Waccamaw Youth Baseball
2018Dixie O-Zone(12U) Local League Rules
- All players will bat in a consecutive batting orderand play a minimum of 2 innings on defense. After 2 complete innings of play, any remaining players who have not played defense will enter on defense.
- In a situation where a game is called for any reason and all players have not met the minimum playing time, then it is the Head Coach’s responsibility to start the player(s) in the next scheduled game.
- An inning will consist of 3 outs.
- One hour and 45 minutes time limit. NO NEW INNING WILL START IF FIVE (5) MINUTES REMAIN ON CLOCK. Games that end in a tie will be recorded as such. If the outcome of a tie game could determine the WYBA league champion, the game may be finished at the end of the season at the discretion of the WYBA President and Board. The umpire is the official timekeeper and will note starting time with each team prior to the first pitch. NO GAME WILL BEGIN AFTER 8PM.
- A team must have (8) eight players to start or finish a game. Whenthe time comes for the 9th player to bat, that will automatically be anout. If the 9th player shows up during the game, that player may enter the game at that time without penalty. A team may pick up any league eligible player from another team, only if the team less than 8 players so that the game can be played. By doing so, the team must have the opposing coach sign the score book next to the name of the additional player’s name and the game results in an automatic forfeit for the team adding the player.
- Only one Head coach and two assistants allowed in the dugout. Allcoaches must register and be approved by the WYBA and GeorgetownCounty Recreation Dept.
- The Speed-Up Rule will be utilized.
- The 15 Run Rule will be in effect after 3 innings and the 10 Run Rule will be in effect after completion of (4) four innings.
- At game time, when a team has less than the required number of players, there will be a (10) ten minute grace period for the minimum number of player to start the game. This only applies to the first game of the night.
- Infield Fly rule will be used.
- All regular season games on the schedule, whether played against Georgetown teams or teams from other communities, will count as part of the overall team record. Games played in other communities will be governed by that league’s local rules.
- No metal cleats allowed.
- Effective January 1, 2018, all 2 5/8” bats and 2 1/4” bats used in Dixie Youth Baseball must meet new performance standards established by USA Baseball, the national governing body of amateur baseball in the United States. The new bats will be available for purchase in September 2017. Any bats with the BPF 1.15 stamp will not be allowed in league and tournament play beginning
in 2018.Beginning in 2018, all legal bats will NOT show “Approved For Play in Dixie Youth Baseball” onthe barrel of the bat but will show the following stamp1-2 inches above the grip of the bat:
- In the event a base runner slides head first the runner will be called out, the one exception is returning to an overrun or over slid base.
- The catcher’s helmet must have a throat protector unless it is “hockey style”. All players and coaches must wear a mask while warming up a pitcher. The catcher must wear a protective cup.
- Batter can advance on a dropped 3rd strike.
- Runner may take a lead and steal at any time. Pitchers must come to a set a position while runners are on base. Balks will be called!
- Pitch Count Limits:
PitchCountLimitperGame / Mandatory Rest(hours off between games pitched) When Pitch Count Reached
Zero / 24hrs / 48hrs / 72hrs
85 / 1-30 / 31-45 / 45-65 / 66+
** A Maximum of 6 inning per week may be pitched by any single pitcher. A pitcher that has pitched 41+ pitches cannot play catcher for remainder of that game. Any player that is in the position of catcher for 4 or more innings cannot pitch. The home team scorebook will be official pitch count record. At the end of the game the official pitch record must be initialed by Visiting Head Coach & UIC.
***GeneralPark rules, coach’s conduct, player conduct and GeorgetownCounty Recreation and Leisure Services rules will be enforced.