BRKR Bhavan, B-Block, Tankbund Road
Hyderabad – 500063, Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone: (40) 2322 4289, 23221760; Fax: 23228057/23227458
Web site:
File Ref. APTS/IIP/APSWAN-HORIZ/959/2011,Dt.29-08-2011
The Prospective Bidders who purchased the bid document
Sub:APTS – IIP Division –Tender called for “Selection of Network Integrator(s) for Horizontal Connectivity (13644 Links) to Govt. Departments through Andhra Pradesh State Wide Area Network (APSWAN) under Rate Contract for GoAP”– Pre-bid minutes communicated - Intimation - Reg.
Ref: 1) APTS Tender ref. no. APTS/IIP/APSWAN-HORIZ/959/2011, Dt.28.07.11
2) Pre-bid meeting held on 20-08-2011
APTS has invited bids as per the procedures of Open Competitive Bidding for “Selection of Network Integrator(s) for Horizontal Connectivity (13644 Links) to Govt. Departments through Andhra Pradesh State Wide Area Network (APSWAN) under Rate Contract for GoAP. Pre bid conference meeting was held on 20-08-2011. The specifications, terms and conditions of the bid document were discussed during Pre-bid Conference. Following are the clarifications/amendments given to the bid document after discussions.
S.No / Pg. No / Section & clause No. / As per document / Amendment / clarification1 / 5 / Section –A / Last date/time sale of document / 29-08-2011, 02:00 PM
Bid closing date/time / 29-08-2011, 03:00 PM
Bid Opening date/time / 29-08-2011, 03:30 PM
/ Last date/time sale of document / 12-09-2011, 02:00 PM
Bid closing date/time / 12-09-2011, 03:00 PM
Bid Opening date/time / 12-09-2011, 03:30 PM
2 / 7 / A.1.3 / Add:
A.1.3: The Horizontal List of locations of offices to be connected the APSWAN PoPs will be given at the time of entering the contract.
3 / 11 / A.1.9 / Warranty
a)For Schedule-I items – One year from the date of Installation of Link. After that Four years AMC
b) For Schedule – II items – 5 years committed lease model with option to extend by mutual agreement / Warranty
a) For Schedule-I items – One year from the date of Installation of Link. After that AMC fixed as follows:
1) 2nd & 3rd year – 8%
2) 4th & 5th year – 12%
For Schedule – II items – 5 years committed lease model with option to extend by mutual agreement (The finalized Prices valid for one year)
4 / 12,13 & 14 / B.1.1,
B.1.2 & B.1.3 / Section-B
Pre-qualification and Technical evaluation criteria
Pre-qualification checklist / Section-B
Pre-qualification and Technical evaluation criteria is revised
For Schedule-I – Annexure –IV
For Schedule-II –Annexure –V
5 / 15, 16 / B.1.4 / The pre-qualification and technical bids submitted by the bidder shall be evaluated as per the following table / The pre-qualification and technical bids submitted by the bidder shall be evaluated Schedule wise separately as per the following table –
Enclosed as Annexure-VI & Annexure - VII
6 / 22 / Section-B / D)Measurement ofSLA
The Measurement of SLA shall be performed by the Selected Service provider.
The Operator shall establish an Enterprise/ Network Management System for monitoring and measurement of the SLA parameters identified for the selected service provider’s Horizontal connectivity. The NMS/ EMS implemented for SWAN shall provide the required data in conjunction with SWAN operator. / D)Measurement ofSLA
The Measurement of SLA shall be performed by the Selected Service provider.
The Operator shall establish an Enterprise/ Network Management System for monitoring and measurement of the SLA parameters identified for the selected service provider’s Horizontal connectivity. The NMS/ EMS implemented for SWAN shall provide the required data in conjunction with existing SWAN NMS implemented by SWAN operator (M/s. TCS-CA Tools).
7 / 29 / B.1.20 / B.1.20. Approval/clearances
5. At SWAN PoP and Concerned department office to be connected ,Power and space will be provided for Leased Line equipment.
8 / 31 / C.1 / EMD (DD/BG)
Rs. 15 Lakhs in favour of “MD, APTS” payable at Hyderabad in any nationalized/scheduled bank for both the Schedule – I &
Schedule – II / EMD (DD/BG)
A) Rs. 5 Lakhs in favour of “MD, APTS” payable at Hyderabad in any nationalized/scheduled bank for the Schedule – I
B) Rs. 10 Lakhs in favour of “MD, APTS” payable at Hyderabad in any nationalized/scheduled bank for the Schedule – II
9 / 31 / C.12 / Payment Terms-Schedule wise
Schedule wise As per recommendation of APTS / Payment Terms-Schedule wise
APTS will facilitate and recommends the user department using the connectivity to make the payment directly to Vendors.
10 / 32 / D.I.5 / UPS
Capacity : 600 VA or Less than 1000 VA
Microprocessor Controlled True online Double
Cabling and Connectors
Output distribution to connect VC equipment(Codec & Display) / UPS
Capacity :1000 VA Microprocessor Controlled True online Double Conversion with Built in Isolation Transformer
Cabling and Connectors
Output distribution to connect Network equipments as per bill of material
11 / 33 / D.Sch.II / Schedule-II (Type-III – Lease Line Connectivity) / Schedule-II (Type-III – Lease Line Connectivity)
Serial No.3 - Bandwidth 8 Mbps Link - Deleted.
12 / 35 / Section-E / E2. Pre-qualification and Technical Bid
E3. Technical Bid
E4. Financial Bid / Revised-
E2. Pre-qualification Bid
E3. Technical Bid
E4. Financial Bid
Details enclosed as
13 / 46 / Section-H- / 8.Evaluation of Financial Bids
The Price Bid consist of
Form-2-Schedule-I(A & B) The Evaluation will be done by Item
ThePriceBidsofthetechnicallyqualifiedTenderersintheTechnical Bidevaluationalone will beopened and evaluated.
- ThevalueofthePriceBidasspecifiedabovewillbetakenas reference for evaluation of the PriceBid.
14 / 47 / H.8.Sch.II-2 / Zone-C
3) Kurnool / Zone-C
3) Kurnoolis to be replaced withGuntur.
15 / 74 / Form-(F2) – Component wise pricing – Detailed capital cost / Revised- Form-F2 Enclosed as Annexure-VIII
16 / 75 / Form-(F2B) – Component wise pricing – AMC / Deleted
17 / 76 / Form-F3–Schedule-II- Price bid format / Revised – Enclosed as Annexure-IX
All other terms and conditions of the bid remain unaltered
Yours sincerely,
for General Manager (Tech.)
Annexure – III
Section – E
E.2. Pre-qualification and technical bid:
It shall include the following information about the firm and/or its proposal.
For Schedule-I & II
1)Bidder Profile Form-P1 (A)-Schedule-I. Submission of copy of VAT registration is mandatory. (Individual forms required for Schedule – I &II)
2)Bidder experience offering networking solutions, O&M Services too Form –P2(A)-for Schedule-I.
3)Bidder experience offering networking solutions, O&M for big WANs etc, provision of Band width Form –P2 (B) for Schedule-II.
4)Bidders Annual Turnover Details Form-P3 (A) for Schedule-I.
5)Bidders Annual Turnover Details Form-P3 (B) for Schedule-II.
6)Manufacturer’s authorization to participate in bidding process apart from such other documents like authorization certificate for dealing in the products for which bid is submitted. (However this will not apply to Manufacturers) as per format given in
Form – P4 (Individual forms required for Schedule – I &II). MAF supplied in any other from will render non responsive.
7)Bidder quality Certification Form – P5 (Individual forms required for Schedule – I &II)
8)Bidders’ Local presence in AP Form– P6 (Individual forms required for Schedule – I &II)
9)Bank Certificate of Solvency Form-P7(A) for Schedule-I, Form –P7 (B) for Schedule-II
10)Bidders Presence in India Form – P8 (Individual forms required for Schedule – I &II)
Note: Bidders requested use the same form format from Serial No. 1,6,7,8,9 &10for submission of details for Schedule – I and Schedule -II Separately.
E.3. Technical Bid:
For Schedule-I & II
- Deviation(s) to technical specification, if any in Form T-1(A) for Schedule-I,
Form T-1(B) for Schedule-II. - Check list in Form T-2(A) for Schedule- I , Form T-2(B) for Schedule- II
- Manpower details Form T-3 (Bidders requested to use the same form format for submission of Schedule I, Schedule - II Separately)
- Detailed technical documentation, reference to various industry standards to which the products/ services included in vendor’s offer conform, and literature concerning the proposed solution in Form T-4(A) for Schedule – I, Form T-4(B) for Schedule – I (Bidder’s format),
- Detailed Technical documentation with regard to Technical scores Form T-5(A) for Schedule-I, Form T-5(B) for Schedule-II (Bidders format)
- Other information, if any required in the bid document in Form T-6(A) for Schedule-I,
Form T-6(B) for Schedule-II (Bidders format)
E.4. Financial bid:
For Schedule-I & II
The financial bid should provide cost calculations corresponding to unit price of each item of the schedule which contains Form – F1 (Bidders requested to use the same form format for submission of Schedule I & Schedule - II), Form-F2- (Schedule-I (A&B)), Form-F3 (Schedule-II).
B.1.1Pre-qualification and Technical evaluation Criteria for Schedule-I
B.1.2.Pre-qualification ChecklistS. No. / Criteria / Document required) / Criteria Met (Yes/ No
The bid shall be submitted by an individual organization or consortium (Prime Bidder shall meet the PQ conditions). / Certificate of Incorporation / Consortium Agreement duly signed and authorized by the respective boards of partner firms
The bidder shall be a Telecom Service Provider or Company engaged in offering networking solutions, dealing with Information & Communication technologies providing supply, O&M services too. / Should submit and meet criterion as given (e) for the firm in last three years of 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11.
- Work order and Satisfactory performance certificate/ Project completion certificate from the client indicating the nodes covered.
- The information should be provided as per Form -P3 and signed from an authorized representative of the client department.
- References (contact details, customer completion certificate, customer satisfaction certificate etc) for these projects shall be provided.
The bidder should have average annual turnover of Rs. 5 Crores and above each in the last three financial years of 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11. / Statutory Auditor’s Certificate stating the annual sales turnover for the last three financial years of 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11.
The Net Worth of the bidder should be positive. / Statutory Auditor’s Certificate stating that the bidder has a positive net worth.
The bidder should have direct authorization from the Original Equipment Manufacturer/ service provider (OEM) for selling and supporting the components/ services offered. / - Direct Authorization letters from the OEMs / service providers from whom the equipments/ services have been cited by the bidder in the bid.
- The authorization letters on their letter heads in original should not be more than 1 year old.
The bidder shall have a valid Quality certification from an accredited and internationally reputed/ renowned firm (viz. ISO 9001:2008 and should have ITIL certified resources ) / Self attested copy of the certificate
The bidder should have office in Andhra Pradesh. In case bidder has no presence in Andhra Pradesh, bidder shall furnish an undertaking that an office shall be opened in Andhra Pradesh, with sufficient personnel and inventory of spares within one month of signing of contract / - Proof of a office in Andhra Pradesh
- Self certificate from an authorized signatory stating that in case the project is awarded to the bidder, an office shall be opened by the bidder in the state with sufficient personnel and inventory of spares within a month of selection.
The bidder shall have bank’s certificate of solvency for a minimum amount of Rupees 5crores. / Certificate of solvency from a bank in the name of bidder.
The bidder must be a company registered in India for more than 3 years as on bid calling date. / Attested copies of the required certificates.
Date: / Signature of Bidder (with official seal)
B.1.1Pre-qualification and Technical evaluation Criteria for Schedule-II
B.1.2.Pre-qualification ChecklistS. No. / Criteria / Document required) / Criteria Met (Yes/ No
The bid shall be submitted by an individual organization or consortium (Prime Bidder shall meet the PQ conditions ) . / Certificate of Incorporation / Consortium Agreement duly signed and authorized by the respective boards of partner firms
The bidder shall be an Telecom Service Provider or Company engaged in offering networking solutions, O&M for big WANs etc, provision of Band width, or may be dealing with Information & Communication technologies providing bandwidth services too.
The bidder must have successfully undertaken at least any one of the following:
- 1 project of minimum 200 WAN nodes. (only wire line / wireless nodes)
- 2 projects of minimum 125 WAN nodes each. (only wire line / wireless nodes)
- Work order and Satisfactory performance certificate/ Project completion certificate from the client indicating the number of WAN nodes covered.
- The information should be provided as per Form -P3 and signed from an authorized representative of the client department.
- References (contact details, customer completion certificate, customer satisfaction certificate etc) for these projects shall be provided.
The bidder should have average annual turnover of Rs. 50 Crores and above in the last three financial years of 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11. / Statutory Auditor’s Certificate stating the annual sales turnover for the last three financial years of 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11.
The Net Worth of the bidder should be positive. / Statutory Auditor’s Certificate stating that the bidder has a positive net worth.
The bidder should have direct authorization from the Original Equipment Manufacturer/ service provider (OEM) for selling and supporting the components/ services offered. / - Direct Authorization letters from the OEMs / service providers from whom the equipments/ services have been cited by the bidder in the bid.
- The authorization letters on their letter heads in original should not be more than 1 year old.
The bidder shall have a valid Quality certification from an accredited and internationally reputed/ renowned firm (viz. ISO 9001:2008 and should have ITIL certified resources ) / Self attested copy of the certificate
The bidder should have office in Andhra Pradesh. In case bidder has no presence in Andhra Pradesh, bidder shall furnish an undertaking that an office shall be opened in Andhra Pradesh, with sufficient personnel and inventory of spares within one month of signing of contract / - Proof of a office in Andhra Pradesh
- Self certificate from an authorized signatory stating that in case the project is awarded to the bidder, an office shall be opened by the bidder in the state with sufficient personnel and inventory of spares within a month of selection.
The bidder shall have bank’s certificate of solvency for a minimum amount of rupees 50crores. / Certificate of solvency from a bank in the name of bidder.
The bidder must be a company registered in India for more than 3 years as on bid calling date. / Attested copies of the required certificates.
Date: / Signature of Bidder (with official seal)
B.1.4.The pre-qualification and technical bids submitted by the bidder shall be evaluated as per the following table – for Schedule-I
S. No / Criteria / Maximum PointsAll “Successfully Completed”/ “Ongoing Projects” of works for the type of connectivity requested in the last 5 years – supported by satisfactory completion/operation certificate from client- would be considered.) / 10
Rate contact Model experience of Lead bidder (All Successfully Completed / Ongoing Projects, undertaken in last 5 years with project value of more than 50 lakhs and above for the bidder) / 5
Resource Base Capabilities (Numbers and qualifications) – for all the bidders (Details to be given as per Form T3) / 10
Quality Certifications (Number of national and internationally accepted and renowned quality certifications with the lead organization) / 10
Turnover of the lead bidder from IT System Integration/Network Integration activities / 10
Local Presence of lead bidder in Andhra Pradesh defined by Organization’s office in the State of Andhra Pradesh (To be substantiated by supporting documents such as sales tax, corporation registration etc) / 10
7. / Project Plan and Time Schedule / 15
8. / Proposed SLA management and complaint redressal mechanism / 10
9. / Number of FM projects in similar assignments undertaken in last 5 years (Number of facility Management assignments undertaken by the organization) / 5
10. / SLA Management Experience in the FM or Network projects in last 5 years / 5
11. / Project Experience in Andhra- IT/Networking Projects / 10
Total Points / 100
Date: / Signature of Bidder (with official seal)
B.1.4.The pre-qualification and technical bids submitted by the bidder shall be evaluated as per the following table – for Schedule-II
S. No / Criteria / Maximum PointsWAN deployment and implementation (All “Successfully Completed”/ “Ongoing Projects” with each having at least 200 wire line WAN nodes in the last 5 years – supported by satisfactory completion/operation certificate from client- would be considered.) / 5
WAN with converged network (All “Successfully Completed” / “Ongoing Projects in case of BOOT”/ BOO/leased / rate contract with each having at least 50 wire line WAN nodes in the last 5 years – supported by satisfactory completion/operation certificate from client- would be considered.) / 5
BOOT/ BOO/BOT/Rate contact Model experience of Lead bidder (All Successfully Completed / Ongoing Projects, undertaken in last 5 years with project value of more than 10 crore rupees for the bidder) / 5
Resource Base Capabilities (Numbers and qualifications) – for all the bidders (Details to be given as per Form T3) / 5
Quality Certifications (Number of national and internationally accepted and renowned quality certifications with the lead organization) / 5
Turnover of the lead bidder from IT System Integration/Network Integration activities / 6
Local Presence of lead bidder in Andhra Pradesh defined by Organization’s office in the State of Andhra Pradesh (To be substantiated by supporting documents such as sales tax, corporation registration etc) / 5
8. / Solution Description / 20
8a / Wide Area Network (implementation including Band width provision and O&M etc.) / 8
8b / Experience Wireless solutions deployment / 8
8c / NMS + Helpdesk facilities / 4
9. / Project Plan and Time Schedule / 8
10 / Proposed SLA management and complaint redressal mechanism / 8
11. / Number of FM projects in similar assignments undertaken in last 5 years (Number of facility Management assignments undertaken by the organization) / 10
12. / Total number of projects in field of facility management in last 5 years (Projects involving deployment of more than 50 resources over at least 20 locations shall be considered) / 5
13. / SLA Management Experience in the FM projects in last 5 years / 10
14 / Project Experience in Andhra- IT/Networking Projects / 3
Total Points / 100
Date: / Signature of Bidder (with official seal)
FORM-P2(A)- for Schedule-I
Should submit and meet criterion as given (e) for the firm in last three years of 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11.
Description / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11
Name of the Client (1,2,3, etc,……) with Address and contact details
Client - 1 Work order and Satisfactory performance certificate/ Project completion certificate from the client indicating the nodes covered.
Client - 2 Work order and Satisfactory performance certificate/ Project completion certificate from the client indicating the nodes covered
Client -3 Work order and Satisfactory performance certificate/ Project completion certificate from the client indicating the nodes covered.
Date: / Signature of Bidder (with official seal)
FORM-P2(B)- for Schedule-II