
Chapter Meeting

May 12, 2016

10:00 AM

Overland Park, Kansas

Deer Creek Golf Club

7000 W. 133rd Street

Chapter Board Members Present:Attendance:

Kendra Stevenson -PresidentKCITE Members - 40

David Church- Vice PresidentNon Members - 12 Lindsay Harris -Secretary/Treasurer Student Affiliates - 0

Tom Evans - Member DirectorPresenters - 1

Dave MacDonald -Affiliate DirectorTOTAL - 52 Mike McKenna - Past President

Chapter Board Members Not Present:

David Church- Vice President

2015 KCITEExcellence in Transportation Award Submittal Evaluations.

Kendra called judging team meeting to order at 10:00 AM.

Judging was done on four submittals

1. MSHP and MoDOT CADfusion 911 Data Integration (KC Scout)

2. TrafficVision ATMS Integration (KC Scout)

3. HNTB, Kansas Statewide Freight Network Truck Parking Plan

4. The Overland Park Safe Bicycle Use Outreach Project

Judges Present:

Kendra Stevenson -President

Tom Evans - Member Director

Dave MacDonald -Affiliate Director

Mike McKenna - Past President

Judge Not Present:

David Church- Vice President

Judge Abstain Due to Conflict of Interest:

Lindsay Harris -Secretary/Treasurer (Scout representative).

Judging members present discussed criteria and the meeting of that criteria for all submissions. Final vote is delayed until final voting member: David Church- Vice President can provide input.

Kendra called regular meeting to order at 11:30 AM

She announced the Golf Team names and the prizes.


Lee Baer

Eric Kocher

Jason Fine

Cheryl Lambrecht

Team-Non-Working Stiffs

Mark Stuecheli

Mike Hale

Ralph Lewis

Team-Olsson Associates Inc.

Todd Fredericksen

Jamie Fain

Tom Fulton (Did not happen-was replaced)

Jeremy Stretz

Team-No Crack Showing

Bruce Baldwin

Matt Volz

David LaRoche

Gary Olson

Team-Sub Par Golfers

Rob Herrick

Mpoyo Mwanza

Mike McKenna

Mark Stuempel

Team-Oh Deer!...Creek Golfers

David Gilmore

Kurt Rotering

Paul Plotas

The teams played for the unprecedented retirement money of:

1st Prize$140.00 gift certificate for Deer Creek

2nd Prize $100.00 gift certificate for Deer Creek

3rd Prize$60.00 gift certificate for Deer Creek

Added competition: The excitement mounts…………………………….!

Closest to pin. Hole 4Golf Umbrella

Closest to pin.Hole 11Golf Gift Pack

Longest DriveHole 12Nike Golf Shirt


Kendra asked everyone around the room to introduce themselves by name and company.

Kendra then proceeded with announcements of upcoming events.

  1. Upcoming Events
  • 2016 MIDWESTERN District Meeting
  • June 26-28, 2016, Chicago, IL
  • KCITE Chapter MeetingJoint with APWA
  • July 14, 2016
  • Grandview Community Center
  • Topic: Grandview LPA Projects
  • MOVITE Fall 2016 Meeting
  • October 5-7, 2016, Oklahoma City, OK
  • Seeking ideas for topics/issues/projects for technical presentations

Kendra asked for volunteer Corporations,to host an Auto-Cad Training requested by Jackie Gatotho for the training committee. Need computers and desks if to host.

  1. 2015 Excellence in Transportation
  2. Thanks for submittals. Winner will be announced at July meeting
  1. Transportation around the Metro
  2. 95th Street across I-35 is closed for the next 6 months
  3. Marshall Drive is now open
  4. KC Streetcar is now OPEN!More than 32,000 riders opening weekend
  1. Door Prize:

Door Prize was won by Sean Keller of Keller Engineering.

  1. Chapter Presentation
  2. Topic: MoDOT’s Road to Tomorrow
  3. Speaker: James Pflum, MoDOT

Kendra adjourned the regular meeting @ Whenever the Golf game is over: could be tomorrow the way these guys golf.