Dr. Eick
COSC 6342 SolutionsHomework1 Spring 2013
Due date: Problems 1-3, 5-6 are due Thursday, Feb. 7 11p, and all other problems are due Friday, Feb. 15, 11p.
Last updated: Feb. 13, 4:30p (change in problem 9, following the discussions in the lecture on Feb. 13!)
- Compare decision trees with kNN; what do they have in common; what are the main differences between the two approaches?
Commonality: Decision trees and kNN are both supervised learning methods that assign a class to an object based on their features.
Main Differences: Decision trees define a hierarchy of rules in the form of trees and these rules are formed from training data. These trees give priority to more informative features. A decision tree could become very complex as the decision tree gets larger and requires pruning to improve its performance.
a) Compare decision trees with kNN to solve classification problems. What are the main
differences between these two approaches? [5]
kNN Decision Tree
- Lazy learner - Learn model (tree)
- Local model - Global model
- Distance based - Based on attribute order
- Voronoi convex polygon decision
- Rectangle decision boundaries
- Hierarchical learning strategy
- Show that the VC dimension of the triangle hypothesis class is 7 in 2 dimensions (Hint: For best separation place the points equidistant on a circle). Generalizing your answer to the previous question, what is the VC dimension of a (non-intersecting) polygon of p points? do some reading on the internet, if you are having difficulties approaching this problem!
Intuitively, a p-sided polygon can contain at least p points. However, it cannot contain p + 1 (or more) points if there are more than 2p+1 and the points are placed in alternate positions (they are not next to each other). Therefore, the VC dimension of a (non-intersecting) polygon of p points is 2p + 1 (VC-dimension = 2p+1).
- One major challenge when learning prediction and classification models is to avoid overfitting. What is overfitting? What factors contribute to overfitting? What is the generalization error? What is the challenge in determining the generalization error? Briefly describe one approach to determine the generalization error. 8-12 sentences!
Overfitting: A model H is more complex than the underlying function f; when the model is too complex, the test errors are large although training errors are small.
Factors contribute to overfitting are:
1. Noise in the training examples that are not a part of the pattern in general data set.
2. Selected a hypothesis that is more complex than necessary.
3. Lack of training examples
Generalization error is the error of the model on new data examples.
The main challenge in determining the generalization error is that we don't actually have new data examples. The cross-validation approach is often used to estimate the generation error. It splits the training data into a number of subsets, one subset is used as the testing set and the rest of the data are used as the training set. The experiment repeats until all subsets have been used as the testing set. The generalization error is estimated by the average of testing errors and usually its standard deviation is also reported.
- Derive equation 2.17; the values for w0 and w1 which minimizes the squared prediction error!
In last year’s solution.
- A lot of decision making systems use Bayes’ theorem relying on conditional independence assumptions—what are those assumptions exactly? Why are they made? What is the problem with making those assumptions? 3-6 sentences!
Missing: List Assumptions!
It assumes the presence of a particular feature (symptom) unrelated to the presence of any other feature and that the presence of a feature (symptom) assuming a class (disease) is unrelated to the presence of other features assuming a class. The assumption is made to simplify decision making by simplifying computations and by dramatically reducing knowledge acquisition cost.The problem of making those assumptions is that features are often correlated, and making this assumption in presence of correlation leads to errors in probability computations, and ultimately to making the wrong decision.
- Assume we have a problem in which you have to choose between 3 decisions D1, D2, D3. The loss function is: 11=0, 22=0, 33=0, 12=1, 13=1, 21=1, 31=10, 23=1, 32=8; write the optimal decision rule! Decision rule! (ik is the cost of choosing Ci when the correct answer is Ck.). If you visualize the decision rule by Feb. 20, you get 50% extra credit; send your visualization and a brief description how you obtained it to Dr. Eick.
Visualization of the Decision Rule by Audrey Cheong
Assume we have a problem in which you have to choose between 3 decisions D1, D2, D3. The loss function is: 11=0, 22=0, 33=0, 12=1, 13=1, 21=1, 31=10, 23=1, 32=8; write the optimal decision rule!(ik is the cost of choosing Ci when the correct answer is Ck.)
The optimal decision rule is:
Choose D1 if
Choose D2 if
Choose D3 if
Figure 1.The optimal decision rule based on the probability of C1 and C2. Choose D1 if in the blue region, D2 if in the red region, or D3 if in the yellow region. (Not to scale for visibility purposes.)
This visualization was obtained by locating the decision boundaries. Basically, I found the decision boundaries based on the conditions listed above. D1 is bounded within the lines formed by
?. D2 is bounded within the lines formed by , , and . D3 is bounded within the lines formed by ,, , and .
- What does bias measure; what does variance measure? Assume we have a model with a high bias and a low variance—what does this mean? 3-4 sentences!
Bias: measure the error between the estimator’s expected parameter and the real parameter.
Variance: measures how much the estimator fluctuates around the expected value.
A low bias and a high variance model is a complex model that is overfitting to the dataset.
- Maximum likelihood, MAP, and the Bayesian approach all measure parameters of models. What are the main differences between the 3 approaches? 3-6 sentences!
Maximum likelihood estimates the parameter by estimating the distribution that mostlikely resulted in the data. MAP and Bayesian approach both take into account theprior density of the parameter. MAP replaces the whole density with a single point toget rid of the evaluation of the integral, whereas the Bayesian approach uses anapproximation method to evaluate the full integral.
- Assume we have a single attribute classification problem involving two classes C1 and C2 with the following priors: P(C1)=0.6 and P(C2)=0.4. Give the decision rule[1] assuming: p(x|C1)~(0,4); p(x|C2)~(1,1) Decision rule!
Normal Distribution
Equate the posterior probabilities to find their intersections:
Taking the log of both sides gives,
Using the quadratic formula,
Decision rule:
then choose C1
else if
then choose C1
choose C2.
- Assume we have a dataset with 3 attributes and the following covariance matrix :
9 0 0
0 4 -1
0 -1 1
a) What are the correlations between the three attributes?
b) Assume we construct 3-dimensional normal distribution for this dataset by using equation 5.7 assuming that the mean is =(0,0,0). Compute the probability of the three vectors: (1,1,0), (1,0,1) and (0,1,1)!
c) Compute the Mahalanobis distance between the vectors (1,1,0), (1,0,1) and (0,1,1). Also compute the Mahalanobis distance between (1,1,-1) and the three vectors (1,0,0), (0.1.0). (0,0,-1). How do these results differ from using Euclidean distance? Try to explain why particular pairs of vectors are closer/further away from each other when using Mahalanobis distance. What advantages do you see in using Mahalanobis distance of Euclidean distance?
Given a dataset with three attributes X, Y, and Z, the correlations are
b) Assuming that the mean is =(0,0,0), the probabilities of the three vectors, (1,1,0), (1,0,1) and (0,1,1), are
c) The Mahalanobis distances between the vectors,, and are
The Mahalanobis distances between and the three vectors , , and are
For Euclidean distance, the distance for the 3 points to the point (1,1,-1) are all . But as we seen from the computation, the Mahalanobis distance are different for all 3 points. The vector pairs and are closer together because attributes Y and Z are correlated. Vector pairs and are closer together because attribute X has a larger variance than the other attributes, which outweighs the impact of attribute Z having a smaller variance than the others. Vector pairs and have the smallest Mahalanobis distance because attributes X and Y have variances greater than one, which means the vectors are "closer" to the reference than if the variances were one.
The advantage of using Mahalanobis distance over the Euclidean distance is it that the Mahalanobis distance is normalized by the variance of the attribute and the correlation between attributes.
3) Reinforcement Learning [14] Problem from the 2014 Final Exam
a) What are the main differences between supervised learning and reinforcement learning? [4]
SL: static world[0.5], availability to learn from a teacher/correct answer[1]
RL: dynamic changing world[0.5]; needs to learn from indirect, sometimes delayed feedback/rewards[1]; suitable for exploring of unknown worlds[1]; temporal analysis/worried about the future/interested in an agent’s long term wellbeing[0.5], needs to carry out actions to find out if they are good—which actions/states are good is (usually) not known in advance1[0.5]
b) Answer the following questions for the ABC world (given at a separate sheet). Give the Bellman equation for states 1 and 4 of the ABC world! [3]
U(1)= 5 + *U(4) [1]
U(4)= 3 + *max (U(2)*0.3+ U(3)*0.1+U(5)*0.6, U(1)*0.4+U(5)*0.6) [2]
No partial credit!
c) Assume you use temporal difference learning in conjunction with a random policy which choses actions randomly assuming a uniform distribution. Do you believe that the estimations obtained are a good measurement of the “goodness” of states, that tell an intelligent agent (assume the agent is smart!!) what states he/she should/should not visit? Give reasons for your answer! [3]
Not really; as we assume an intelligent agent will take actions that lead to good states and avoids bad states, an agent that uses the random policy might not recognize that a state is a good state if both good and bad states are successors of this state; for example,
S2: R=+100
S3: R=-100
Due to the agent’s policy the agent will fail to realize the S1 is a good state, as the agent’s average reward for visiting the successor states of S1 is 0; an intelligent agent would almost always go from S1 to S2, making S1 a high utility state with respect to TD-learning.
d) What role does the learning rate play in temporal difference learning; how does running temporal difference learning with low values of differ from running it with high values of ? [2]
It determines how quickly our current beliefs/estimations are updated based on new evidence.
e) Assume you run temporal difference learning with high values of —what are the implications of doing that? [2]
If is high the agent will more focus on its long term wellbeing, and will shy away from taking actions—although they lead to immediate rewards—thatwill lead to the medium and long term suffering of the agent.
13) Non-Parametric Density Estimation1 (Ungraded)
Assume we have a one dimensional dataset containing values {2.1, 3, 7, 8.1, 9, 12}
- Assume h=2 for all questions (formula 8.3); compute p(x) using equation 8.3 for x=6.5 and x=9.9
Assume origin =0 p(6.5)=1/6x2 p(9.9)=2/12
- Now compute the same densities using Silverman’s naïve estimator (formula 8.4)!
Assume p(6.5)=1/6x2 p(9.9)=1/12
- Now assume we use a Gaussian Kernel Estimator (equation 8.7); give a verbal description and a formula how this estimator measures the density for x=10
With K being: K(u)=1/sqrt()*e(u**2)/2
- Compare the 3 density estimation approaches; what are the main differences and advantages for each approach?
Fix bins / bins are define by a sliding window with respect to the query point / contribution to the density of point to the density of a query point is inversely proportional to the distance between the two points.
i) is sensitive to the bin origin whereas ii) is independent of it
i) and ii) are hard techniques; a point either contributes are does not contribute to the density of the query point; iii) is a soft techniques in which points contribute to a certain degree to the density of the query point.
i) is less smooth than ii) which is less smooth than iii; iii) is more precise than ii) and ii) is more precise than i) in approximating the actual density function.
Histograms are the easiest to interpret as they indicate actual numbers of observations in a range, whereas the other two approaches are slightly more difficult to interpret.
[1] Write the rule in the form: If x>…then…else if …else…!