ED Guidelines for Responding to MCI Activations
Upon being contacted (via Everbridge call/text, phone tree, etc) regarding an active MCI, ED Residents and Interns should refer to the following guidelines to determine whether they should respond to the UMCNO ED.
Any provider who is not reasonably rested from their prior shift, has consumed alcohol in recent hours, or is unfit for work in any manner is not permitted to respond.
1. The ED Resident on disaster call should report to the ED immediately.
2. The ED Chief Resident On Call (or another available Chief who is not already working in the UMCNO ED) should report to the ED if possible, but should not leave an offsite ED to do so.
3. ED Interns and Residents on MICU rotation and currently in the hospital should report to the ED if possible.
4. ED Interns and Residents on Elective, Orthopedics, Psychiatry, or Toxicology, who are fit for duty should call Dr Hardy at 504-261-2575 to ask if assistance is needed.
5. ALL questions about whether you are needed to respond should go to Dr Hardy at 504-261-2575.
DO NOT CALL THE ED – they are too busy.
1. All available members of the ED Disaster Leadership should report to the ED immediately.
2. The ED Resident on disaster call should report to the ED immediately.
3. The ED Chief Resident On Call (or another available Chief who is not already working in the UMCNO ED) should report to the ED immediately.
4. ED Interns and Residents on Elective, Anesthesia, OBGYN, Orthopedics, Psychiatry, or Toxicology, who are fit for duty should report to the ED immediately.
5. ED Interns and Residents on TICU rotations will report to the ED with the Trauma Team.
ED Interns and Residents on MICU rotations should help with quick ED admits and help make space in the MICU for incoming patients. MICU may be needed to help Trauma resuscitate MCI patients awaiting the OR in the ED and/or ICUs. If the incident occurs after ED ICU rotators have left the hospital for the day, they should return to the ED to assist. However, they should be permitted and encouraged to leave in time to receive adequate rest for their ICU shift the next day.
6. Any other ED Intern, Resident, or Attending who is not currently working at another site, has adequate time before their next scheduled shift, and is fit for duty should report to the ED.
7. ALL questions about whether you are needed to respond should go to Dr Hardy at 504-261-2575.
DO NOT CALL THE ED – they are too busy.
1. All available members of the ED Disaster Leadership should report to the ED immediately.
2. The ED Resident on disaster call should report to the ED immediately.
3. The ED Chief Resident On Call (or another available Chief who is not already working in the UMCNO ED) should report to the ED immediately.
4. ED Interns and Residents on Elective, Anesthesia, OBGYN, Orthopedics, Psychiatry, or Toxicology, who are fit for duty should report to the ED immediately.
5. All ED Interns and Residents currently (or scheduled to be) working at an offsite ED (Lallie Kemp, Ochsner, Our Lady of the Lake, Slidell, Veterans Affairs, or West Jefferson) that is unlikely to be affected by the MCI should take immediate action to notify their site of the situation and make arrangements to report to UMCNO as soon as possible.
6. ED Interns and Residents on TICU rotations will report to the ED with the Trauma Team.
ED Interns and Residents on MICU rotations should help with quick ED admits and help make space in the MICU for incoming patients. MICU will likely be needed to help Trauma resuscitate MCI patients awaiting the OR in the ED and/or ICUs. If the incident occurs after ED ICU rotators have left the hospital for the day, they should return to the ED to assist. However, they should be permitted and encouraged to leave in time to receive adequate rest for their ICU shift the next day.
7. Residents on pediatric rotations at Children’s Hospital or in the PICU should discuss the situation with their Supervising Attending. If a large number of Pediatric MCI patients are expected at Children’s, they should stay at Children’s to assist. If not, they should leave to report to the UMCNO ED.
8. Interns, Residents, and Attendings should NOT respond if they are scheduled to start an ED shift at UMCNO within 12 hours of the alert. They should instead report to the ED as scheduled to act as the relief shift.
9. ALL questions about whether you are needed to respond should go to Dr Hardy at 504-261-2575.
DO NOT CALL THE ED – they are too busy.