Amendment to the AASHTO Governing Documents AGD-1-09

Title: Change the Name of the Special Committee on Transportation Security (SCOTS)

and Modify the Charge Statement

WHEREAS, State departments of transportation (DOTs) acknowledge that the nation’s day-to-day economic stability depends on statewide transportation networks that operate with resiliency to all hazards; and

WHEREAS, State DOTs recognize that resilient transportation networks are characterized by readiness on the part of transportation agencies that manage them to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from a broad range of hazards triggered by natural or human causes; and

WHEREAS, State DOTs understand that the disciplines of transportation security and emergency management are closely related and equally vital to ensuring adequate all-hazards readiness in prevention, preparation for, response to and recovery from disasters; and

WHEREAS, State departments of transportation and their emergency management partners are investing significant capital and staff resources in a diverse set of initiatives to strengthen their combined all-hazards transportation security and emergency management capabilities; and

WHEREAS, The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Special Committee on Transportation Security has been charged with the responsibility to advocate for a secure transportation system by coordinating and collaborating with AASHTO, its members, and other agencies and professional organizations; and

WHEREAS, Widespread sharing of knowledge among transportation and emergency management agencies about the roles of transportation security and emergency management in building and operating transportation networks with resiliency to all hazards is beneficial; and now therefore be it

RESOLVED That the title of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ Special Committee on Transportation Security shall be changed to the Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management throughout the charge statement and wherever it appears in the Board of Directors Operating Policy; and be it further

RESOLVED That the following language shall replace the first paragraph of the charge statement referring to the Special Committee in the AASHTO Board of Directors Operating Policy:

The purpose of the Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management shall be to guide and support AASHTO member departments as they develop transportation security and emergency management-related plans, policies, and procedures for building and operating safe and efficient transportation networks whose resiliency to all hazards threats supports the nation’s economic stability and quality of life.


(First paragraph of present charge statement with addition and deletion)

The purpose of the Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management shall be to guide and support AASHTO member departments as they develop transportation security and emergency management-related plans, policies, and procedures that maintain and improve all aspects of the security of their transportation systemsfor building and operating safe and efficient transportation networks whose resiliency to all hazards threats supports the nation’s economic stability and quality of life.

The remaining charge statement remains unchanged, only with "and emergency management" added.


Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management (SCOTSEM)

The purpose of the Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management shall be to guide and support AASHTO member departments as they develop transportation security and emergency management-related plans, policies, and procedures for building and operating safe and efficient transportation networks whose resiliency to all hazards threats supports the nation’s economic stability and quality of life.

The Special Committee shall promote awareness and education about transportation security and emergency management among state DOTs by supporting or organizing meetings and conferences, and preparing guidance materials on a range of topics as necessary. The Special Committee shall work with partner agencies to undertake a comprehensive program of transportation security and emergency management research. The Special Committee shall engage and partner with other federal and state-level agencies and organizations involved in transportation security and emergency management activities to promote development of security and emergency management plans, regulations, policies, programs that meet the needs of the AASHTO members.

The Special Committee shall report to the Board of Directors. Member departments shall be entitled to three representatives; however, only one vote per Member Department may be cast on voting matters. The President of the Association shall appoint a Chair, Vice-Chair and a Secretary.

The Special Committee shall work cooperatively with the other AASHTO committees. To facilitate this cooperation, the Chair of each of the other committees is encouraged to designate a representative to serve on the Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management in a liaison capacity.

Representatives from federal agencies, associations, or other governmental organizations may be appointed as non-voting members by the Committee Chair.