Terms of reference (TOR) forShort term consultant to

  1. Review existingsystem and practices for supervision and monitoring of Community Skill Birth Attendants (CSBAs),
  2. Develop strategies and implementation guideline for supportive supervision and monitoring ofCSBAs.

Project: Human Resources for Health in Bangladesh (HRH)


Although Bangladesh has achieved commendable progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5, the country is still facing some challenges: neonatal deaths is declining slowly; only 1 in 4 women receiving recommended number of ANC visits (4+), 26.5% deliveries are attended by medically trained providers, most of the deliveries taking place at home (77%) and care after birth is also inadequate (23%). To overcome these challenges, one of the key strategic targets of the Government of Bangladesh is to develop sufficient human resources for providing maternal and neonatal health services. Given this context, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) awarded Cowater International in association with Plan International, McMaster University and the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, a five year project titled ‘Human Resources for Health in Bangladesh (HRH)’. The project will provide technical assistance, equipment, and teaching and learning aids to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) to improve the quality of education for nurse midwives and community skilled birth attendants. Plan Bangladesh is implementing one of five major components of the project that aims to increasing awareness of and access to skilled birth attendants at the community level. The project will work in collaboration with Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) and Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP) under MoHFW totrain of government and private /NGO CSBAs, support monitoring and supervision of CSBAswhen they return to their communities after completion of training. In addition, the project will supportbehavior change communication activities at the community level to promote the use of CSBAs and also expected also strengthen the referral linkages for maternal and neonatal complications.

Different evaluationsrevealed that there are flaws in the existing system for supervision and monitoring of CSBAs, especially Family Welfare Visitors (FWVs) supervising Female Health Assistants (different Directorates), FWVs’ clinical competencies, productivity and level of commitment to do the task.Besides FWA’s and FeHA’s(trained as CSBAs)immediate field supervisors namely Health Inspectors/Family Planning Inspectors were not recognized in the supervisorymechanism.Given this context, the project’s requirement is to review the existing system and practices for supervision and monitoring of Community Skill Birth Attendants (CSBAs) and develop revised strategies with an implementation guideline for supportive supervision and monitoring of CSBAs. Technical Assistance from an expert in this area is therefore required to accomplish the task.

Objectives of the assignment

The specific objectives are to

i)Identifyways to provide effective supportive supervision and monitoring forgovernment and private/NGO CSBAs.

ii)Develop strategies and implementation guideline for effective supportive supervision and monitoring of government and private/ NGO CSBAs.

iii)Develop plans for supportive supervision and monitoring of government and private/ NGO CSBAs trained under HRH project


The assignment needsto be conducted through review of existing documents,consultation with relevant government stakeholders, experts in this arena and field visits as and when necessary.

Specific tasks should include:

  1. Collection and review of available documents related to the existing system for supervision and monitoring of government and private/NGO CSBAs in terms of technical quality and effectiveness.
  2. In-depth discussion with expertsin thearena
  3. Based on the review and discussions, designat least two models that will be recommended for effective supportive supervision and monitoring of government CSBAs.
  4. Design an effective model for supportive supervision and monitoring of private/NGO CSBAs that will be piloted in HRH project area.
  5. Share all the models with government and other stakeholders in a consultation workshop.
  6. Based on the suggestions and recommendations of the consultation workshop prepare draft strategy and implementation guideline for supportive supervision and monitoringgovernment and private/NGO CSBAs.
  7. Share the draft in a follow up workshop with MoHFW, DGHS and DGFP
  8. Finalize the deliverables

The contracted consultant is expected prepare the draft deliverables in consultation with Plan and Cowater as well as finalize the deliverables incorporating comments from Plan and Cowater.

Required competencies and experiences of consultant

The consultant should have:

  • Technical expertise to work with Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH) projects
  • Experience in developing strategies and implementation guidelines in the area of MNCH
  • Strong knowledge about CSBA training program
  • Strong knowledge about government’s health system including supervision mechanism
  • Knowledge about Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program

Content of proposal

Interested consultants need to submit a technical and a financial proposal

  1. The technical proposal willinclude the following sections:
  • A detailed work plan with timeline of the activities in line with the ToR.
  • A detailed CV of the consultant containing experience on relevant issues.
  • A sample of previous similar work in health program
  1. The financial part will describe the estimated budget in detail. Plan Bangladesh will bear the cost of consultation workshops, therefore should not be included in the budget.The Financial sectionshould be submittedin a separate sealed envelope.


The estimated assignment period is 80 working daysfromDecember15th, 2012 to April 30th,2013.


  1. A write up (maximum 10 pages) on results of the review of existing system and practices for supervision and monitoring of Community Skill Birth Attendants (CSBAs) in terms of technical quality and effectiveness.
  1. Design of 2 models that will be recommended for effective supportive supervision and monitoring of government CSBAs.
  1. Design an effective model for supportive supervision and monitoring of private/NGO CSBAs that will be piloted in HRH project area.
  1. Final draft strategy and implementation guideline for supportive supervision and monitoringof government CSBAs for approval by MoHFW.
  1. Final draft strategy and implementation guideline for supportive supervision and monitoring of private/NGO CSBAs for piloting is HRH project area.

Financial Terms

The payment schedule to the contracted consultant is as follow:

-30% of the total amount will be paid at the signing of agreement.

-30% after submitting the deliverable no 1, 2 and3.

-Remaining 40% after submitting the deliverable no4 and 5.

The payment would be made through account payee cheque and Plan Bangladesh will deduct the income Tax and VAT as per government rules.


All reports, documents, papers etc., produced during the consultancy work will be given to Plan Bangladesh (Plan) and will be the property of Plan. The consultant cannot print and distribute the report. The consultant is prohibited to use any information for any other purpose without the prior consent of Plan. Due acknowledgement needs to be given to Plan, Cowater and CIDA. In addition, Plan, Cowater and CIDA logo together with a disclaimer must be used on any printed copy. The logo will be supplied by Plan Bangladesh.

Child Protection

Plan’s Child Protection Policy will be applicable during the consultancy period. The selected consultant will abide by the Child Protection policy of Plan Bangladesh.

Submission of Proposal

Consultant must submit the technical proposal and financial proposal separately both in sealed envelope. The name of the consultancy work should be written on the top of the envelope. The proposal must be dropped at Plan Bangladesh Country office by the deadline mentioned in the advertisement.