Green Line Oberstufe • The individual and society • Vocabulary sheet

A A question of class A better society? /
Word/phrase / Translation / Usage/memory aid /
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dedicated / gewidmet / §  committed to a particular ideal, cause etc.
§  dedicated = committed
§  dedicated → to dedicate (v) → dedication (n)
cultivation / Pflege / §  He was more interested in the cultivation of his image than doing any real work.
§  cultivation → to cultivate (v)
A better society?
to be torn between / hin- und hergerissen sein / to be unsure what to do because two options are equally important or attractive
to lose oneself in sth / sich in etw. verlieren / to concentrate on sth so hard that one forgets everything else
to honor (AE) / ehren / §  We are here today to honor these brave men and women.
§  to show respect or admiration for sb, e.g. by giving them a prize
§  honour (BE)
ancestor / Vorfahr/-in; Ahn/-in / My ancestors came from Scotland long ago.
adulthood / Erwachsensein; Erwachsenenalter / to reach adulthood
solemn / ernst; feierlich / solemn = dignified
religious belief / Glaubensüberzeugung; Glaube / religious belief → to believe (v) → believer (n)
to blame sb for sth / jmdn. für etw. verantwortlich machen; jmdn. beschuldigen / §  They blamed her for spoiling the show.
§  They blamed it on her.
§  to blame sb for sth → blame (n)
humankind / Menschheit / all human beings, all of humanity
ignorance / Unwissenheit / §  lack of knowledge and education
§  ignorance → ignorant (adj)
selfishness / Selbstsucht / §  concern only for one’s own interests
§  selfishness = egotism
§  selfishness ↔ benevolence
cowardice / Feigheit / §  cowardice = cowardliness
§  cowardice ↔ bravery, courage
§  cowardice → coward (n, adj)
selfless / selbstlos / §  not concerned with one’s own interests
§  selfless = altruistic
§  selfless ↔ selfish
to contribute to sth / zu etw. beitragen; bei etw. mitwirken / §  to do sth to support or aid sth
§  to contribute to sth → contribution (n): to pay a contribution to
to provide sb/sth with sth / jmdn./etw. mit etw. versorgen; jmdm./etw. etw. bieten / §  We'll provide you with money. = We'll give you the money you need.
§  Lat. providere
to supply sb with sth / jmdn. mit etw. versorgen / §  to give sb what they need
§  to supply sb with sth → supplier (n) → supply (n)
understanding / verständnisvoll / §  showing sympathy and kindness
§  understanding → understanding (n)
protection / Schutz / §  The Royal Family is given special protection.
§  protection → to protect (v) → protective (adj)
purpose / Ziel; Absicht; Zweck / §  He's devoted to one purpose for the next year: training hard to be on the Olympic team.
§  If you have a purpose, you have a reason to do sth.
to survive / überleben / to go on living although you are in a difficult situation that brings you close to death
/ © Ernst Klett Verlag GmbH, Stuttgart 2015 |
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