CBS-16/Doc.3.3(2), DRAFT 1APPROVED, p. 2
World Meteorological OrganizationCOMMISSION FOR BASIC SYSTEMS
Sixteenth Session
Guangzhou, China, 23 to 29 November 2016 / CBS-16/Doc.3.3(2)
Submitted by:
The Vice-President of CBS
Adopt draft Recommendation 3.3(2)/1 — Data representations for hydrological information.
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Draft Recommendation 3.3(2)/1 (CBS-16)
Data Representations for Hydrological Information
Noting that the Commission for Hydrology had initiated development of the WMO Hydrological Observing System that would require the exchange of hydrological information between Members,
Noting further:
(1) That standardizing on a limited number of data representations offered potential savings of time and money for Members,
(2) That the Commission for Hydrology had worked closely with the Open Geospatial Consortium in developing a standard representation of time series of hydrological information known as WaterML2 Part 1 and a standard representation of streamflow information known as WaterML2 Part 2,
(3) That the Manual on WIS (WMONo. 1060) requires Members to create WIS Discovery Metadata records to describe the information they wish to make available to other Members,
Recommends to the Executive Council, subject to the concurrence of the Commission for Hydrology at its fifteenth session, the draft Resolution — Data representations for hydrological information in the Annex to this recommendation and Annex 1 to that draft resolution;
Authorizes its Management Group to reconcile that draft resolution with any modifications proposed by the Commission of Hydrology at its fifteenth session and prepare it for submission to the Executive Council.
Annex: 1
Annex 1 to draft Recommendation 3.3(2)/1
Draft Resolution for consideration by EC-69 on WaterML 2.0
Data Representations for Hydrological Information
Noting that the Commission for Hydrology had initiated the WMO Hydrological Observing System that would require the exchange of hydrological information between Members,
Noting further:
(1) That standardizing on a limited number of data representations offered potential savings of time and money for Members,
(2) That the Commission for Hydrology had worked closely with the Open Geospatial Consortium in developing a standard representation of time series of hydrological information known as WaterML2 Part 1 and a standard representation of streamflow information known as WaterML2 Part 2,
(3) That the Manual on Codes (WMO-No. 306) Volume I.3 records data representations derived from data models,
(4) That the Manual on WIS (WMO-No. 1060) requires Members to create WIS Discovery Metadata records to describe the information they wish to make available to other Members,
(5) That the published edition of the Guide to Hydrological Practices, Volume I (WMO-No.168) pre-dates the WMO Information System and the work of the Open Geospatial Consortium on data representations for hydrology,
(1) To amend the Manual on Codes (WMO-No.306) Volume I.3 to introduce WaterML2 Part 1 and WaterML2 Part 2 as data representations that are suitable for the exchange of hydrological information as specified in Annex 1 - Introduction of WaterML2 Part 1 and WaterML2 Part 2;
[Note: Decides (2) and Annex 2 are provided for information to show the complete context of the resolution. CHy-15 will consider their contents and recommend any changes that are needed.]
(2) To amend the Guide to Hydrological Practices (WMO-No. 168) Volume I as specified in Annex 2;
Requests the Secretary-General to amend the text of the Manual on Codes (WMONo.306) Volume I.3 and WMONo.168 as specified in Annexes 1 and 2 respectively and to make editorial changes as needed.
Annexes: 2
Annex 1 to the draft Resolution for consideration by EC-69 on WaterML 2.0
Introduction of WaterML2 Part 1 and WaterML2 Part 2 into Volume I.3 of WMONo.306 Manual on Codes
Amend WMO-No. 306 Manual on Codes Volume I.3 as follows.
In the section “FM system of extensible markup language representations” add the following entry.
FM331231Ext. WMLTSXML / Hydrological Timeseries. Allows a monotonic series of observations over time to be described to the level of detail required for accurate representation as timeseries, with specific consideration for Hydrological data.Res. X (EC-69)
FM332232 Ext. WMLRGSXML / Ratings, Gaugings and Sections. Allows the description of the process and conversions used to determine hydrological observations such as river discharge.
Res. X (EC-69)
Add new section FM231: WMLTS-XML and FM232 WMLRGS-XML following section FM 221: TMSL-XML.
FM 231: WaterML2 – Time series
231.1 Scope
WMLTS-XML shall be used for the exchange in extensible markup language (XML) of time series of hydrological information conforming to the “WaterML2.0 Part 1 Timeseries” conceptual model. WMLTS-XML may be used directly to represent time series information or incorporated as components within other XML encodings.
Note; WaterML2.0 Part 1 Timeseries was developed jointly by the World Meteorological Organization and the Open Geospatial Consortium.
Note: the WMLTS-XML application schema and XML encoding are both described in the document OGC/IS 10-126r4 WaterML 2.0: Part 1 - Timeseries. A copy of that document is available at and the reference version of the associated schema is available from (WMO retains a copy of the schema at
Note: further information on handling application schema and data modelling can be found in the informal document Guidelines on Data Modelling for WMO Codes (available in English only from
Note: representation of non-hydrological information in time series should use FM-221 TSML.
FM 232: WaterML2 – Ratings, Gaugings and Sections
FM 232-16 WMLRGS -XML WATERML Ratings, gaugings and sections
232.1 Scope
WMLRGS-XML shall be used for the exchange in extensible markup language (XML) of hydrological information conforming to the “WaterML2.0 Part 2 Ratings, Gaugings and Sections” conceptual model. WMLRGS-XML may be used directly to encode Ratings, Gaugings and Sections information or incorporated as components within other XML encodings.
Note; WaterML2.0 Part 2 Ratings, Gaugings and Sections was developed jointly by the World Meteorological Organization and the Open Geospatial Consortium.
Note: the WMLRGS-XML application schema and XML encoding are both described in the document 15-018r2_OGC_WaterML2.0_part_2_-_Ratings_Gaugings_and_Sections (Version1.0). A copy of that document is available at and the reference version of the associated schema is available from (WMO retains a copy of the schema at
Note: further information on handling application schema and data modelling can be found in the informal document Guidelines on Data Modelling for WMO Codes (available in English only from
Annex 2 to the draft Resolution for consideration by EC-69
[Note: this draft of Annex 2 is provided for information. CHy-15 will consider its contents and recommend any changes that are needed].
Add the following new paragraph before the first paragraph of section “10.4.2 Catalogues of data availability” to read
The first step in using data is to discover what is available and where to find more information about it. For data that are exchanged between Members, the Manual on the WMO Information System (WMONo. 1060) defines “WIS Discovery Metadata Records” that are published in the WIS Discovery Metadata Catalogue that is available from all the Global Information System Centres ( These records describe the datasets of information that are available; a record could describe as little as a single report or as much as a complete archive of all observations from a country at the discretion of the owner of the data. They should include enough information to allow a potential user to decide whether the data are likely of use and are focussed on describing the datasets. The Manual on WIGOS (WMONo.1160) defines the complementary station metadata that describe the conditions under which observations were made, and these records, compatible with the advice in section, are available from
Amend the first paragraph in section 10.4.6 to read as follows
There are currently no standards Standards for data exchange formats for hydrological data have been developed but not widely adopted. The only standards that exist are The most common exchange formats are the de facto standard formats produced by the most common data loggers and database software systems. Current data exchange formats generally fall into two categories, as follows.
Amend the final two paragraphs in section paragraph 10.4.6 to read as follows.
One major advantage of XML is that it can be specialized in particular subjects. For example, libraries have defined an international format for describing the tags and rules for storing information about books in XML. These standards indicate that all libraries can provide data that can be read and understood by all other libraries. The same is gradually occurring in the more complex area of environmental science. Already there are emerging XML formats for a wide range of applications, including the description of molecules and the Climate Science Modelling Language. GIS data now have a comprehensive XML-based standard called the Geography Markup Language (GML) that will allow the interaction of digital maps from all sources, and could be used for the dissemination of spatial data. GML is the XML grammar defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to express geographical features defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and adopted by the International Organization for Standardization as ISO 19136-2 (Cox and others, 2004). GML serves as a modelling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet.
Many of the definitions of these XML specialisms (areas in which XML specializes) are still evolving and thus should be used with care. However, some successfully defined languages have achieved ISO standard recognition. An XML specialization in the field of hydrology has not yet been developed, although the United States National Weather Service has established a Hydrology XML consor- tium and produced a draft hydrology XML schema. The World Meteorological Organization and the Open Geospatial Consortium have jointly developed representations for time series of hydrological data (WaterML2.0 Part 1) and for ratings, gaugings and sections (WaterML2.0 Part 2). Standard references for these representations are available from WMONo.306 Manual on Codes Volume I.3 as FM-231 and FM-232.
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