Grays Central Community Forum
Open Meeting
Tuesday June 14th 2011
Attended: Claire Bter, Attended: G. Nathan, C. Bannister, R. Bannister, V. Wright, J. Dexter, A.Keeble, U. Garwood, Cllr Y Gupta, PCSO 71858 Walker.
Apologies: Cllr M. Stone, Cllr C Kent, Colin Baker, J Gardner.
- Meeting Opened at 7.30pm. All welcomed
- Apologies received from Cllr C.Kent, Cllr M. Stone, J. Gardner.
- Minutes read and agreed.
- Matters arising;
- Introduction of new PC.
Unable to attend so await further meeting in the future.
- Progress on concerns regarding Hathaway Road park new path. Not a great deal of progress but Lyn Gittins has been informed about the width of the new path being thinner than the other paths. A general discussion on the apparent lack of care by the contractors in the building of the path and what the meeting considers to be a poor quality job.
- Rest Garden Flower Bed
JD saw Lee Dowman and phoned and spoke to Luke Love. Discussion held about actual requirements of the flower bed. JD to ask if MIND are able to do it. Requirements of a circular flower bed and a 2ft wrought fence ( the same as Grays Park) around the bed.
JD to feed back at next meeting on progress.
JD mentioned some kerb stones left in the rest gardens. PCSO Walker suggested contact with highways to remove the material.
- Items for discussion
- Progress on the forum joining the Thurrock CVS
Awaiting for the new director of the CVS to be appointed and in post. We will then look at a meeting to be scheduled.
Question to be asked; what are the forum expecting from the CVS and what will be delivered.
The chairs of all forums made the decision at a TAFF meeting that all forums will join the CVS.
- Chairs Report
- Attended the Mayor and Deputy Mayor presentation.
- No correspondence received.
- Finance and Funding
Financial Position outlined.
We have funds from previous years to enable the forum to continue for another year. The meeting agreed to continue to offer small grants to worthy causes. The funding for Rest Garden Flower Bed needs to be clarified.
- A.O.B.
- Thurrock’s Future – Let’s Talk
To be held on Thursday June 16th at Little Thurrock School at 7.30 pm.
All invited to attend. RB and CB will be attending. Chief executive, Graham Farrant, John Kent, leader of the council and the rest of the cabinet and other council officers will be attending to hear questions from the public on Thurrock.
- Forum Website – Although Steve is no longer attending the forum meetings, is he able to continue to furnish the forum website?
- Congratulations to the new Deputy Mayor – our councillor, Yash Gupta. The meeting congratulated Yash on his appointment.
- Thurrock Safety Partnership
There is an alcohol ban in Grays and specific area, this does not include the Rest Gardens. The forum asked if the gardens could be included as it is just on the edge of the area and there have been issues in the past with people drinking and loitering in the rest gardens.
- Next Meeting: Open : Tuesday July 12th, 2011
Meeting Closed @8.30pm.