Cardiac Screening
Information for Athletes
Sudden cardiac death in sport is a very rare event – approximately 1/100,000 athletes per year.
Most (>90%) of these sudden deaths can be attributed to pre-existing cardiac abnormalities. Studies have suggested that competitive sports activity in adolescents and young adults carries a 2 – 2.5 fold increase in the risk of sudden death. The theory is that vigorous exercise triggers lethal irregularities in the heart beat of athletes who have pre-existing cardiac abnormalities.
Cardiac screening aims to detect cardiovascular conditions that place athletes at increased risk. In the event of an adverse finding the athlete can then be advised accordingly.
Within SNI Sports Institute we strongly encourage all our athletes to have cardiac screening performed. Cardiac screening has been proven to reduce the incidence of sudden cardiac death. The screening is done by CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) here at UUJ. The screening itself consists of a questionnaire, physical examination and an ECG (electrocardiogram). In certain cases athletes will also have an Echocardiogram performed – this is an ultrasound scan of the heart.
Following these tests the vast majority of athletes (>96%) will receive normal test results, but a few athletes will be called back for further tests and investigations. Ultimately about 3/1000 athletes will have a potentially serious heart abnormality identified that could mean them being advised to stop or curtail their sporting involvement. In the rare event that such an abnormality is identified, it is important to consider in advance the potential psychological impact this can have. It is also important to realise that such a finding could impact on issues such as taking out future mortgage or life insurance policies.
Attached to this form is the CRY consent form for your consideration and it is also worth checking out the CRY website –
If you wish to proceed and have cardiac testing performed, please book the screening appointment directly yourself via the CRY website. The cost of the screening (currently £35) will be reimbursed to you by SNI Sports Institute on provision of a receipt submitted to the Sports Institute offices.