ACEC/NC State PAC Board of Trustees

Meeting Minutes

February 28, 2018

3:30 pm


Chair: Jeremy Potter

Vice Chair:Jay Barr

Secretary:Scott Hinesley

Ex-Officio:Jim Smith

Treasurer:Steve Thomas

Asst. Treasurer:Brian Glidewell

Attendees: Jeremy Potter, Jim Smith, Jessica Mills, Jay Barr (phone), Steve Thomas (phone), Brian Glidewell (phone), Scott Hinesley (phone)


  1. Welcome and Introduction of the Board of Trustees
  2. Introductions of the attendees were made.
  3. Review/Approve Meeting Minutes from 1/31/2018
  4. No comments noted.
  5. The minutes were motioned for approval. The motion was carried to approve the meeting minutes.
  6. Logistics
  7. It was agreed the State PAC, as of now, does not need to enter into a contractual agreement with a law firm for formal representation. The PAC BOT will reach out to Safran Law Offices for any questions that may arise and these are anticipated to be minor and few.
  8. In regards to fees previously disbursed associated with the State PAC checking account, the fees have been reimbursed by ACEC/NC and the checking account has been updated to not incur monthly fees. In addition, the fees associated with accounting for the State PAC will be paid by ACEC/NC as the parent entity.
  9. Where advised permissible, it is the intent of the Board of Trustees to have all personal contributions to this PAC be disbursed 100% to candidate contributions, and all overhead expenses be covered by the parent entity ACEC/NC.
  10. Fundraising
  11. Current Donations to Date: $1,700.
  12. Account Balance as of 2/28/2018: $633
  13. Credit Card/Debit Card Acceptance Update.
  14. The PAC now has the ability to take donations from a credit or debit card; however, this must be done through the old carbon copy machine.
  15. Jim is working with the bank on setting up the electronic way of accepting credit and debit cards. This will be needed before registration is open for the skeet shoot event.
  16. Skeet Shooting Event Planning
  17. May 3rd
  18. Increase the capacity for participation to 52 to allow for 4 people at each of the 13 stations.
  19. Costs are roughly $115 per person.
  20. Jessica will inquire about scheduling the shoot for the morning and then having lunch.
  21. Steve Thomas asked Rep. Scott Stone to speak at the lunch. The PAC will plan to give a donation to Rep. Stone at the event.
  22. Jessica and Jay are working on the “Save the Date” email announcement.
  23. When registration opens, participants will be able to register as a team or individual.
  24. Jessica will look into purchasing a trophy for the top score of the event.
  25. The potential of allowing participants to purchase more shells and this purchase is a PAC donation was discussed. Since we aren’t sure how that would work, this idea will be tabled for the next skeet shoot event.
  26. Open Discussion
  27. Jim mentioned the upcoming EPAC lunch event with Senator Phil Berger on Tuesday, March 27th.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is anticipated to be on Wednesday, March 28th at 3:30pm at the ACEC/NC office.

Meeting adjourned at 4:15 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeremy Potter, P.E.

Jay Barr, P.E.