Assessment Item 2
Medication incidents associated with drug therapy can be defined as events related to the administration, prescribing, dispensing, storage or disposal of a medicine that may have adverse consequences for the patient or staff, The definition also incorporates adverse drug events, adverse drug reactions and medication errors (Lawler, Welch & Brien, 2004: 174).
The above quote highlights that the administration of medication is a cycle that involves several individuals (e.g. prescribers, pharmacists, nurses, clients) and therefore incorporates a number of opportunities where errors or omissions can occur. The circumstances under which such errors or omissions occur can be unpredictable, and it is therefore imperative that practitioners engaged in the administration of medicines develop effective practices to minimize error.
Completing this assessment workbook:
This workbook assesses the following 1802NRS learning outcomes
Question / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5Learning outcome / 5, 6 / 5, 6 / 5, 6, 7, 8 / 6, 7, 8 / 5, 6, 8
The questions within this workbook are short answers. Each answer must be correctly structured using the conventions of academic writing (sentences, paragraphs, grammar, spelling, referencing, NO bullet points).
•Referencing style APA 6th edition
•In text reverencing is required(^tips at the end of the workbook)
•Please provide your reference list at the end of this workbook
Word limit: 2000 words in total, excluding references
Total marks: 110 marks
Weight: 40%
Workbook Submission
This assessment item requires you to complete this workbook and electronically submit it via Turn it in, (on L@G) by the due date. NO HARD COPY is to be handed in.
*there is a suggested formatting guide at the end of the document.
Question 1
Outline the roles and responsibilities of the Registered Nurse, Doctor and Pharmacist involved in the medication cycle?
(300 words/ 15 marks)
Question 2
Only medications that have been approved can be sold in Australia. Outline the process involved approving a new medication including the role of the TGA and the PBS.
(300 words/ 15 marks)
Question 3 (a)
Research has demonstrated that medication near miss and error events are associated with common causative factors including:
- Team factors
- Task factors
- Environmental factors
- Individual factors
- System factors
Collectively, examination of these factors in respect of errors has been referred to as the ‘systems approach’.
Using relevant literature, describeHOWeach of these factors increases the risk of medication errors.
(400words/ 20 marks)
Question 3 (b)
Using relevant literature,IDENTIFY appropriate prevention strategies for the factors described in Q3 (a). Explain HOW the implementation of these strategies will reduce medication errors related to:
- Team factors
- Task factors
- Environmental factors
- Individual factors
- System factors
(400words/ 20marks)
Question 4
The following are examples of frequently administered medications:
ParacetamolORWarfarin ORFrusemide
ChooseONEof these medications and:
a)Identify the brand name/s, its indication for use and the usual adult dose and route
b)Briefly explain the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of the medication
c)Identify potential adverse effects, interactions and relevant nursing considerations
(300words/ 15 marks)
Question 5
Mr Drago Davic is a 70 year old patient in your ward who has recently been prescribed the medication you researched in Question 4. Mr Davic needs some education to ensure that he uses this medication safely. This question asks you to describe HOW you will teach (think about issues related to the patient [pain, hearing], environment [lighting, time of day], resources etc.), NOT WHAT (THE CONTENT) YOU WILL TEACH. USING ADULT LEARNING PRINCIPLES*
a)ASSESS his learning needs
b)PLAN an education session with himand
c)Explain how you would EVALUATE the effectiveness of the session.
TIP*Refer to the Russell (2006) reading as a good guide and starting point as well as references suggested in your tutorial on patient education.
(300 words/ 15 marks).
Reference List
General referencing information:
In-text referencing: every sentence that contains information from another source must have a reference. If your paragraph contains information only from one author, then each sentence has their name at the end of it, not just at the end of the paragraph.
Reference list: This needs to be in alphabetical order. Do not rely on referencing software such as Endnote to reference correctly for you. If the format of the reference you download is incorrect (and often it is), then that incorrect format will be placed into your reference list. If you did not use Endnote, then make sure you follow the reference list conventions correctly.
Referencingis generally only worth 5% of the total grade for an assessment item. The university takes incorrect referencing (acknowledging the source of the information), seriously because when you do not reference you are telling the university, and the reader, that this is your original work. In other words, you are stating the following: you designed a research project, collected data, analysed the data, wrote a journal article, had it peer-reviewed and published.
Referencing conventions are explained in this tutorial available on the Griffith University website:
Formatting the Workbook
As a guide it is recommended that you cut and paste each of these questions into a new word document. It is this document that will be uploaded to Turn it IN. DO NOT UPLOAD the marking criteria
2014 1802NRS Medication and Safe Administration Workbook FINAL.