Deltas between ECC Spec Versions 11.1 and 12
2.2 Inputs – cleaned up some input definitions; added BA ACE Offset Value for RSG Response
2.2.1 WSM – explicitly called for CIM format with caveat on agreed format between Peak and OATI
2.2.2 SE Savecase Data – explicitly called for SFTP transfer with caveat on agreement between Peak and OATI
2.2.4 ECC Element Definitions – added DC lines and phase shifters as potential contingencies on OTDF Element definitions
2.2.6 Real-Time Data – explicitly stated that Peak would package SCADA data for transfer to OATI; cleaned up inputs and moved output layers to later section 2.4.1
2.2.7 e-Tags – added ability to use pending e-Tags with ability to switch on and off; called for real-time ICCP values for Dynamic Schedules
2.2.8 Look Ahead Data Inputs – added frequency and granularity requirements for Load, Gen, and NSI forecast data
COS – added requirement for logic to reconcile outage data against SE statuses
Load Forecast – added requirement to correct load forecast so it matches Peak SE model; added some need for LF data validations
Generation Forecast – added requirement to have ability to divide plant forecasts into unit level forecasts when needed; added some gen forecast data validation
NSI Forecast – added that two NSI forecasts values will be sent to ECC (pending and confirmed vs only confirmed) so that users can change between them Creating an Element – added ability for non-RC users to create elements based on a defined business process with permission controls in ECC Enable/Disable an Element – added the concept of ECC users (RC and non-RC) choosing the active Elements for which impacts are calculated Modify and Element - added ability for non-RC users to create elements based on a defined business process with permission controls in ECC Deactivate an Element - added ability for non-RC users to create elements based on a defined business process with permission controls in ECC Approving an Element – clarified the impact on approvals that non-RC user access to Element functions would affect
2.3.2 Calculate Shift and Distribution Factors – added rolling two hour window for factors in first two hours; added manual trigger for recalculation; added “priority” flowgates that are marked for factor calculations on a 5-minute basis (discussed this concept with Nelson)
2.3.3 Calculate Element Impacts – added 15 minute impact intervals for the rolling two hour window Calculate Forecasts – added potential feed forward error correction algorithm for forecast interval visualization; added requirement for users to turn on or off the error correction component for forecast interval visualization
2.4.1 Visualization of Operational Results – moved the visualized layers discussion to this section from 2.2.6; added the requirements for tabular and trend displays of layer visualization; added that ACE impacts will be visualized for 30 minutes with TBD logic to “ramp out” their impact; added that Phase I RSG visualization will be a tabular view of BA’s ACE and ACE offset; added that Phase II would consider expanded Element visualization of RSG; added Market Flows can have transfer restrictions to account for the CAISO-PAC Dynamic Schedule arrangement; added Unaccounted Element Flow layer explanation; added that ECC should handle 1,000 actively monitored Elements with more defined that users can enable and disable up to the limit of 1,000; added requirement that users could manually change an Element limit with a configured end time so that users can temporarily change when that is the mitigation strategy for congestion
2.4. User Interface and Displays
Dashboard – added definition for main dashboard
Impact Trend – added ability for trend to be linear or bar chart and that some layers may not be visualized for all ECC time points
Generator Inc/Dec GSF – added requirement that users would have study mode to play with this display regardless of Element congestion status
ACE Impact Worksheet – added concept for this display to play with BAs’ ACE values similar to Gen Inc/Dec
RSG Visualization – added concept for display that shows a tabular view of each BA’s ACE value and ACE offset value for Phase I RSG awareness
Element Dynamic Transfer Impacts – added concept for this display to only show Dynamic Schedule and Pseudo-Tie impacts on Elements
Mapping Displays – added concept for these displays
Alarm Displays – added concept for these displays
Subset of webSAS Displays – added requirement that Peak and webSAS users may ask OATI to move displays or implement similar displays from webSAS in the ECC
Deleted Voice of Customer section
2.4.3 ECC Alarm Processing – added IT alarms versus Element limit alarming distinction; added predefined email lists for IT alarms; added requirement for Element limit alarms to be sent through SFTP or other mechanism so they could be used in EMS
2.4.4 Logging and Reporting – added logging around congested Elements above a defined threshold; added more detail around historical reporting information
3.1 Import, Export, and API – added that subset of displays should have API capability; added ability to export ECC data from the gen redispatch screen to CSV for use in power flow simulations
3.3 User Roles, Rights, and Access – added concepts of non-RC users
3.4 Non-RC User Access – added that BA, TOP, and TSP will come with 2 concurrent user and 10 certificates with more access requiring that entity to contract with OATI
3.7 Documentation – added requirements for detailed documentation from OATI on the ECC
4.1 Performance – added display response time less than 3 seconds on displays with no calculations (OATI contract different)
4.3 Data Retention – added input data maintained for six years (OATI contract different); added data retention for 6 years (3 online, 3 offline); added that Shift Factors around congestion events will be maintained for same 6 year period; added that all Shift Factor data should be maintained 90 days in user-readable format