What Good Readers Do from Kelly Gallagher’s Readicide
Good / StrugglingThink about what they already know/search their prior knowledge / Read without thinking about what they already know
Identify a purpose for reading the text / Don’t know why they are reading text
Make predictions / Make no predictions
Have a sense of how major ideas may fit together / Don’t have an idea how the major ideas might fit together
Pay attention to meaning/are able to identify key information / Overattend to individual words/are often unable to make meaning
Monitor comprehension while reading / Do not monitor comprehension while reading
Stop and use “fix up” strategies / Are unaware of “fix up” strategies
Visualize while reading / Are unable to visualize
Make inferences / Cannot make inferences
Make connections, both inside and outside the text / Are unable to make connections
Have a high tolerance for ambiguity / How a low tolerance for ambiguity
Ask questions of the text / Do not ask questions of the text
Are active and engaged / Are passive and unengaged
Can summarize / Are often unable to determine main ideas
Understand how ideas fit together / Focus on unimportant details
Can answer implicit, explicit and application questions / Are unable to answer comprehension questions
Can revisit text and make deeper meaning / Are unable to revisit text to make deeper meaning