Dear Parents:
Welcome to our third grade classroom! I am excited to have your child in my class this year. I am looking forward to working with you and your child. This will be a fun and engaging year that will be filled with wonderful experiences and learning adventures.
Parent Communication: I strongly believe in communication as a crucial part of any child’s success in school. I will be uploading bi-monthly newsletters to our classroom website. (You can find my website on the Cougar Ridge website, if you scroll down to staff and click on my last name Kanaga under Third Grade.) I also will have a classroom blog to send you updates. Each student has a student folder that they will take home and bring back every day. I will place any communication that I have for you in the folder. If I need you to return something to me I will put it in the “Bring Back” side of the folder. Anything else will be placed in the “Keep Home” side. I will be keeping in touch with you this year through regular newsletters to let you know what your child has been learning in the classroom and to notify you of upcoming events. I may also contact you through notes, emails or phone calls. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you would like to discuss.
Meetings: If you would like to meet with me, please e-mail or call to make an appointment ahead of time. I want to provide a time when I can give you my full attention.
Homework: Your child will be assigned homework nightly. With the homework policy, students should only be working on their homework for 30 minutes a night. Those 30 minutes will be 10 minutes of Eureka math homework and 20 minutes of reading. Students will need to read 100 minutes a week, they will be logging their reading daily and counting up their minutes weekly. The homework will be logged on an assignment calendar that will be in the front pocket of the student folder. Students will write in homework assignments and reminders on their assignment calendar.
Student Expectations: Children bring an endless amount of enthusiasm and energy to school each day! We will be working hard and having a lot of fun this year together! In the next few weeks, your child and I will be working together to develop a set of positive expectations that we will set ourselves. You will find that I take a very positive approach with my students. Your child will have many opportunities during the day to earn praise, attention and other positives.
Snack: Each morning your child will have time to have a snack during our “read-aloud” time. You are welcome to send a healthy snack with your child. We will not provide snacks in the classroom nor will students be allowed to share or trade snacks.
If your child wants to bring water, please make sure they can be kept in cubbies, backpacks, or lunch boxes.
Field Trips: There are several field trips tentatively planned for third graders this year and more may be added throughout the school year. The third grade team has chosen a variety of educational activities to extend your child’s learning experience across the curriculum. More information will be sent home as the date of each activity gets near.
Specialist Schedule
Monday / Music 12:20-12:50Tuesday / P.E. 12:20-12:50
Wednesday / No Specialist
Thursday / Music 12:20-12:50 Library12:50-1:20
Friday / P.E. 12:20-12:50
Please have your child wear tennis shoes on PE days
School Starts:8:30
Wednesday Recess:10:00-10:15
Lunch: 11:25-12:05 (M-F)
Parent Volunteers: I welcome ALL parent volunteers! A parent volunteer survey will be available on curriculum night. I would like to get parents helping on a regular schedule. I will spend the first couple of weeks establishing routines and getting to know each and every one of my students before using weekly volunteers.
I am looking forward to getting to know all of you on curriculum night. I will be presenting an overview of the school year. Please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns. I hope that you will be comfortable communicating with me via e-mail, phone calls, and/or scheduled meetings. Working together, we can keep your child engaged in their education, while creating a successful and motivating classroom environment. I am very excited for this year and all the growth that each student will make. Thank you for your support! It is going to be a GREAT YEAR!
Molly Kanaga
Third Grade Teacher
Cougar Ridge Elementary