This policy sets out why we use self evaluation in our playgroup. It looks at how it takes place and what key principles underlie it.

Our policy sets out who undertakes self evaluation and what it is we need to evaluate.

Why evaluate?

·  We believe that self evaluation is a fundamental to our playgroup’s improvement and development. We need to know how we are doing so we can plan to do it better.

·  It feeds into our SELF EVALUATION FORM (SEF) which is our continually updated assessment of how we are performing in all aspects of playgroup life.

This is the basis for any OFSTED inspection and any area where we need to improve are fed into our Development (Strategic) and Action (Operational) Plans.

Our SEF, Development and Action plans all support our VISION. In turn our Vision supports the five outcomes set out in Every Child Matters and the four principles of the early Years Foundation stage.

What do we evaluate?

As a reflective and professionally run playgroup we continually evaluate all that we do.

Our self evaluation, in the main, covers the following areas which link to the SEF:

·  Views of those who use our setting

·  The quality of provision

·  Outcomes for children

·  Leadership and management ( head/ governors )

How do we do it?

Self evaluation is a continuous process of monitoring, evaluation, implementation and review.

Monitoring is information gathering so we can see how well we are doing.

Information is gathered from children and peer observations, planning files, Learning Journeys, Ofsted reports, Early Years consultants Records of Visits, questionnaires, minutes of meetings, verbal feedback, appraisals and many other sources.

Evaluation involves reflecting on and analysing the information. From this we decide what improvements can be made, how and by when.

Action may be strategic and will be put in our Development plan or it may be operational and be put in out Action Plan

If it directly affects our curriculum it may be put in our Long, medium and short term planning.

Our planned actions will always be checked against our vision. If the actions do not support the vision we have to question why we are doing it.

Implementation is carrying out the agreed action.

It involves all parties working together with a clear aim and with support and resources made available to achieve the desired result. This is usually parents, committee, staff and children working together with the play leader/deputy or committee chair ensuring correct implementation.

Review is looking at our aim and seeing if we achieved it.

Reviewing involves information gathering to provide evidence and then leads again into the cycle of evaluation, implementation and review.

Who does it?

Self evaluation is a whole playgroup undertaking.

Information, opinions and evidence is sought from all stakeholders – staff/children/parents/play leader and committee – and sometimes the wider community.

Evaluation/implementation and review will involve different stakeholders depending on what aspect of playgroup is to be evaluated.

We aim to have clear accountability to achieve our shared aims for out playgroup.

When do we do it?

All the time. As a playgroup with a drive toimprove we continually reflect on all we do.

We also have a timetable built into the playgroup year which allows formal self evaluation to take place.

This is routine self evaluation which we plan well in advance. We also make time for ad hoc evaluation on a daily basis.

At Kirk Hammerton Playgroup we believe that to be effective our self evaluation must
·  Be honest and evidence based.
·  Be a supportive process in which all views are welcome.
·  Highlight our strengths and also areas for development
·  Feed into our development and action plans
·  Be part of the playgroup ethos
·  Be timetabled into the academic year
·  Be recorded regularly in our SEF
·  Involve all stakeholders – with everyone understanding their role in the process
·  Be a clearly understood and manageable process

Sunday, 10 February 2013