Information Pack

for New Residents in Leigh


Members of the Parish Council welcome you to the village of Leigh and hope that the attached information will help you in beginning to find your way about. This pack, which can be made available in large print if required, contains details of the main services available in the district together with a brief mention of various contacts and services in the local area. More news and useful information on activities is published in the Parish Magazine, the Leigh Post, which is produced bi-monthly and delivered to every house in the village.

There is also a village website supported by the Parish Council at More information about local activities, events and issues is also available in a regular email newsletter published every three to four weeks which can be requested from the website or by email to .


Map of Leigh page 4

History of Leigh page 5

Leigh Parish Council page 6

Schools in Leigh page 7

The Parish church page 8

Medical Services page 9

Security – local contacts page 10

Local authority services page 11

Activities in Leigh page 12 to13

Pubs in and around Leigh page 14

Communications page 15

Transport facilities page 16 to 18

Further Information page 19 to 20

Map of Leigh

History of Leigh

Leigh, lying on the weald below the limestone North Downs, has had various spellings throughout history: Leye, Ladeghe (12th Century), Legh, Leygh (14th Century), Ley (16th Century).

Leigh is not mentioned in Doomsday Book, its name describing a clearing in the woods. It was part of the Earls of Warren estates, but in the time of Richard I it was given to the Prior and Convent of St Mary Southwark.

After the dissolution of the religious houses in 1539 Henry VIII granted the manor of Shellwood to Sir Thomas Nevil for the payment of service: one knight's fee.

There are many indications of much iron smelting around Leigh in names such as Pitfield, Blackhole Furnace Field and Ironsbottom.

In 1845 a school was built, providing education for 40 girls and 40 boys at a fee of 2d per week, and in 1914 it moved to its present site with space for 150 pupils.

Although Leigh boasted three shops, only two operated at any one time. The general store, incorporating a bakery, was sited opposite the Seven Stars, and the post office which included a small store, was near the village green at Orchard Cottage. More recently, the post office and general store with petrol and a garage were at the Smithy, but this closed a few years ago

Regular displays of village history can be found in the History Box, the converted phone box on the Village Green.

Leigh Parish Council

The Parish Council is an elected tier of local government. While the major services such as education, planning, environmental health and social services, are the responsibility of the principal authorities, Parish Councils have fewer duties, but some power to take legal action. It plays a vital part in representing the community it serves and in improving the local quality of life. It acts as an advisory agency for planning matters, road safety issues and other functions of local government. It is also responsible for the care of land owned by the Parish which includes the village green, the allotments, the playground and the recreation ground (cricket ground).

Leigh Parish Council consists of seven elected councillors and a clerk, all of whom are residents of the village. It has an annual budget in the region of £14,000. Parish Council meetings are held monthly on the first Thursday of odd months (ie January, March etc) and on the first Wednesday of even months (February, April). Parishioners are strongly encouraged to attend the meetings at the end of which they are able to question the councillors, to make suggestions and to express any concerns they have about life in the village.

At present there is one vacancy for a Parish Councillor.

See the village website for names and contact information about current councillors, meeting dates, agenda and minutes.

Schools and provision for young people in Leigh

(See also the full list of activities in the village on page 12)

North Downs Primary School Leigh Village

The North Downs Primary School Leigh Village is, with Brockham and Betchworth, a split site primary school. More information can be found at the village website at

Burys Court School

Burys Court School, off Flanchford Road, is an independent pre-prep and prep school catering for children from the ages of 3 to 12 years. Recently it has become possible for older children to go on to the Moon Hall College which shares the same site. There are approximately 100 pupils, some of whom are resident in Leigh. The school's web site is:

Leigh Lollipops

The Leigh Lollipops meet in the Village Hall on Mondays to Fridays 9.00am to 12.00 and to 1pm on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is for children from two and a half to five years of age. For details telephone 01306 611381 or visit the website at

Leigh Playground

In April 2007, a group of parents got together with a member of the Parish Council, to form the PLAY (Playground for Leigh’s Active Youth) Committee. This, a sub-committee of the Parish Council, set about obtaining designs and funds to re-vamp the moribund playground. Fun and, in some cases, challenging, items suitable for all ages have been installed. The completed ground was opened by Surrey County Councillor Helyn Clack on the 26th June 2010. There is plenty of space for play together with picnic tables at which parents can sit and relax.

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Brownies Groups

Weekly meetings take place at the Village Hall. Beavers and Cubs meet on Monday nights and Brownies and Scouts on Wednesdays.

Contact Richard Pike on 01737 201722 or 07772 916512 or for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, and Antonia Thompson on 07903 110641 or for Brownies.

The Parish Church of St. Bartholomew, Leigh

This attractive fifteenth century church built of Reigate stone stands at the edge of Leigh village green. Parts of the church probably date back to an earlier century. The ancient oak beside the lych-gate is said to be five hundred years old.

In 1980 the stone belltower and wooden belfry were replaced by the present tower and bellcote. In the chancel, the entrance to the vestry is the original priest's doorway, predating the vestry.

All the original timbers were replaced in 1855, when, it is thought, the old box pews were removed. The manorial stalls with poppy-head ends, and the pulpit are said to have been made from wood of a single elm felled on the Leigh Place estate.


The Vicarage, Clayhill Road, Leigh 01306 611224

The Vicar’s day off is on SATURDAY, apart from weddings. (Please only call in an emergency)

CURATE: Revd FRANK LEHANEY, Twelve Trees, Smalls Hill Rd, Leigh 01306 611201

(The Curate’s day off is on FRIDAY)

Times of church services can be found in the Leigh Post and on the village website.

Medical Services
Brockwood Medical Practice
The Practice is based in three purpose-built surgeries in Brockham, North Holmwood and Newdigate. It covers an area of approximately 100 square miles, bounded by Dorking and Reigate in the north and Charlwood and Rusper in the south.

Brockham Surgery: Tanners Meadow, Brockham, Betchworth, SurreyRH3 7NJ Tel: 01737 843259
8am to 6.30pm Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri

8am to 5.00pm Wednesday

Newdigate Surgery: Rusper Road, Newdigate, SurreyRH5 5BE Tel: 01306 631242

8am to 5.00pm Tuesday

8am to 6.30pm Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri

North Holmwood Surgery: 1 Bentsbrook Close, North Holmswood, Surrey RH5 4HY Tel: 01306 885802

8am to 6.30pm Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri

8am to 4.00 pm Thursday

The nearest hospital with accident and emergency facilities is East Surrey Hospital, Canada Avenue, Redhill, RH1 5RH. Telephone for all departments: 01737 768511. For more information about health care in the district visit:

Security – Local Contacts

Surrey Police – non emergency: 101

Beat Officer and Neighbourhood Watch contact: PC 2303 Dominic Loraine 07967988521

Police Community Support Officer: PCSO 11525 Ivor Williams 07967988615

Police Community Support Officer: PCSO Aimeé Lucas


Roads Police Community Support Officer: PCSO 11525 Mohammed Shuja 0788103 9163

Local coordinator of Neighbourhood Watch: Tony Crossley

01306 611301

Police Crime Reduction Officer: 01306 676823

Crimestoppers: 0800 555111

The Village website carries Neighbourhood Watch reports, details of police policies on terrorism and advice on burglary prevention.

Leigh has a Community Speedwatch scheme introduced by the Parish Council in partnership with Surrey Police. Regular checks on vehicle speeds are carried out by specially trained volunteers from the community. More volunteers are always welcome – contact to find out about free training.

Local Authority Services

Leigh comes under the Mole Valley District Council which is based at Pippbrook, Dorking, RH4 1SJ. The main switchboard number is 01306 885001

For detailed information visit their website:

For details of refuse collection, ring the above number or visit the website.

Dorking library, now in St Martin’s Walk, is well stocked and has eight computers for use on an hourly basis. Tel: 0300 200 1001 or visit the web pages at:

Surrey no longer operates a Mobile Library service. However there is a Library Direct Home Service for people who are cannot get to a static library though illness or disability. To find out more, including if you are interested in volunteering to support the service, call Enquiries Direct on 01483 543599 or email .

To report potholes ring the SCC Contact Centre on 0300 200 1003 or go online to

Since Leigh is on the edge of the Council boundary, you might need to contact Reigate and Banstead, the neighbouring District Council. Their number is: 01737 276000 and web address is: The library in Reigate is on: 0300 200 1001

Citizens Advice Bureau in Dorking. Tel: 08444 111 444

Surrey domestic abuse 24 hour Helpline: 01483 776822


East Surrey Outreach Service (independent, confidential, listening service to anyone affected by domestic abuse). Tel: 01737 771350

Surrey Women’s Aid: 01483 776822

Activities in Leigh

There is a range of activities in Leigh, most of which are detailed in the Leigh Post and on the website. Below are the names and numbers of those connected with a number of organizations in the village.

BEAVERS Richard Pike 01737 201722

BELL RINGERS: Captain Colin Clement 01293 863195

BELL RINGERS: Master Dr Anthony Vere-Hodge

BIBLE READING FELLOWSHIP Mrs J. Turner, Betchworth 01306 611521

BOB CHUDLEY CLUB FOR THE BLIND Shirley Shaul 01737 247543

BRODERERS Mrs Pam Burke 01293 862420

BROWNIES: Brown Owl Mrs Antonia Thompson 07903 110641

COMPUTER CLUB Mark Foulsham 01306 611023

COTTAGE GARDEN SOCIETY Caroline Holford 01306 611314

CRICKET CLUB: Hon Sec Mr Richard Slade 01293 862563

CUBS Richard Pike 01737 201722

JUNIOR GARDEN SOCIETY Mrs Vivienne Boustred 01306 611388

LEIGH LOLLIPOPS NURSERY Clare Jackson 01737 215696 LEIGH PARISH WEBSITE Adria Kinloch 01306 611527

MAGAZINE (FRIENDLY) CLUB Mrs Jane Sturt 01306 881547

NORTH DOWNS Primary School Mrs Angela Ewing (Head) 01737 843384

NDPS: Chairman of Governors Paula Morgan

NDPS: Friends Chairman Lucy Woolley 01737 842250

RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION Desmond Gwynne 01293 862353

SCOUTS Richard Pike 01737 201722

SIDESPERSONS AND LESSON READING Christine Shearing 01306 611253

SMITH’S CHARITY: Clerk Mrs Jane Sturt 01306 881547

SURREY UNION PONY CLUB: Hon Sec. Mrs Greenwell 01306 631236

VILLAGE HALL LETTINGS Paul and Maggie Brittain 01306 611110

VILLAGE HALL: Hon Sec Mrs Judy Chesser 01306 611406

WATER COLOUR GROUP Maureen Judd 01306 611409

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: Hon Sec Suzanne Kidd 01306 876692

Activities – continued

While organizations such as the Women’s Institute and, for children, the Brownies and Cubs, are generally familiar, it may be helpful to have more detail of some activities which are peculiar to Leigh:

The Leigh and District Cottage Garden Society. The Society is open to anyone interested in gardening. Apart from putting on the annual summer show, the Society runs an autumn show and arranges garden visits. In the winter there are talks on a variety of horticultural subjects. It is a friendly and welcoming organization. Contact Caroline Holford on 01306 611314 for more information. There is also a flourishing Junior Garden Society which meets on Saturdays. For information contact Vivienne Boustred on 01306 611388.

The Cricket Club. The Club has two weekend teams and has matches on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the summer – the majority of them played at home. They are always on the lookout for new players and welcome spectators. Members of the club organize the highly successful annual bonfire. Contact: Richard Slade, 01293 862563.

Softball is also played on the recreation ground on summer evenings. Contact Mike Harrison for details: 01293 862979

The Magazine Club (Friendly Club) This is a club for the over sixties which meets once a fortnight for a variety of activities and has a number of outings throughout the years. It is a lively and well-supported organization. Contact Jane Sturt, 01306 881547.

The Residents Association. The Association is particularly concerned to gather information about local issues and, if necessary, support appropriate campaigns. It meets four times a year when there is generally a scheduled speaker and, always, a glass of wine. For information contact Desmond Gwynne on 01293 862353.

The Broderers This group meets regularly for the purpose of creating kneelers for St Bartholomew's Church. There is also a long-term project to embroider a kneeler to cover the length of the chancel steps. Those with enthusiasm for this type of needlework should contact Mrs Pam Burke on 01293 862420.

Leigh Watercolour Group

This informal group meets in the Village Hall on Monday afternoons from 2 to 4 and encompasses all abilities. There is a small charge. For more information contact Maureen Judd, 01306 611409.

Pubs in Leigh and District

The Plough (tel no: 01306 611348) is situated on the village green.