Guidance to Applicants on Benefits
There are three main kinds of projects we expect to fund under the IGP Grant Windows, including projects that combine of two or more of the below:
1)Improved water supply
2)Increased access to sanitation infrastructure
3)Increased solid waste management
For each category, below is guidance to support applicants in explaining the benefits of their projects in their applications.
(1)Clean water supply - The applicant should consider:
(a)How many households (or individuals) will gain increased access to clean water due to the project?
(b)What type of water access will be provided? (eg. bottled water, kiosks, household connections, etc.)
(c)What is the estimated reduction in time spent by women and children gathering water due to the project (eg. walking to the water gathering place, time spent queueing, time spent actually filling the water, walking back home, etc.)? To get to this estimate, think about the reduction in time for one typical beneficiary – this could be done by interviewing a potential beneficiary.
(2)Access to sanitation infrastructure - The applicant should consider:
(a)How many households will gain access to improved sanitation facilities being built by the compact project? (ie. in Mtendere?)
(b)How many households will gain access to improved sanitation facilities outside the MCC compact project areas?
(3)Solid waste disposal - The applicant should consider:
(a)Approximately how much waste will the proposed project remove from Chipata, Garden, Rhodes Park, Libala, and Kamwalawhether to landfills or by processing via recycling or other means?
1.2Note: One way to get this estimate is to approximate the amount of waste generated by a typical household in the project area in the project time period, and then multiply by the approximate number of households served by the project. This could be done by interviewing households or observing their waste disposal habits.
(b)How much waste will the proposed project remove from landfills, such as by processing via recycling or other means?
Some innovative projects may have benefits that are not easily described by the questions above and IGP wants to encourage this innovation. In that case, the applicant should make a best attempt to provide data that identifies the project benefits and IGP will review benefit indicators at workshops and after on an as needed basis. We encourage the grant applicant to develop a business plan if the project has a business model (e.g. providing loans or providing a service or product for a fee). The indicators in the business plan (e.g., reduction in service provision costs, increase in quantity of product supplied) can be used by the panel to derive indicators.