SPSY PhD Annual Activity Summary

School Psychology Program (PhD) Graduate Student Annual Activity Summary

Name: ______

Year Entered Program: ______

Academic Year Reviewed: _____-______

Advisor: ______

Instructions: The Activity Summary is designed to be a working document, one that you update each year. Thus, by the end of your time in the doctoral program the Activity Summary will document successful completion of all competencies. Thus, when updating the Summary do not erase material from previous years, simply add to it. Do not be concerned if you do not have information to enter into some sections; the form serves students at all levels of training. Please turn in the Activity Summary and supporting documents to Emily Cornell by no later than May 15 of the current academic year.
  1. Mastery of foundational knowledge in psychology and education.
  2. Passing grade on all courses listed in the Psychological and Educational Foundations domain of the program requirements.
  1. Obtain a passing grade on a scholarly paper in which foundational knowledge in psychology and education is integrated, within a focus on a particular topic of interest to the student(please include a copy of the paper in your portfolio and the faculty member’s feedback on your paper).

Date completed: ____/_____/_____Course: ______

Topic: ______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

  1. Document satisfactory understanding and competence in APA required core content areas. Please submit relevant papers or assignments for each item below along with grading rubrics or the instructor’s feedback on the assignment.

Biological aspects of behavior

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Paper title: ______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

Cognitive and affective aspects of behavior

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Paper title: ______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

Social aspects of behavior

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Paper title: ______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

History and Systems (historical paper)

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Paper title: ______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

Educational Assessment

Educational assessment report

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

Intellectual Assessment

Administration of intellectual assessment

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Demonstrate competency YES NO

Behavioral Assessment

Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavioral Support Plan Report

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

Individual Differences in Behavior

Course taken: ______

Critical analysis OR written assignment title:______

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

Human Development

Child observation assignment/adult interview project

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

Dysfunctional behavior/psychopathology

Developmental Psychopathology scholarly paper

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Paper title:______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

Theories and Methods of Consultation

Advanced Consultation written case report

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Paper title:______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

Theories and methods of evaluating the efficacy of interventions

Academic and Behavioral Interventions paper

Date completed: ____/_____/_____

Paper title:______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

  1. Develop expertise in planning and conducting applied research in psychology and education.
  1. Obtain a passing score on research proposal section of comprehensive examination. Please include.Please attach a copy of any documentation you received upon successful completion of your research comprehensive examinations. Only include information regarding the final outcome of this exam.

Research comprehensive examination

Date completed:______/_____/_____ Title:______

Did you pass (report based on final outcome, even if a revision was required) YES NO

  1. Successful completion of the Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) online course for ethical conduct of research (Place a copy of the CITI certificate in your portfolio).

Date successfully completed: ___/___/___

Did you obtain a score of 80% or higher YES NO

  1. Demonstrate proficiency in professional writing and scholarly analysis.
  1. Receive a passing score on a written review of at least two professional publications.Reviews must either have received a grade of B- or better in a course or scored by a school psychology faculty member. Please turn the reviews in with your portfolio along with any grading rubrics or faculty feedback.

Review 1:

What did you review (select one): journal article book book chapter other ______

Date completed: ______/______/______

Course completed as part of (if applicable): ______Grade/Score: ______

Faculty member you completed the review with (if applicable): ______

Review 2:

What did you review (select one): journal article book book chapter other ______

Date completed: ______/______/______

Course completed as part of (if applicable): ______Grade/Score: ______

Faculty member you completed the review with (if applicable): ______

  1. Receive a passing score on at least one comprehensive scholarly paper critically reviewing an area of school psychology and suggesting directions for the field. This could include a concept paper or a review of the literature. Papers must either have received a grade of B- or better in a course or be approved by a school psychology faculty member. If not completed as part of a course, indicate the approving faculty member. Please turn in the paper along with the completed grading rubric or faculty feedback.

Date completed: ____/_____/_____Course: ______Title: ______

Topic: ______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

  1. Receive a passing score on the casecomprehensive examination. Please attach a copy of any documentation you received upon successful completion of the case comprehensive examinations. Only include information regarding the final outcome of this exam.

Case comprehensive examination

Date completed:______/_____/_____

Did you pass (report based on final outcome, even if a revision was required) YES NO

  1. Deliver psychological services in school settings, including assessment, intervention, and consultation skills, with proficiency.
  1. Receive passing scores on at least two comprehensive assessment reports, including one that is focused primarily on academic or cognitive assessment, and one that is focused primarily on behavioral or social-emotional assessment. Reports must either have received a grade of B- or better in a course or be approved by a school psychology faculty member. Please include copies in your portfolio—use pseudonyms or black out identifying information.

Report 1:

Date completed: ____/_____/_____Course: ______Topic: ______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

Report 2:

Date completed: ____/_____/_____Course: ______Topic: ______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

  1. Receive a passing score on a written report of an intervention conducted with an individual student presenting with an academic or social-behavioral problem, including pre-intervention data and data collected after implementation of the intervention.Report must either have received a grade of B- or better in a course or be approved by a school psychology faculty member. Intervention report can follow assessment results used for (a) above.

Report 1:

Date completed: ____/_____/_____Course: ______Topic: ______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

  1. Receive a passing score on a written report of a consultation intervention conducted with a classroom teacher or parent as the consultee.Your report must include pre-intervention data and data collected after implementation of the intervention. Report must either have received a grade of B- or better in a course or be approved by a school psychology faculty member. Intervention report can follow assessment results used for (a) or (b) above.

Date completed: ____/_____/_____Course: ______Topic: ______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

  1. Receive a passing score on a written report of a consultation intervention, or a proposal for a consultation intervention, conducted at the systems level, such as a school, school system, classroom system, or agency. Report must either have received a grade of B- or better in a course or be approved by a school psychology faculty member. Intervention report can follow assessment results used for (a) or (b) above.

Date completed: ____/_____/_____Course: ______Topic: ______

Grade on paper or approval of faculty member: ______

  1. Successfully complete practicum and internship experiences. Submit evaluation reports from all practicum supervisors. Below list the term and supervisor for which you have submitted evaluations.

Term / Supervisor / Placement (e.g., school)
  1. Demonstrate skill in teaching, at both the university pre-service level and the professional in-service level.
  1. Successfully prepare and give at least two lectures in undergraduate or graduate level courses.Please turn in your lesson plan and supporting materials (e.g., Powerpoint slides) with your portfolio. Also turn in a written evaluation (1-2 pages) of your teaching completed by your supervisor in the course.

Lecture 1:

Course and instructor: ______

Date delivered: _____/_____/______Topic: ______

Lecture 2:

Course and instructor: ______

Date delivered: _____/_____/______Topic: ______

  1. Successfully plan and conduct at least one in-service training program for professionals or parents. Please include supporting materials (e.g., Powerpoint slides) with your portfolio. Also, please include a brief (1-2 page) analysis of the in-service. Describe the purpose of the in-service, what you think went well, and areas you could improve. Include this analysis in your portfolio

Topic of in-service: ______

Date delivered: _____/______/______Audience: ______

  1. Submit evaluations from all individuals who supervised your teaching this year. Below indicate the quarter you were a teaching assistant, your supervisor, and the course.

Term / Supervisor / Course
  1. Develop skills in supervision of school psychology services.

(Completed after successfully completing the first two years of practicum and coursework and while enrolled in Supervised College Teaching and Foundations of Clinical Supervision courses).

  1. After successfully completing the first three years of practicum and coursework, demonstrate satisfactory skills in the provision of supervision a student enrolled in practicum or practicum-related course, for at least one quarter, while enrolled in Supervised College Teaching and the Foundations of Clinical Supervision courses.You must receive a grade of at least satisfactory in the course. Also, please write a brief (1-2 page) analysis of your experience. Describe what you think went well, and areas you could improve. Include this analysis in your portfolio.

Faculty supervisor: ______Dates of supervision: From ______to ______.

Number of students supervised: ______

Did you receive a passing grade in Supervised College Teaching YES NO

Did you receive a passing grade in Foundations of Clinical Supervision YES NO

  1. Submit evaluations for all individuals who oversaw your supervision. Below, indicate the quarter you provided supervision, the context (e.g., course), and your supervisor.

Term / Supervisor / Context
  1. Demonstrate skills in leadership and professional service.

Successfully participate on a committee involved in program, department, college, university, or professional organizational operations for at least one quarter (e.g., service on the ASPS or OSPA board, student member of admissions or search committees). Also, please write a brief (1-2 page) analysis of your experience. Describe the purpose of the committee and the extent to which committee goals were met, in your view. What did you find especially worthwhile about this experience and, if you directed the committee, what might you change about the process?

Committee: ______Your role: ______

  1. Develop patterns of professional behavior and participate in experiences consistent with becoming a lifelong learner in the field of school psychology.
  1. Attend at least two professional conferences or conventions (at least one of which is national), and present a paper, poster or workshop, or participate in a symposium during at least one of these meetings.

Year / Conference(s) Attended / Presentations at Conference
Poster / Paper in symposium / Workshop / Panel / Faculty/students involved
  1. Satisfactorily reflect upon a professional training experience outside of regular coursework and professional conferences, such as a special workshop, seminar, or in-service training presentation(note this could be documented as well in 5b). Please write a brief (1-2 page) analysis of your experience. Describe the purpose of the professional training opportunity. What did you find especially worthwhile about this training opportunity? How might this experience impact your professional behavior?

Date: ______Topic: ______

Type of training: ______Audience: ______


Doctoral Student SignatureDate

Table 1. Courses Completed.
In the table below, for each course you have taken, please record the quarter you took the course, the number of credit hours earned, and your grade or anticipated grade. For courses or activities that you took more than once (e.g., replacing an incomplete, earning research team credits over multiple quarters), please simply record the new information without deleting previous information. Update this annually.
Year & Quarter Taken / Credits / Grade or Anticipated Grade
Theories of Learning and Instruction / 8 needed
EDUC 654 Advanced Applied Behavior Analysis
SPED 660 Design of Instruction
History of Psychology / 3 needed
CPSY 605 History and Systems of Psychology
Individual Differences in Behavior / 3 needed
EDLD 637 Diversity in Education
SPED 510 Diversity in Special Education
CPSY 615 Counseling Diverse Populations
Human Development / 3 needed
CPSY 621 Lifespan Developmental Psychology
Psychopathology / 4 needed
SPSY 650 Developmental Psychopathology
Biological Aspects of Behavior / 4 needed
SPSY 652Biological Aspects of Behavior
Cognitive Aspects of Behavior / 4 needed
SPSY 651 Cognitive and Affective Aspects of Behavior
Social Aspects of Behavior / 4 needed
CPSY 610Social Aspects of Behavior
Measurement and Assessment / 16 needed
SPSY 617Tests and Measurement in Education
SPSY 671 Behavioral Assessment
SPSY 672 Intellectual Assessment
SPSY 674 Educational Assessment
Statistics and Research Design / 23 needed
EDUC 614 Educational Statistics
EDUC 640 Applied Statistics, Design, and Analysis
SPED 626 Grant Writing
EDUC 650 Single-Subject Research Methods I
EDUC 652 Single-Subject Research Methods II
EDUC 642 Multiple Regression in Educational Research
Application of Research Skills / 26 needed
SPSY 603 Dissertation
SPSY 601 Research team experience
Practice of School Psychology / 51 needed
SPSY 630 Introduction to Consultation
SPSY 610 Advanced Consultation
SPSY 631 Academic and Behavioral Intervention
SPED 540 Early Literacy for Diverse Learners
SPSY 610 Beginning Counseling Skills
CPSY 642 Child-Family Interventions
SPSY 662 Foundations of Clinical Supervision
SPSY 602 Supervised College Teaching
SPSY 602 Supervised College Teaching—supervising applied practicum
SPSY 661 Principles and Practices in School Psychology
SPED 628 Law and Special Education
SPSY 663 Professional Ethics
SPSY 606 Field Studies
SPSY 609 & SPSY 626 Integrated Practicum
SPSY 609 Community Agency Practicum
Internship / 9 needed
SPSY 605 Reading in Pre-Internship Planning
SPSY 704 School Psychology Internship