving the printed material with assignments. / The Coordinator of your study centre.
Assignment – 2 (TMA) / 10 weeks after receiving the printed material with assignments. / The Coordinator of your study centre.
Assignment – 3 (TMA) / 14 weeks after receiving the printed material with assignments. / The Coordinator of your study centre.

This assignment is valid upto May 2006.

Answer sheets received after the due date shall not be accepted.

We strongly suggest that you retain a copy of your assignments.

Wishing you all good luck.


(To be done after studying Block 1)

Course Code: APM-01

Assignment Code: APM-01/AST-1/TMA-1/ 2005-06

Maximum Marks: 100

1. Define the Following: (2×5)

a)  Perennial pests

b) Severe pests

c) Occasional pests

d) Migrant pests

e) Potential pests

2.  “Among all the categories of pests, insects are the most dominant.” Substantiate this

statement. (10)

3. How can an organism be designated as a pest? (10)

4. i) Name the part of the plant attacked by the following insect pests: (1×5)

a) Swarming caterpillar

b) Gundhi bug

c) Gujhia weevil

d) Sugarcane whitefly

e) Red cotton bug

ii) Name the crop attacked by the following pests: (1×5)

a) Leptocorisa varicornis

b) Pyrilla perpusilla

c) Dysdercus koengii

d) Agrotis ypsilon

e) Papilio demoleus

5. Complete the following table: (2×5)

Common name of the pest / Scientific name of the pest / Main cereals attacked
i) Angoumois grain moth
ii) Rice weevil
iii) Rust red flour beetle
iv) Khapra beetle
v) Pulse beetle

6. Explain the nature of damage caused by the following pests: (2×5)

i) Pea stem fly

ii) Gram cut worm

iii) Pink bollworm

iv) Sugarcane root borer

v) Maize stem borer

7. i) Name the causative agent of the following diseases: (1×3)

a) Louse borne epidemic typhus

b) Trench fever

c) Louse borne epidemic relapsing fever

ii) Name two insects which introduce their venom (1×2)

a) by biting

b) by stinging

iii) Name two diseases which are spread by housefly. (1×2)

iv) Name three kinds of mosquitoes commonly found in India. (1×3)

8. i) Name three pests of domestic animals. (1×3)

ii) Name five household pests. (1×5)

iii) How do venomous arthropods introduce their venom in the host? (2)

9. Complete the following table: (2×5)

Genus / Common Name / Examples of Important Host Crops (Any two)

10. a) Explain the nature of damage caused by the rodents. (2)

b) Comment on the behavioral bird repellent. (2)

c) Name two crops attacked by millipedes. (2)

d) How will you manage snails attacking crops and home gardens? (4)


(To be done after studying Block 2)

Course Code: APM-01

Assignment Code: APM-01/AST-2/TMA-2/ 2005-06

Maximum Marks: 100

1. Define Integrated Pest Management. What are the principal features and components (2+3+5)

of IPM?

2. i) Define the following (2×3) a) Economic Injury Level (EIL)

b) Economic Threshold Level (ETL)

c) General Equilibrium Position (GEP)

ii) Explain economics of pest management. (4)

3. Compare and contrast IPM strategies and tactics with suitable examples. (5+5)

4. How ET and EIL are valuable for taking action against pests? (5+5)

5. i) Differentiate between natural ecosystem and agroecosystem. (5)

ii)  In what ways can interaction between biotic potential and environmental resistance

balance the nature? (3)

iii) Differentiate between nutritive and protective potential. (2)

6. i) Describe four types of random sampling. (2×4)

ii) Explain pest forecasting. (2)

7. a) What do you understand by ‘systems approach’ in pest management? (6)

b) What is the need for systems approach in pest management? (4)

8. What is remote sensing? How remote sensing can be effectively used in pest management? (3+7)

9. What is a model? Explain the application of simulation models in pest management. (2+8)

10. Complete the following table (2×5)

Natural Product / Target Pests / Methods of Application


(To be done after studying Blocks 3, 4 and 5)

Course Code: APM-01

Assignment Code: APM-01/ AST-3/TMA-3/ 2005-06

Maximum Marks: 100

1. a) How temperature and radiation can be effectively used in pest management? (5)

b) How screens and barriers can be used to exclude pests? (5)

2. a) How intercropping, multicropping and interplanting can reduce the pest numbers? (2×3)

b) Explain the application of semiochemicals in IPM. (4)

3. What do you understand by the following terms: (2×5)

a) LD50

b) Pesticide resistance

c) Pest resurgence

d) Pest replacement

e) Inherent toxicity

4. i) Define biological control. (2)

ii)  Explain three basic types of biological control i.e. conservation, introduction and

augmentation. (2×3)

iii) Name two larval parasitoids and their target pests. (2)

5. Explain the mechanisms of host-plant resistance. (10)

6. i) How genetic methods can be integrated into pest management programmes? (5)

ii) Explain the role of genetic engineering in pest management. (5)

7. i) List five categories into which legislative measures against the spread of agricultural (1×5)

pests can be grouped.

ii) Write a short note on “The Insecticides Act of India, 1968”. (5)

8. Explain different levels of IPM and their integration with suitable diagram. (10)

9. i) What are the main features of FFS? Explain the present status of FFS in India. (5)

ii) Explain various steps in IPM module developed for rice. (5)

10. Which strategies, if implemented correctly, can help to promote IPM in future? (10)