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AGE Platform Europe monthly newsletter

/ Issue 157 | December 2015

Special Briefing

AGE General Assembly and Annual Conference 2015 looked at a human-rights based approach to ensure dignified ageing

AGE Platform Europe General Assembly and Annual Conference took place in Brussels on 19 and 20 November 2015. This major event offers a yearly opportunity for AGE members to exchange and debate on current ageing related issues at EU level, and meet with some EU officials and stakeholders, including civil society organisations and research centers.
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AGE news

European Covenant on Demographic Change launched!

On 7th December, the EU-funded AFE-INNOVNET Thematic Network on innovation for age-friendly environments officially launched the Covenant on Demographic Change, a new EU-wide association open to local, regional and national authorities, civil society organisations, universities, and businesses committed to joining forces to support active and healthy ageing across Europe.
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AGE calls for disability policies to include older persons with functional limitations

To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3rd December, AGE Platform Europe sent a press release to draw attention to the specific barriers faced by older persons with disabilities to their full and equal participation in society.
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AGE launches online toolkit to promote the rights of older persons in need of care

AGE Platform Europe launches a new online toolkit which gathers information on existing instruments, policies and tools on the rights of older persons in need of care and assistance. It provides a unique analysis, based on the realities faced by older persons and on numerous debates and exchanges at European level held these during the last years. The toolkit also suggests elements to build an efficient policy response and encourage improved practices to support the rights of older persons in need of care.
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EU Semester Alliance holds first dialogue meeting with Commission and Council

On 27 November 2015, the EU Semester Alliance - a European NGO Alliance Alliance advocating for a democratic, social and sustainable European Semester - held its first stakeholder dialogue meeting with key representatives from the European Commission and the Council of Ministers engaged in the Semester process. As part of this Alliance, AGE Platform Europe took part in this roundtable exchange which discussed the latest developments in the 2016 European Semester and the Alliance's first reaction to the new Annual Growth Survey based on its joint letter to President Juncker.
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AGE speaks at INNOVAGE final conference on older persons' engagement in social innovation

On 14th October, AGE took part at the final conference of the INNOVAGE project, on the topic of Social Innovations for Active and Healthy life expectancy'. The conference aimed to introduce the main project results : an assessment on how social innovations' impact is measured, the outcomes of four implemented social innovations, and the guidelines on involving older persons' in social innovation processes. The event was also an excellent opportunity to share experiences on social innovation in the field of ageing.
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AGE is the new Chair of the More Years Better Lives Joint Programme Societal Advisory Board

We are pleased to inform you that AGE Platform Europe has been nominated Chair Societal Advisory Board (SOAB) of the More Years Better Lives Joint Programme and will be represented by Dr.HeidrunMollenkopf, AGE Vice-President.
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Report of AFE-INNOVNET webinar on the Covenant on Demographic Change

As part of the AFE-INNOVNET network, coordinated by AGE Platform Europe, a webinar on the Covenant on Demographic Change that is to be launchedon 7 December 2015 at the Committee of the Regions (Brussels) with the support of the European Commission.
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AGE organises user forum with AAL programme

On 18 November, 35 representatives of AGE member organisations gathered in Brussels to discuss Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) projects in the field of care, social inclusion and mobility and test a number of AAL solutions developed as part of those projects. Five projects were selected according to the overall scope of the product/solution they developed or are developing; the type of support to older adult's daily life; the first results of the product/service's testing; and the level of maturity of your product/solution.
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AGE joins civil society call to enhance the mandate of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing

As the United Nations (UN) General Assembly is currently negotiating the resolution that defines the mandate of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWG), civil society has joined forces to ensure an impactful session in 2016.
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EU project reveals findings on active citizenship of persons with disabilities

On 9-10 November the final conference of the DISCIT project presented in Brussels the outcome of its workon how to achieve full and effective participation of persons with disabilities in society and the economy.
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ERF endorses AGE recommendations to adapt road signage to ageing population

The European Union Road Federation (ERF) has published a position paper on improving traffic signs on European roads, which includes some of AGE recommendations.
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Members' news

BAGSO 11th German Senior Citizens' Day in Frankfurt: 'United into the Future!'

The 11th German Senior Citizens' Day 2015 is the major three-day event of the German National Association of Senior Citizen's Organisations (BAGSO).Debates with prominent political guests and more than 100 events and activities attracted more than 15.000 visitors. Experts from AGE Platform Europe, from Austria, Luxemburg, Poland, Slovakia and the Netherlands offered a platform for international networking.
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Age UK campaigns against loneliness in old age

Age UK has launched a campaign entitled 'No one should have no one' to raise awareness of the issue of loneliness which affect the lives of millions of older people. Age UK has also initiated a petition urging the government to take action to prevent and tackle this 'serious public health problem', which is 'not a normal part of ageing'.
Follow Age UK campaign on Twitter: #NoOne

FOCAGG project enhances accessibility and autonomy in old age

AGE Catalan member, FOCAGG, is running the "MyHome" project,a social project to improve independent living by upgrading the personal accessibility and mobility at home and in our nearest environment.
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Other news
European Semester

2016 Annual Growth Survey: social issues still in the second row

The European Commission has presented the Annual Growth Survey 2016, the starting point for the next European Semester. The document highlights the key priorities the Commission wants to pursue in 2016, namely strengthen the recovery and foster convergence. This should be achieved by building on the three main pillars identified already in 2015: re-launching investment, pursuing structural reforms and “responsible” fiscal policies. While employment related measures prominently in the priorities, other social issues are only marginal. Some of AGE Platform Europe’s priorities feature in the document, but many issues are still sidelined.
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Human Rights

UN General Assembly adopts resolution on measures to promote the rights and dignity of older persons

The recently adopted resolution by the UN General Assembly, acknowledges the invisibility of older people's rights at international scale and calls for in-depth analysis and action to improve their protection.
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Employment of older workers

Commission launches consultations on work-life balance to support working parents and caregivers

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on how to improve work-life balance and reduce obstacles to women's participation in the labour market, thereby contributing to the employment headline target of the Europe 2020 Strategy.
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European Parliament endorses proposal on long-term unemployment

The European Parliament’s Employment committee welcomed the Commission’s proposal to improve services for long-term unemployed, also highlighting some of the shortfalls of the proposal. The Committee’s concerns are that a more decisive measure would have been preferrable, that individual needs assessments need to be elaborated much earlier than at 18 months of unemployment and that all actors, including NGOs, working with unemployed should work together.
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US study finds age discrimination in employment much stronger for women

Researchers in the United States have conducted a new kind of study to assess the extent of age discrimination in the American labour market. Researchers sent out more than 40,000 CVs with different profiles, comparing response rates for men and women, but also for different age groups where profiles have similar skills levels for a job. As a result, age discrimination was very prevalent, but even more so for women.
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Commission takes first step towards a carer’s leave directive

The Commission has asked the European organisations representing employers and workers to make contributions on a legislative initiative on the reconciliation of work and family life. It specifically asks about ways to improve reconciliation for workers who are caring for dependent family members at home. AGE welcomes this initiative as a step to a possible directive on carer’s leave. End November, the Commission will also consult larger civil society.
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EP Committee calls for a culture of prevention at the workplace

The European Parliament's Employment Committee has adopted a report on the Commission’s Strategic Framework for Health and Safety at Work, a programme guiding the EU’s efforts in this domain until 2020. The Committee acknowledged that ageing is a major challenge and calls for a comprehensive culture of prevention. It emphasises that simplified regulation should not happen at the detriment of worker’s protection, but should help companies to better comply with legislation.
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Active Citizenship

Members of Parliament call for the promotion of sports for active ageing

On 18 November 2015, Members of the European Parliament have called for a more active promotion of sports including for older persons. AGE Platform Europe and the Italian Kung-Fu Federation FIWUK have demonstrated how Tai Chi can be practiced by people of all ages, including while sitting.
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Dignified Ageing

New rules on better protection for victims of crime in the EU

The new EU rules on victims' rights adopted in October 2012 to improve rights for victims of crime have entered into application as of 16 November 2015.
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European Accessibility Act published!

On 2nd December, the day before the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the European Commission published the European Accessibility Act, which sets common accessibility requirements for certain key products and services.
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Good practices

French Facebook campaign 'Messages pour la Vie' addresses old age digital and social exclusion (in French)

Face à l'isolement des personnesâgéesdans la société, l'Alliance VITA lance unecampagne :rencontrernosaînés pour recevoirleurs "Messages pour la Vie".
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EU compilation of good practices to prevent decline in old age

This publication describesthe work being undertaken by partners of the Action Group "Prevention and early diagnosis of frailty and functional decline, both physical and cognitive, in older people" of the European Partnership an Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA).It explained what the Action Group is about, its main areas of work and focuses on the results of the collection of Good Practices.
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Film 'Twilight of a Life' shows optimistic approach of old age and dependency

The Belgian-Israeli film director, Sylvain Biegeleisen, filmed the last moments he spent with his 94-year-old dying mother, discussing about life, laughing, singing, enjoying life together.
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Upcoming Conferences
  • Linking Chronic Diseases and Frailty - EUREGHA high-level conference::Health
  • Joint Digital Healthcare Symposium 'Our Digital Health ... is everyone ready?'::Health
  • European Falls Festival::Health

View Full Calendar

Age-Friendly Cities and Communities in International Comparison

This publication examines the supportive role -at global level- of urban environments in active aging, based on the WHO's Age-Friendly Cities and Community model. It also provides case studies from the U.S., Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, and elsewhere, which demonstrate how the model can fit into diverse social, political, and economic realities across cultures and continents, how age-friendly programs promote senior empowerment, and how their value can be effectively assessed.
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'What does it takes to make integrated care work?'

This 'cookbook' for large-scale deployment of coordinated care and telehealth has been produced by the EU-funded Advancing Care Coordination & Telehealth Deployment (ACT) Programme, which includes a consortium of healthcare authorities, clinical experts, universities and industry partners.
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An in-depth analysis of adult learning policies and their effectiveness in Europe

This study evaluates the performance of European countries in the field of adult education and training and identifies a set of success factors to achieve effective adult learning policy.
Pdf version available here:

EUROFOUND new study on reconciliation between working and caring

This report highlights the issue of people of working age combining employment with providing care to dependent relatives, either children or older persons. It analyses the situation of working carers, how they manage to combine work and care and what measures are available to support them in their responsibilities beyond their professional activity.
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The Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation publishes recommendations on SmartLiving for Ageing

The "Smart living environment for ageing well" working group of the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) has issued a report focusing on the IoT support to the continuously growing population of elderly people in living longer, staying active, independent and out of institutional care settings, while at the same time reducing the costs for care systems and providing a better quality of life for vulnerable categories of citizens.
Download the full report here

Analysis of adult learning policies and their effectiveness in Europe - EU publication

This study evaluates the performance of European countries in the field of adult education and training and identifies a set of success factors to achieve effective adult learning policy.
Download the publication (pdf document) here:
Call for proposals
EIBURS sponsorship for research on ageing
Preparatory Action "Healthy diet: early years and ageing population"
Horizon 2020: Personalising health care
Call for proposals for social policy innovations supporting reforms in social services
EIBURS sponsorship for research on ageing
Preparatory Action "Healthy diet: early years and ageing population"
Horizon 2020: Personalising health care
Call for proposals for social policy innovations supporting reforms in social services
EIBURS sponsorship for research on ageing
Preparatory Action "Healthy diet: early years and ageing population"
Horizon 2020: Personalising health care
Call for proposals for social policy innovations supporting reforms in social services
EIBURS sponsorship for research on ageing
Calls for proposals are available on AGE website at:

Did you know that...?
Aged 87, Edna Mitchell is theoldest Emergency Medical Technician in the US State Maine…
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Read more (in French):
This increase in older inmates is also observed in the EU, e.g. in the UK:

‘Young people are indeed able to run faster, but older people know the shortcuts’ concludes the research. Read more…
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