Palindromic Squares

Do you know any numbers besides 14641 where both the number and its square root read the same left to right as right to left?

A number whose digits read the same forward or backward is called a

palindrome, or a palindromic number. You are asking about palindromes

whose squares are also palindromes.

This is a very interesting problem. There are other solutions - in

fact, there are infinitely many. For example:

1^1 = 1,

2^2 = 4,

3^2 = 9.

Then there are this kind:

11^2 = 121,

101^2 = 10201,

1001^2 = 1002001,

10001^2 = 100020001, etc.,

22^2 = 484,

202^2 = 40804,

2002^2 = 4008004,

20002^2 = 400080004, etc.

By the way, this shows that there are infinitely many. Then there


111^2 = 12321,

1111^2 = 1234321,

11111^2 = 123454321,

111111^2 = 12345654321,

1111111^2 = 1234567654321,

11111111^2 = 123456787654321,

111111111^2 = 12345678987654321,

but this is where this sequence ends.

Then there are the kind like

1111000001111^2 = 1234321002468642001234321,

where the number of ones can be from 1 to 4 and any number of zeroes.


212^2 = 44944.

This is all there are with the root less than 1000.

You can prove that there are no roots starting with 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or

9, in the following way. If the root began with 7, it would end with

7. Its square would end with 9, so would begin with 9. If a square

begins with 9, its root must have initial digits between Sqrt[9] = 3

and Sqrt[10] = 3.162278 (and so begin with 3), or between Sqrt[90] =

9.486833 and Sqrt[100] = 10 (and so begin with 9), which are both

impossible since it begins with 7.

Similarly, a root beginning with 6 would imply that it began with 2,

7, or 8, all impossible. A root beginning with 5 would imply that it

began with 2 or 7, both impossible.

A root beginning with 4 would imply that it began with 2, 7, or 8.

A root beginning with 8 would imply that it began with 2, 6, or 7.

A root beginning with 9 would imply that it began with 1, 3, or 4.

A more complicated case: A root beginning with 3 would imply the root

ending in 3, and hence the square ending in 9, and hence beginning

with 9. Squares beginning with 9 must have roots which begin with 9

(impossible) or 3 (possible). Those squares are in the range 9*100^n

to 10*100^n, for some n >= 0, so the root is in the range 3*10^n to

Sqrt[10]*10^n = 3.162278*10^n, and must end in 3. For each n there

are possibilities. For n = 0, you have 3 alone, which works (see

above). For n = 1, there are none. For n = 2, 303 and 313 have to be

checked, but neither works. For n = 3, 3003 and 3113 have to be

checked, and neither works. For n = 4, 30003, 30103, 30203, 30303,

30403, 30503, 30603, 30703, 30803, 30903, 31013, 31113, 31213, 31313,

31413, 31513, and 31613 have to be checked. The first ten all have

squares ending in 09, so beginning with 90, so roots less than

Sqrt[910000000] = 30166.21, so only the first two are possible, and

neither works. The last seven all have squares ending in 69, so

beginning with 96, so roots between Sqrt[960000000] = 30983.87 and

Sqrt[970000000] = 31144.82, so only the first two are possible, and

neither works. For n = 5, a similar argument means that only four

possible roots have to be checked: 300003, 301103, 310013, and

311113; and none of them work. This exhausts the possible roots up to

1000000 beginning with 3.

The cases where the root begins with 2 or 1 are still more

complicated. You can try to work out the details. Again you will be

considering two-digit endings for squares, three-digit endings for

squares, and so on.

-Doctor Rob, The Math Forum

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