Yogyakarta, 2006
1. Understanding Mangrove
The term 'mangrove' is uncertain origin. There aresaid that the term is likely a combination of languagePortuguese and English. The Portuguese called one type of mangrove treeas 'Mangue' and the English 'grove', when put together will be'Mangrove' or 'mangrave'. There is also the possibility comes from the Malay,calling these crops the 'mangi-mangi' or 'Mangin'. Mangrovetrees are plants or plant communities that live in the sea andland that is affected by tides. Mangrove habitats are often foundat the meeting place between the mouth of the river and sea water which then becomesprotective land of huge ocean waves. River freshwater flowfor mangrove and at high tide, mangrove trees surrounded by salt wateror brackish water.
Mangroves are plants that live in the habitat dikotil brackish. Plantdikotil is a plant that has fruit with seed split in two. The mango tree isexamples and sample dikotil tree monocot plants are palm trees. Groupmangrove trees in the area may consist of a particular species or
a set of community trees can live in salty water. Mangrove forestcommonly found along the coast of tropical and subtropical regions, between 32 ° LatitudeNorth and 38 ° south latitude.
Figure. 1. Mangrove deployment in the Tropics
Mangrove forest is a complex ecosystem consisting of flora andcoastal fauna, living in habitats as well as land and sea, between the watershedups and downs. Role in protecting the coastline from erosion, sea wavesand hurricanes. Mangroves also serve as a buffer (of natural shield) andstabilize the soil by capturing and trapping sediment material from
inland river-borne water and then washed out to sea by the current.Mangrove forests thrive and widespread in the delta and large watershedswith a wide estuary. On the beach there are no rivers, mangrove areasnarrow. Mangrove forests have a major impact on salinity tolerance and cangrown in high salinity land where ordinary crops can not grow.
The term mangrove is not always reserved for a group of species withspecific taxonomic classification, but it includes all the plants describedtropical nature halophytic or salt tolerant. Plants are capable ofgrows in soft wet land, sea habitats and exposed to tidal fluctuations.In addition, these plants have a way of reproductiondeveloping viviparous fruit that sprouts (seed germination) during the stillis the parent tree.
The term "mangrove" is the designation for the main types of tree Rhizophora sp. which
Dominant living in coastal habitats. Although not the same as the term mangrovemany people or lay people refer to as the mangrove forest mangrovesor briefly called mangroves.
Mangrove forests are the world regions is approximately 15.429 million ha, 25%it includes the Caribbean coastline and up to 75% covers the beach areasuch as in South America and Asia. In Indonesia forestMangrove estimated to cover the area of about 4.25 million ha or about 27% of theMangrove in the world. Mangrove forest conditions that exist today have halveddamaged.
2. Mangrove Ecosystem
Mangrove is a typical tropical life only well developedat temperatures from 19 ° to 40 ° C. with a tolerance of no more than fluctuations10 ° C. Different types of Mangrove growing on the shoreline and extended growingjutting into the sea watery zone, is a unique ecosystem. Typical forsurvival in the two transition zones between land and sea, while the other plantsnot survive. Collection of various types of trees that seemed to be a guardfuture shorelines are collectively called Mangrove forest. Mangrove Forestsprovides protection to a variety of other organisms both land animals and
aquatic animals to live and breed.
Mangrove forests capture and collect sediment washed downstreamfrom the mainland by tidal streams. Besides protecting mangrove forestsbeach from waves and wind is a place filled also bylife such as mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, crabs, fish, primates,
insects and so on. In addition to providing biodiversity (bio-diversity), as well as the mangrove ecosystem germplasm (genetic pool) andsupporting the whole system life around. Mangrove habitatare foraging (feeding ground) for the animals andas a place of nurturing and rearing (nursery ground), nesting andspawn (spawning ground), and a safe haven for a variety of juvenileand larvae of fish and shellfish (shellfish) from predators. (Cooper, Harrison and Ramm.1995)
Network mangrove root system provides many nutrients for the larvae andjuvenile fish. Mangrove root system also brought communitymarine invertebrates and algae. Provides an overview of the high productivitybermangrove coastal habitats, it is said that a teaspoon of mud from the areamangroves on the north coast of Queensland (Australia) contains more than 10 billionbacteria, a mud density in the world.
Some animals live in trees while others in between the roots andsurrounding mud. Although many animals that live throughout the year, habitatmangrove is also important for visitors who only temporarily, like abirds that use mangrove branches to perch or make
nest but forage on the land is more inward, away from themangrove habitat areas. Group of arboreal animals that live on landsuch as insects, tree snakes, primates and birds are not all his life
was in the mangrove habitat, no need to adapt to tidal conditions.
(Nybakken, 1993)
Figure. 2. Diagram illustration of the spread of fauna in mangrove ecosystem habitat.
The birds from the mainland to find the source of food and habitatgood for perching and nesting. They eat crabs, fish andmolluscs or other animals that live in the mangrove habitat. Each species is usuallyhas a distinctive style and choose food according to their customs and
her favorite each of the diversity of resources available inenvironment. In return, the birds left the guanoas a fertilizer for the growth of mangrove trees.
Other groups are not arboreal animals are animalslife occupy areas with hard substrate (soil) or mangrove rootsor on soft substrate (mud). These groups include the type of
mangrove crabs, shellfish and other invertebrate groups. Groupanother was always living in the ocean water column as a variety offish and shrimp.
3. The Role of Mangrove Bay Area.
According to Webster, habitat is defined as "the natural abode ofa plant or animal, esp. the particular location where it normally grows or lives, asthe seacoast, desert, etc ". roughly independent translation is, the place of settlement innatural for plants and animals, especially to be able to live and grow in the ordinaryand normal, such as sea beaches, deserts and so on. One of thelive animals and plant communities are coastal areas as habitatmangrove. In this habitat also live animals and other plants. Not allsame habitat conditions, depending on the species diversity and carrying capacityenvironment.
It has been widely known that the island, as one community habitatmangroves, are dynamic, meaning that it can evolve or change extendssame narrowed over time. The shape and spacious island can be changeddue to the volcanic activity or because of a shift in the ocean floor. ButFew people know that mangroves play a major role in the dynamics
changes in the island, and even quite a shock when stating thatit can form a mangrove island. It is said that mangroves playimportant in forming the island '.
Some argue that the only true mangrove role incapture, store, preserve and collect objects and particlesprecipitate with a dense root structure, so prefer to mention the role of
mangroves as a "shoreline stabilizer" rather than as "island initiator" oras forming the island. In this process happens is that the land aroundmangrove trees has become more stable in the presence of the mangrove.The role of mangroves as rows of guards is to protect the border zonesea along the coastline and support other organisms living in the areait protects them. Almost all the islands in the tropics have a treemangrove.
When mangrove fruit falling from a tree and then washed upfind land to settle in other locations where the fruit will grow tonew trees. In this place, mangrove trees will grow and developsystems are tight and complex roots. In place of the organic material andwater-borne sediment particles will be trapped in the roots concernsmangrove. This process will take place from time to time and the processstabilizing soil and mud or sand sequence (sand bar). Through the journeytime, the longer will be growing the number of mangrove trees coming
and grow in this land location, control and maintain the new habitat areasThis from the pounding waves of the sea which will meyapu mud and sand. When this process isgoes on, the end result is the formation of a small island that mightwill continue to grow with the growth of various types of mangrove andother organisms in the mangrove ecosystem.In such a process is said to be able to form a mangroveisland. As a coastal defense, became the largest mangrove shieldthe waves hit the islands in the outer zone. Mangrove forestalso protects the interior of the island is effectively out of the influence of waves andstorms. Mangrove is at once protective and nutrient sourcesfor the organisms that live in the middle.
Mangrove leaf fall will break down by soil bacteria producefood for plankton and the nutrient for the growth of marine algae.Plankton and algae that develops will become food for many speciesterrestrial and aquatic organisms in the habitat in question. Such an ecosystemmangrove can form and grow from seed the growth of mangroves.
In the event of a storm, mangroves provide coastal protection andboats were tethered. Roots are complex systems, resilient towaves and wind and prevent coastal erosion. At the root of calm weathermangrove gather materials and water-borne sediment particles,
slow the flow of water currents. If the felled mangrove or taken fromhabitat on the coast will be able to result in the loss of protectionagainst coastal erosion by ocean waves and sediment particles spreadthat sea water becomes murky which then causes death in fishand animals surrounding the lack of oxygen. This process has alsoslowing the growth of seagrass (seagrass).
4. Types of Mangrove.
In a world known for many types of mangrove different. Noted beenrecognized by up to 24 families and between 54 to 75 species,of course depend on the mangrove experts which we addressed the question.(Tomlinson, 1986 and Field, 1995).
Some claimed that Asia is the most highdiversity and types of mangrove. In Thailand there are as many as 27 speciesmangrove, in Ceylon there are 32 types, and there are as many as 41 kinds in the Philippines. InAmerica only has about 12 species of mangrove, while Indonesiamentioned to have as many as no less than 89 types of mangrove trees, orat least according to the FAO there were as many as 37 species. Of the various types of mangrove
those, who live in tidal areas, salt water resistant and fruitful viviparousthere are about 12 families.
Of the many types of mangrove in Indonesia, a lot of mangrove speciesAnother was found between the type of fire (Avicennia sp.), mangroves (Rhizophora sp.)tancang (Bruguiera sp.), and punch or kike (Sonneratia sp.), isThe main mangrove encountered. Mangrove species areis a group of mangrove arrest, detain sediment and stabilize
land habitat.
Figure. 3. Root Breath
Type of fire or in the world known as black mangrove mayis the best type of soil in the process of stabilizing the habitat due toseeds spread easily, tolerance to high temperartur, fast
growing root respiration (peg roots) and root system underwell able to withstand sediment.
Gambar.4. Rhizophora sp.
Mangrove big, red mangrove or Red mangrove (Rhizophora spp.) Iskind of second-best. The types of damage may reduce the impact ofthe currents, large waves and wind.
Gambar.5. Palm tree is one of the mangrove plant species
5. Zoning spread of mangroves
If observed in a growing lead inland from the sea arezoning control by mangrove species are different. From the sea towards thethere is a change of mangrove land that dominate their
each habitat zoned.
Mangrove bad condition due to impaired, or are at derahThe narrow beach, show no regularity in the distribution of tree speciesand zoning along the coast.
This phenomenon is not fully understood zoning clearly. Factorsaffecting zoning division associated with the response of plantsto salinity, tides and soil conditions.
Soil conditions have a major contribution in the form of zoningspread of plants and animals such as different species of crabs on conditiondifferent ground. Kike fires and grow as in sandy zones, mangrovefit in soft muddy soil and humus-rich, while the type tancang
like clay with little organic matter.
The state of plant morphology, buoyancy and seed dispersal modes andcompetition among species, is another factor in the determination of this zoning. Formationmangrove forests that form in the mangrove areas are usually preceded by the type ofkike and tree fires as a pioneer of the land bordering the sea conditionsand wind.
These species are able to live in a place normally submerged in water when the tidebecause it has roots pegs. In the next area that leads to thetypes of land overgrown mangrove (Rhizophora spp.). The area is not alwayssubmerged in water, only the extension-sometimes just submerged in water. Tancang trees growing innext area further away from the sea, toward the mainland. This area of land is somewhathard because it only occasionally submerged at high tide the water is great andsea level is higher than normal.
Gambar.6. Zoning spread of mangrove tree species.
Generally, in the border sea area dominated by pioneer mangrove speciesAvicennia spp. and Sonneratia spp. On the outskirts of the banks estuary or river,Rhizophora spp. occupying. Behind this zone is a zone of mixedmangrove species such as Rhizophora spp., Sonneratia spp., Bruguiera spp., and typeassociated with mangrove trees as high (Ceriopssp) and roasted(Excoecaria sp.). Along the river at the mouth of the trees are usually foundpalm (Nypafruticans).
6. Fauna in Mangrove Habitat
Community mangrove forests form a mixture of 2 (two) groups.
- Fauna groups formed / terrestrial generally occupythe top of the mangrove trees, consisting of: insects, snakes, primates and birds.The group is the nature of special adaptations for living in mangrove forests,because they spent most of his life beyond the reach of the seahigh in the tree even though they can collectfood in the form of marine animals at low tide.
- Group aquatic fauna / aquatic, consists of two types, namely:
- A living pond water, especially various kinds of fish and shrimp.
- Which occupies both hard substrate (mangrove roots and stems)and soft (mud) mainly crabs, clams and various types ofother invertebrates.
Mangrove habitat is a source of productivity that can be used eitherin terms of productivity of fisheries and forestry in general or arich natural resources as ecosystems bermukimnya various flora andfauna.
Starting from the development of micro-organisms such as bacteria and fungi thatproduce edible detritus fish larvae and tiny sea animalsother. This in turn will become a larger animal food andeventually fall prey to large predators including the use by humans.For example, crab, fish blodok, shrimp and lobster larvae and planktondetritus in this habitat. Crabs taken and used humans as food.
Figure.7. Mangrove Crab
Figure. 8. Lizard (Varanus sp.)
A variety of animals such as reptiles, amphibians animals, mammals, come and livealthough not all of his life was spent in the mangrove habitat. Variousspecies of fish, snakes, insects and other animals such as birds and mammals maysettled here. As the diverse nature of the different places ormangrove habitats will be different then the type and diversity of floraand fauna that live in the area.
Some types of animals that can be found in habitats such as mangroveis, from insects such as ants (Oecophylla sp.), moth (Attacus sp.)bug (Dysdercus sp.); types of crustaceans such as lobsters mud (Thalassina sp.), typespiders (Argipe spp., Nephila spp., Cryptophora spp.); types of fish such asblodok (Periopthalmodon sp.), fish chopsticks (Toxotes sp.); types of reptiles such as lizards(Varanus sp.), Tree snake (Chrysopelea sp.), Water snakes (Cerberus sp.); Species of mammalslike a beaver (Lutrogalesp,) and squirrel (Callosciurus sp.), groups of primates(Nasalislarvatus) and many more like mosquitoes, caterpillars, honey bees,bat and others.
Gambar.9. Tree snake (Chrysopelea sp.)Figure 10. Pteropusvampirus
Mangrove forest is also a habitat for some wildlifeincluding endangered species such as the Sumatran tiger (Pantheratigrissumatranensis), proboscis monkey (Nasalislarvatus), wilwo (Mycteriacinerea), black lathe(Centropusnigrorufus), and tom-tom heron (Leptoptilusjavanicus, and placestopover for migratory birds.
Figure.11. Sumatran tiger (Pantheratigrissumatranensis)