Socratic Seminar – Rubric and information

The Socratic Seminar will take place in small groups of 6. These groups will be chosen randomly. You will be assigned a time and day, so be prepared. Each group will be “live” for 12 minutes. During that time period, Mr. Smith will serve solely as a moderator and catalyst for discussion. You will not be discussing the questions with me, but with the other members of your Socratic Circle. The remainder of the students will sit as an audience and take notes. Your job during the Seminar will be to discuss the questions and any discussions that arise as a result, as long as they are on topic, will be allowed to continue.

You will be responsible for reading, being familiar with, and prepared to discuss:

The Pardoner’s Prologue – Textbook

The Pardoner’s Tale - Textbook

Success Will Come and Go, But Integrity is Forever – online, available on my school website

Five Qualities of Incredibly Heroic Leaders– online, available on my school website

Your grade will be broken down in the following fashion:

Interview Notecards100 pts

A written copy of your answers to the questions below 50 pts (due after you finish your seminar)

Socratic Seminar participation 50 pts (due after you finish your seminar)

Seminar Breakdown

Comment 110 pts

Comment 210 pts

Textual Reference10 pts

Using a quote10 pts

Behavior in audience10 pts

You will face deductions for the following:

Cross Talk -5 pts

Dominating the Conversation -5 pts

No participation-40 pts

Questions for Socratic Seminar:

1-5 – answer the questions we chose as a class.

6. What is your definition of honor?

7. Is the Pardoner corrupt? What is his corruption? How does he justify his corruption?

8. The “rioters” in the tale he tells don’t seem like very honorable men. Cite information from the articles we read (Success Will Come and Go, Five Qualities) that prove they are dishonorable.

9. Explain a situation in which the three men from the Pardoner’s Tale could have come out alive and unhurt. Is it possible that they could still be corrupted by vice and pull off this feat?

10. Out of all the things the Pardoner says, either explicitly or implicitly, what do you think he actually believes? Why?

11. Is it possible to achieve wealth without corruption? How? Cite examples from any of the sources we’ve used.

12. Who does the Pardoner prey on and why?

13. What possible repercussions could the Pardoner face? How could this come to pass?

14. Given the technology of the time period, is possible that Pardoner is not a member of the clergy at all? How?

15. Put yourself in the shoes of a parishioner during Chaucer’s time, the Pardoner comes to your church and gives his sermon. Would you try to buy penance from him? Why or why not?