Change Request for Certification and Release of Funds Form

All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement Code

Change Type:

/ Scope / Budget / Schedule
Project Governance

Project Name

/ Real Estate
Project Phase / Implementation
Date / 12-30-2011
Lead Agency / Regulation and Licensing Department
Other Agencies / N/A

Executive Sponsor

/ J. Dee Dennis
Agency Head / J. Dee Dennis
Agency CIO/IT Lead / Lori Hewig
Project Manager / David Martinez
Project Abstract (Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
The purpose of this project, whose scope was redefined in 2011, is the upgrade and configuration of RLD’s License 2000 software suite to the next technological release, MyLicense Office (MLO) suite, to offer more efficient online licensing services for all professions. The scope also includes configuring the application to enable online renewals for professions specific to the Real Estate Commission. The Real Estate Commission pilot profession selected for this project is “Education Sponsors.”
Start Date / July 2008 / Planned End Date / April 2012

Justification for Change in Certification (Include budget adjustment request; Business Value and/or program Results)

This project was put on hold due to extenuating circumstances with staffing challenges within RLD’s Information Technology Division. In July 2011, the project was released from hold, the scope redefined, and implementation resumed. This change certification reflects the change in scope, deliverables and due dates.
Amount Requested this Certification / $0
Amount Previously Certified / $117,400
Remaining Appropriation not Certified / $0
Total Appropriated Amount (include any new funds) / $117,400

Certification History (Include any previous project or phase certifications)

/ Amount / Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.)
11/28/2007 / 10.0 / Laws 2007, Chapter 28, Section 7, Subsection (15) Regulation and Licensing Department, Page 252, Line 9
12/19/2007 / 30.0 / Laws 2007, Chapter 28, Section 7, Subsection (15) Regulation and Licensing Department, Page 252, Line 9
01/23/2008 / 77.4 / Laws 2007, Chapter 28, Section 7, Subsection (15) Regulation and Licensing Department, Page 252, Line 9

Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)

Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source
2008 / $117.4 / Laws 2007, Chapter 28, Section 7, Subsection (15) Regulation and Licensing Department, Page 252, Line 9
Major Deliverable Schedule and Performance Measures

Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure

/ Budget /

Due Date


Project Phase

Project Charter
/ $10.0 / 6/25/2008 / Initiation
Project Management Plan, Requirements Definition, Vendor Contract negotiated
/ $30.0 / 7/23/2008 / Planning (Phase I)
Project Schedule finalized for MLO software upgrade, Project Scope redefined
/ $77.4 / 7/1/2011 / Planning (Scope redefined)
Configure application for online license renewal of Education Sponsor profession
/ 11/15/2011 / Implementation
Upgrade current L2K and Verification software to establish baselines for MLO DEV/TEST/PROD environments
/ 11/30/2011 / Implementation
MLO System Admin training
/ 12/19/2011 / Implementation
Template Configuration, Data Conversion, PROD environment build
/ 1/31/2012 / Implementation
Data Migration, Document Handling Migration
/ 2/28/2012 / Implementation
System and UAT Testing
/ 3/16/2012 / Implementation
User Training and Rollout
/ 3/31/2012 / Implementation
Project Closeout
/ 4/15/2012 / Closeout
Comments: No change in initial project budget. FY12 figures include expended and encumbered funds as of 12/30/2011.

FY09 & Prior

/ FY10 / FY11 / FY12 / Total
Staff - Internal
/ No labor costs associated with this project / 0 / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A
Consulting Services / System Automation Implementation Services, IV&V for Phase I / $30.0 / N/A / $9.0 / $48.4 / $87.4
Hardware / SAN, Documentum server, laptop for Real Estate staff / $0 / N/A / $10.0 / $10.0 / $20.0
Software / SSL ecommerce certificates, Sybase Application Server / $0 / N/A / N/A / $10.0 / $10.0
Total / $30.0 / N/A / $19.0 / $68.4 / $117.4

Independent Verification & Validation (Include summary of the latest IV & V report)

RLD has received a waiver for the final IV&V report.

Impact of Change (May Include Significant Risks & Mitigation Strategy; SECURITY, Consolidation & Maintenance Strategies; Records Retention; & Business Performance Measures)

The change in scope to include the upgrade of the client-server based License 2000 software to the web-based MLO software expands the benefits of this project from a single- profession focus to all professions under the purview of RLD, Board of Nursing, and Board of Medicine. All professions will be able to take advantage of the new MLO features, to include configurable User Interfaces, expanded document handling, an enhanced enforcement module, and a new role-based security model with added field level access management.

Revision: 9/1/10 Page 1