September 23, 2009
Senior Project Coordinator
East Greenwich High School
300 Avenger Drive
East Greenwich, RI 02818
Dear Senior Project Coordinator,
Ever since I was a little girl, I have always been interested in hands-on sciences. I’m independent, analytical, and driven. I like to challenge myself in a variety of different ways. In doing this, I have always taken courses that I knew would help me to become a better student. As I tried new things, I came to realize my likes and dislikes about my life and the environment around me. Through Elementary and Junior High, I continuously found ways to shine, or stand out form my fellow classmates. The difference between me and the majority of the class was that I had a passion to learn. It wasn’t until I got into High School that I realized that I had a passion for Forensic Science. I always watched television shows and imagined that I was the one solving the crime. I would think of types of things I would do if I were in their position. I would imagine different approaches I could use instead of the way they had decided. For my Senior Project I will be working in the crime lab at URI. My mentor is Joshua Sneed who is the head of the lab as well as a forensics teacher at the high school. I will be working with Dr. Sneed to learn the art of the four most common techniques that CSIs use in their investigation. Dr. Sneed will then set up a “crime scene” in one of the labs many practice rooms. I will then use the techniques that I have learned to collect evidence and make an assessment of the situation. I will then compare my results with the “correct” ones. I will take I will keep all the documents as well as photographic evidence from this ordeal and compose everything in a binder that I will show the Senior Panels.
In my research paper, I intend to investigate the differences between actual crime scene investigation and its portrayal on television. I will explain how these differences are affecting students’, jurors’, and the media’s perception. Possible sources for my research include the public library, online information databases, my experiences working at the crime scene lab, and interviews taken with Dr. Sneed. Interning at the crime scene investigation unit will really help me to flesh out my assertions throughout the paper.
During my Senior Project I will be accessing many of the learner expectation skills that East Greenwich High School imparts on its students. A complex thinker is defined by our school as someone who “interprets, analyzes, and integrates the critical information necessary for success in all content areas” (2.1) I will be showing during my evaluation of the evidence given to me and my interpretation of it that I am a complex thinker. Second, an effective communicator is defined as someone who “reads critically, speaks articulately, and listens attentively”. (1.1 – 1.3) I will show all of the abovementioned characteristics in my training with Dr. Sneed. I believe the aforementioned traits are the tools that build a great education and they are ones that I have learned in the hallowed halls of EGHS. I will also “work towards my goal” (4.3) of becoming a forensic scientist through this senior project. My learning stretch can be clearly seen in the fact that I have had no formal training in the area of forensics. I only know, which I hope to prove erroneous, what I have seen on TV through programs such as CSI, Cold Case, Forensic Files, and Law and Order.
Joan A. Graduate
47 Trend Hill Blvd.
East Greenwich , RI 02818
This Letter of Intent is approved because it meets the following Senior Project Expectations:
□No major formatting problems
□Field work is clear and specific
□Final product is clearly outlined and detailed
□There is a relevant connection of SP topic to research paper, fieldwork, and product
□Connection is thoroughly explained
□Choice of mentor meets requirements.
□Learner Outcomes are explained
(Conditionally Approved)
September 23, 2009
Senior Project Coordinator
East Greenwich High School
300 Avenger Drive
East Greenwich, RI 02818
Dear Senior Project Coordinator,
For my senior project I will study the quarterback’s position in the game of football. The game itself has been a focal point for America throughout her history. I, myself, have played all of my life with great passion. You may think that there is no learning stretch here but I have never learned how to perfect my game, with muscle specific personal training and proper nutrition these goals can be accomplished. With expectations of playing college football I will certainly have to learn to train and eat properly to successfully play at the next level. I intend to use my fieldwork to create my own workout routine and diet that I will follow at the same time keeping track of my statistics which I will keep all data in an organized binder. In this binder there will be a statistic sheet from last year, a statistic sheet from this year, and the workout routine I created and followed. I will take pictures of myself performing each of the exercises in the routine that I will use five times a week to train for football season. I will also include detailed instructions on how each exercise is supposed to be performed. To further help anyone using my binder, I will include a summary that explains why each exercise is vital to the quarterback position of football. Hopefully this will improve my playing ability and it will give me two great things I can pass down to other football players at our school.
When writing my research paper I will discuss how athletics have been taken to the next level through the use of nutrient supplements. With all the new supplements to choose from today practically everyone can find a workout and nutrition to guide you to high fitness, yet people do not understand what dangers come along with these tubs of muscle nectar. I will look into the sports teams of our very school and see how many students in my class play a sport per season, and most importantly how many of them take nutritional supplements. The link between the two subjects is how important the success that one can have, whatever one has success in, is what people now-a-days focus into the catalyst of that success.
Walking away from this project I will hopefully have a full quarterback’s workout including offseason, in season, and nutrition. Also, I will have all my stats collected from my active season and see how the workout plan improved certain aspects of my game. I will access each of the following Learner Outcomes: 2.2, 4.2, and 4.3. My English skills will be seen in the summaries I write in the binder I create. My Science skills will be seen in the way I break down each muscle group during the exercise I choose to perform. My Math skills will be seen in the way I take statistics of my previous football season and compare it with my current one. One can clearly be seen in the fact that during my senior project I will be putting myself through many rigorous workouts 4 – 5 times a week. My goal is to become a better quarterback; all the exercises that I complete will help me reach my goal. My learning stretch is to use sport specific training to cull my body into perfect quarterback physicality, by learning the way to do this I will not only change my habits for senior project but for life.
Roger Morris
783 West Main Street
East Greenwich , RI 02818
This Letter of Intent is conditionally approved because it is missing one or more of the following Senior Project Expectations:
□Slight formatting problems / grammatical errors
□Field work is NOT clear OR specific enough
□No mentor stated
□Learner Outcomes are not closely explained or tied into student’s Senior Project
(Not Approved)
Dear Senior Project Coordinates:Date: 9/12/ 2009
My life has been spent with a wide verity of people. From Cake Boss Buddy Valastro to the ordinary people of RI, I have always taken an interest in cooking. I have watched my mom cook in the kitchen all the time when I was a little kid. Another thing that has had an impact on my life is the disease cancer. Ever since my mom was diagnosed with skin cancer I have seen the problems it causes. For senior project I want to combine the two thinks that impact my life. That is why I got the idea when I saw the “Cooking for Cancer” ad on T.V. This charity bakes cakes and then sells them and gives the money to charity. My plan is to help the cooks make the cakes on the day they cook for cancer. I will make a cake for my project and sell it for the charity. My mentor will be Lacey Smith. Lacey is one of the people cooking for cancer. She works for Cameo Cake decorators for a job.
For my research paper I want to look at the causes and treatments of skin cancer. I will ask the questions “Is it true that tanning causes skin cancer?” and “What can be done to prevent skin cancer but still have fun outside?”. I will use books about cancer. I will also look at different hospital’s websites to see what information they have. My research will be linked to my project because my project deals with helping people who have cancer and my research will be dealing with the causes and treatments of one kind of cancer.
My project will force me to be an Effective Communicator, a Complex Thinker, and a Responsible Citizen. I will access learner expectation. I will have to watch and listen to what Lacey is telling me about how to bake a cake well. I will access learner expectation I will have to read the recipes for the cakes and compute the different ingredients into the final equation. I will access another learner expectation by helping out the Rhode Island community by giving money to support the research of cancer. This entire project is a learning stretch for me because I have never really cooked or decorated a cake and I have never really thought of helping people other than myself.
John Irving
22 Old Barn Road
East Greenwich , RI 02818
This Letter of Intent is not approved because it is missing one or more of the following Senior Project Expectations:
- Major Formatting Problems
- Major syntax / grammar issues
- Field work is not clear or specific.
- Final product is not clear or specific.
- There is no significant connection between Research Paper and Senior Project
- Learner Outcomes are not explained in enough detailed and are not directly tied into project