Vaughan 1

Michelle D. Vaughan, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist (OH 7226)

School of Professional Psychology, Wright State University

9 N. Edwin C. Moses Boulevard, Dayton, OH

Cell: (804) 503-2641 E-mail:


2009-2010Clinical/Research Fellowship in Addictions, The University of Virginia Center on Addiction Research and Education (UVA-CARE), Charlottesville, VA

2007 Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, The University of Akron, Akron, OH (APA-Accredited) Dissertation: Coming Out Growth: Conceptualizing and assessing stress-related growth associated with coming out to others as gay or lesbian

2001 M.A., Psychology, The University of Akron. Thesis: Therapeutic Assessment: Effects of psychologist self-disclosure in the initial assessment interview

1998 B.A., (Honors) Psychology, Baker University, Baldwin City, KS


2016 -PresentAssociate Professor, School of Professional Psychology (SOPP), Wright State University, Dayton, OH

Graduate Courses: Chemical Dependency, Interviewing, Practicum Tutorial, Diversity Integration I, Diversity Integration II; Multicultural Lab, Sexuality & Gender Identities on the Couch. Directed Studies: Psychology of Polyamory, Transgender Psychology

Chaired 10 dissertations and served on two dissertation committees on LGBTQ+, sexuality, ally development, and self-care topics. Supervised undergraduate research assistant student. Conducted 20+ internship/prospective student applicants, interviewed candidate for Assistant Professor position, created LGBT+ themed resource list for in-house clinic, reviewed procedures/forms for transgender inclusion.


2013-PresentAssistant Professor (tenure-track), Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, The University of Mount Union, Alliance, OH

Courses: Abnormal Psychology, Human Sexual Behavior, Introduction to Counseling, Drugs & Behavior, Lifespan Development, Personality Psychology, Research Methods & Data Analysis I & II, Senior Capstone (Sins Against Science), Independent Study (Research Assistantship).

2010-2013Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Psychology Department, Westminster College, Fulton, MO

Courses: Abnormal Psychology, Addictive Disorders, Human Sexual Behavior, Developmental Psychology Lab, Personality Psychology & Lab, Counseling Theory & Skills, Cross-Cultural & International Psychology, Introduction to Psychology,Senior Seminar (Positive Psychology), Westminster Seminar (Positive Emotions, The Psychology of True Blood)

2007Adjunct Faculty, Psychology Department, Longwood University, Farmville, VA

Courses: Lifespan Development

2005Adjunct Faculty, General Studies Department, Towson University, Towson, MD

Courses: Life and Career Decision Making

2003Adjunct Faculty, Psychology Department, John Carroll University, University Heights, OH

Courses: Lifespan Development, Adolescent Development, Introduction to Psychology

1999-2003Instructor, Psychology Department, The University of Akron

Courses: Cross-Cultural Psychology, Dynamics of Personality, Introduction to Experimental Psychology, Introduction to Psychology


2016Austin Montgomery Grant Program, The University of Mount Union

Wrote applications for funding to support an interdisciplinary research team studying the potential usefulness of new tools to promote STI testing. Awarded $2,000.

2015Austin Montgomery Grant Program, The University of Mount Union

Wrote applications for funding to support an interdisciplinary research team studying the potential usefulness of new tools to promote STI testing. Awarded $880.

2015Nominee, Outstanding Scientific Contribution, Division 44: Society for the Scientific Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues

2011Faculty Summer Funding Program, Westminster College

Wrote successful application for funding to support the development of Major Contribution proposal on LGBT Strengths. Awarded $2,500.

2010 Post-doctoral Scholar, International LGBT Summer Institute, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Selected for funding as one of 25 post-doctoral scholars for bi-annual international research institute in sexual and gender minority research issues.

2009 Travel Award for Medical Center Fellows/Residents, The University of Virginia ($750)

2003Ohio Department of Health Research Grant

Statewide Focus Groups Involving Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. Co-wrote successful supplementary grant to disseminate results of focus group results to service providers. Awarded $2,000.


Vaughan, M.D., Penberthy, J. K., Wartella, J.A. (2017, in press), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addictions (2nd Edition). In B. Johnson (Ed.), Addictive Disorders and Substance Abuse. New York: Springer

Rodriguez, E.M., Etengoff, C. & Vaughan, M.D. (2017, ePub). A Quantitative Examination of Identity Integration in Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People of Faith. Journal of Homosexuality. doi: 10.1080/00918369.2017.1395259.

Vaughan, M.D., Miles, J., Parent, M.C., Lee, H-S., Tilghman, J., & Prokhorets, S. (2014). A content analysis of LGBT-themed positive psychology articles. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1(4), 313-324.

Vaughan, M.D., Rodriguez, E., & Shmerler, D. (2014). LGBT Strengths: Incorporating positive psychology into theory, research, training and practice. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1(4), 325-334.

Lytle, M., & Vaughan, M.D., Rodriguez, E., & Shmerler, D., (2014). Working with LGBT individuals: Incorporating positive psychology into training and practice. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1(4), 335-347.

Rodriguez, E.M., Lytle, M.C., Vaughan, M.D., & Schmerler, D.L. (2013). Exploring the intersectionality of bisexual, religious/spiritual and political identities from a feminist perspective. Journal of Bisexuality, 13, 285-301.

Rodriguez, E. M. & Vaughan, M. (2013).Stress-related growth in the lives of lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals. In J. Sinnott (Ed.), Positive psychology: Advances in understanding adult motivation, pp. 291-307. New York: Springer Publications.

Vaughan, M. D. & Rodriguez, E. M. (2013). The influence of Erik Erikson on positive psychology theory, research and practice. In J. Sinnott (Ed.), Chapter in Positive psychology: Advances in understanding adult motivation, pp. 231-245. New York: Springer Publications.

Vaughan, M.D., Hook, J.N., Wagley, J.N., Davis, D., Hill, C. Johnson, B.A. & Penberthy, J.K.(2012).Changes in affect and drinking outcomes in a pharmacobehavioral trial for alcohol dependence. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment, 11(1), 14-25.

Penberthy, J.K., Hook, J., Vaughan, M., Davis, D., Wagley, J.N., DiClemente, C.C. & Johnson, B. (2011). Impact of motivational changes on drinking outcomes in pharmacobehavioral treatment for alcohol dependence. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 35(9), 1694-1704.

Penberthy, J. K., Wartella, J.A., Vaughan, M.D. (2011). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addictions. In In B. Johnson (Ed.)Addictive Disorders and Substance Abuse. New York: Springer

Penberthy, J.K., Vaughan, M., & Wagley, J.N. (2010). Standard Psychological Assessment for Adults. In Handbook of Psychiatric Practice: Principles and Applications. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd.

Penberthy, J.K., Fanning, T., Ait-Daoud, N. & Vaughan, M. (2010). Review of treatment for cocaine dependence. Current Drug Abuse Reviews 3, 1-14

Vaughan, M. & Waehler, C. (2010). Coming Out Growth: Conceptualizing and assessing experiences of stress-related growth associated with coming out as gay or lesbian. Journal of Adult Development 17(2), 94-109.


Vaughan, M., Jones, P. & Taylor, A. Healthcare experiences of consensual non-monogamous individuals.

Vaughan, M., Kniffley, S., Williams, J., & Dragon, W. Changes in and predictors of multicultural attitudes across clinical psychology graduate training.

Vaughan, M. & Luc, M. Effects of a strengths-based LGBTQ+ ally training in a university sample.

Vaughan, M. Poly Strengths: Developing and validating a measure of perceived benefits associated with consensual non-monogamies.

Chen, J.C., Walker, K. Leibowitz, S. & Vaughan, M. Gender competency in Ohio physicians.


Vaughan, M.D. (accepted). Positive psychological practice with transgender and gender diverse clients. In E. Tebbe (Chair), Positive psychology in trans and gender non-conforming (TGNC) populations. Symposium at the American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Vaughan, M.& Witherspoon, R. (accepted). Polyamory in Therapy: Research and Practice with Consensually Non-Monogamous People. Four hour CE training at the American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Vaughan, M. (accepted). Polyamory 101 for Psychologists. Two hour CE training at the Ohio Psychological Association, Columbus, OH

Jones, P., Deremo, C., Oblinger, D., & Vaughan, M. (2017). Consensual Non-Monogamies 101: What healthcare provider need to know. CE Training provided at Transforming Care Conference, Columbus, OH

Vaughan, M. & Jones, P. (2017). Healthcare experiences of consensual non-monogamous individuals. Paper presented at Transforming Care Conference, Columbus, OH

Peterson, P. & Vaughan, M. (2017). Queer & Crip Justice: 5 skills for creating more intersectional and inclusive communities. Two hour Continuing Education training presented at Breaking Silences, Wright State University, Dayton, OH.

Rostosky, R. & Veldhuis, C. (Chairs) (2017).Discussant for The Social Context of Coping: New research findings on LGBTQ resilience. Symposium presented at the 2017 American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Vaughan, M.D. (Chair) (2017). Creating TGNC-Inclusive Graduate Training Programs: Guidelines, research and faculty and student insights. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Vaughan, M.D., Douglas, D., & Love, S. (2017). Incorporating APA’s LGBT Guidelines into Training & Practice. Two-hour Continuing Education program presented at the Ohio Psychological Association Conference, Columbus, OH.

Vaughan, M.D. (2017) Poly Myth Busting: What research says about the lives & relationships of consensually non-monogamous people. Paper presented at the Community Academic Consortium for the Advancement of Research Alternative Sexualities, Chicago, IL.

Vaughan, M.D. (2017). Resilience and Strengths of Transgender Individuals/communities: Insights from the psychological literature. Presentation at the Greater Dayton Transgender Mental Health Summit, Dayton, OH

Vaughan, M.D., Lambert, C., & van Kirk (2017). Guidelines & Practice: Serving Transgender/Gender Diverse Populations. Panel at the Greater Dayton Transgender Mental Health Summit, Dayton, OH

Vaughan, M. & Banks. E. (2016, August). Efficacy of a strengths-based LGBTQ+ ally training: Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Denver, CO

Vaughan, M. (2016, August).Insights into the empirical literature on polyamorous and consensually non monogamous individuals. In A. Cerbone (Chair): Science, Sexuality and Psychotherapy: Alternative Expressions for the American Psychological Association Convention, Denver, CO

Vaughan, M. (2015 & 2016, August).LGBT Strengths: Integrating positive psychology into work with LGBT+ clients. Provided 4-hour Continuing Education training program for psychologists integrating current research and recommendations for training and practice for LGBT-identified clients. American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Vaughan, M. (Chair) (2015).Exploring research and practice with diverse populations. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Vaughan, M. (2015). A review of the literature on polyamorous/consensually non-monogamous individuals. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Vaughan, M.D. (Chair), (2013, August). LGBT Strengths: Theory, research, training and practice issues. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, HI

Vaughan, M.D. & Rodriguez, E.M. (2013, August).Insights from psychological theory and research on LGBT Strengths. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, HI

Vaughan, M.D., & Mann, E.M. (2013, January). Issues in the treatment of LGBT individuals for substance use disorders. Paper presented at the Psychotherapy Associates Advanced International Winter Symposium. Colorado Springs, CO

Vaughan, M.D. (2012, February). Positive psychology in addiction treatment: The potential role of positive affect. Paper presented at Psychotherapy Associates Advanced International Winter Symposium. Colorado Springs, CO

Vaughan, M.D. (2011, August). LGBT Positive Psychology. Discussion group held at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Vaughan, M.D. & Rudolph, H.J. (2011, August). Blooming under a harsh sun: Predictors of stress-related growth in transgender individuals. Paper presented as part of symposium on transgender identity and development. American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Vaughan, M.D. (2010). Coming out growth: Predictors in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations. Poster presented at the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Summer Institute, Ann Arbor, MI

Vaughan, M.D. & Penberthy, J.K. (2010). Risk and protective factors to substance use disorders in sexual minorities. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada

Vaughan, M.D. (2009). Coming Out Growth: Conceptualizing and assessing experiences of stress-related growth associated with coming out as gay or lesbian. Poster presented at Department of Psychiatry and Neurobiological Sciences Research Day, The University of Virginia

Vaughan, M. (2007). Moving Forward in the Discussion of LGBT Issues. Invited panelist, Psychological Perspectives on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Persons: A retrospective and prospective discussion. Conference hosted by the Archives of the History of American Psychology, The University of Akron.

Vaughan, M. & Waehler, C. (2007, August). Measuring stress-related growth from coming out as lesbian or gay. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA

Vaughan, M. (2007, August). APAGS-CLGBTC: History and recent initiatives. In J. Werth Jr. (Chair), Psychology and Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues: Past, Present, and Future. Symposium presented at the APA Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA


Vaughan, M(2018). Transgender 101 training. The Space for Alternative Expression, Columbus, OH

Vaughan, M. (2017). Queer Superpowers. LGBTQ+ student group, Wright State University

Vaughan, M. (2016, 2017). APA Guidelines for Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Clients. Staff training, Wright State University School of Professional Psychology

Vaughan, M. (2016). LGBT+ Strengths Mentoring Webinar. Continuing Education webinar sponsored by Division 44: The Society for the Psychological Study of LGBT Issues.

Vaughan, M. (2016). APA Guidelines for Transgender & Gender Non-conforming Counseling and psychotherapy. Staff training, Wright State University School of Professional Psychology

Vaughan, M. & Sanabria, A. (2016, April). Teaching transgender strengths: Effectiveness of a strengths-based transgender ally training. Paper presented at the Ohio University Queer Studies Conference, Athens, OH

Vaughan, M. (2015, 2016). LGBT Superpowers: The psychological strengths of sexual and gender minorities. Provided as part of Transgender Affirmation week at Ohio University, Athens, OH and for the Gahanna (OH) Gay-Straight Alliance

Vaughan, M. (2015). LGBT+ Strengths: Applications for Psychological Training & Practice. Wright State University School of Professional Psychology

Vaughan, M. & Taylor, B.A. (2015). Poly Dynamics: A tool exploring values and patterns in polyamorous relationships. Workshop provided at Beyond the Love, Columbus, OH

Vaughan, M. (2014). Navigating Successful Long-distance Polyamorous Relationships. Beyond the Love, Columbus, OH

Vaughan, M. & Banks. E. (2016, August). Efficacy of a strengths-based LGBTQ+ ally training: Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention.

Vaughan, M. (2016, August).Insights into the empirical literature on polyamorous and consensually non monogamous individuals. In A. Cerbone (Chair): Science, Sexuality and Psychotherapy: Alternative Expressions for the American Psychological Association Convention.

Knepp, M.M., & Vaughan, M.D. (2016, March).LGBT family and friends influence same-gender marriage perspectives. Poster to be presented at the 87th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY.

Vaughan, M. (2014-2016). LGBTQ+ Ally Training/Transgender 201 Ally Training. Developed 70 minute educational training program to enhance knowledge, skills, and awareness on sexual and gender minority issues within undergraduate students, faculty, and staff. The University of Mount Union, Alliance, OH.

Vaughan, M. (Chair) (2015).Exploring research and practice with diverse populations. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Vaughan, M. (2015). A review of the literature on polyamorous/consensually non-monogamous individuals. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Toronto, Canada.

Vaughan, M.D., Grey, M., Miles, J., & Parent, M. (2014, August). LGBTQ Early Career Academics. Discussion on professional issues related to job search, research, and promotion/tenure for sexual and gender minority psychologists. Panel accepted for APA Convention, Washington, D.C.

Vaughan, M.D. (Chair), (2013, August). LGBT Strengths: Theory, research, training and practice issues. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, HI

Vaughan, M.D. & Rodriguez, E.M.(2013, August).Insights from psychological theory and research on LGBT Strengths. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, HI

Vaughan, M.D., & Mann, E.M. (2013, January). Issues in the treatment of LGBT individuals for substance use disorders. Paper presented at the Psychotherapy Associates Advanced International Winter Symposium. Colorado Springs, CO

Vaughan, M.D. (2012, February). Positive psychology in addiction treatment: The potential role of positive affect. Paper presented at Psychotherapy Associates Advanced International Winter Symposium. Colorado Springs, CO

Vaughan, M.D. (2011, August). LGBT Positive Psychology. Discussion group held at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Vaughan, M.D. & Rudolph, H.J. (2011, August). Blooming under a harsh sun: Predictors of stress-related growth in transgender individuals. Paper presented as part of symposium on transgender identity and development. American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C.

Vaughan, M.D. (2010). Coming out growth: Predictors in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations. Poster presented at the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Summer Institute, Ann Arbor, MI

Vaughan, M.D. & Penberthy, J.K. (2010). Risk and protective factors to substance use disorders in sexual minorities. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Canada

Vaughan, M., & Waehler, C. (2007, August). Measuring stress-related growth from coming out as lesbian or gay. Poster presented at the APA Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA


2016-PresentClinical Supervisor, School of Professional Psychology, Wright State University

Supervise doctoral students in clinical psychology in assessment, interviewing, diagnosis and individual psychotherapy. Review notes, service plans, and assessment reports.

2016-PresentPsychologist, University Psychological Services Association, Inc., Wright State University. Provide individual therapy to consensually non-monogamous and LGBTQ+ clients.

2010-2011Co-facilitator, Coming Out Support Group, The Center Project, Columbia, MO

Co-facilitated community support group for diverse youth and adults, participated in peer supervision.

2008-2010Clinical Psychology Fellow, UVA-Center for Addiction Research and Education

Completed cognitive and SCID assessments. Completed Motivational Interviewing training, provided individual/group CBT and MI. Trained/supervised practicum students and research assistants. Trained psychiatric residences, developed manuscripts for publication.

2006-2008 Counselor, Counseling Center, Longwood University

Conducted intakes, provided crisis services, individual counseling, and outreach/consultation. Developed and analyzed client satisfaction survey, served on campus assessment committee, advised LGBT student organization. Developed LGBT+ Ally Training program. Chaired assessment of LGBT Student Affairs programs/services.

2005-2006Doctoral Intern, Towson University Counseling Center (APA-Approved)

Provided intakes, individual, couples, and group psychotherapy and crisis services. Provided outreach/consultation, interviewed intern candidates, supervised practicum student. Served on LGBT committees. Assessed and provided recommendations on LGBT-affirming practices.

2003-2004Practicum Counselor, Violet’s Cupboard (HIV/AIDS Service Agency), Akron, OH

Provided individual counseling to people living with HIV/AIDS. Provided consultation to health care staff on psychological issues, participated in weekly group peer supervision.