B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Dec 19, -Dec 21, 2012
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
*08:00-09:00101 M01-S01 Academy OverviewNeymeyer
09:00-10:00102 M01-S02 Cert-DecertEhret
*10:00-12:00101 M01-S01 Academy OverviewNeymeyer
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-15:30101 M01-S01 Academy OverviewNeymeyer
15:30-16:30103 M01-S03 Marching and Drill PracticalNeymeyer
Thursday, December 20, 2012
08:00-10:001101 DT: Intro to Defensive Tactics (classrm)Fitness & Force
10:00-12:001102 DT: Gym OrientationFitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:30108 M01-S08 Intro to Criminal ProceduresCrim Proc
13:30-14:30104 M01-S04 Chain of CommandNeymeyer
14:30-16:30105 M01-S05 BLEA Problem Solving ModelCrisis Int
Friday, December 21, 2012
08:00-10:00106 M01-S06 Officer Presence(1 class/1 prac)Neymeyer
Crisis Int
10:00-12:001103 DT: Basic FundamentalsFitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-13:301100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
13:30-14:30109 M01-S09 Applying Problem Solving ModelCrisis Int
14:30-16:30111 M01-S11 Problem-Based Learning MethodsNeymeyer
Crisis Int
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 1 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Dec 24, -Dec 28, 2012
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, December 24, 2012
-Holiday: NO CLASS
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
-Holiday: Christmas
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
08:00-12:00115 M01-S15 Oral AutobiographiesNeymeyer
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:30110 M01-S10 Police LiabilityCrim Proc
14:30-15:30107 M01-S07 Community ExpectationsCommander
Crisis Int
*15:30-16:301100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
Thursday, December 27, 2012
08:00-11:00116 M01-S16 Professional Ethics ACommander
*11:00-12:00117 M01-S17 Diversity & Bias-Based PolicingCrim Proc
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-13:30117 M01-S17 Diversity & Bias-Based PolicingCrim Proc
13:30-16:30112 M01-S12 Emotional Intelligence & JournalNeymeyer
Friday, December 28, 2012
08:00-10:001105 DT: Handcuffing #1 of 3Fitness & Force
*10:00-12:00203 M02-S03 Criminal Law FundamentalsCrim Law
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-14:30203 M02-S03 Criminal Law FundamentalsCrim Law
14:30-16:30118 Study & Project Time {Case Law Pres.}Neymeyer
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 2 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Dec 31, -Jan 04, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, December 31, 2012
-Holiday: NO CLASS
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
-Holiday: New Year's Day
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
08:00-10:00113 M01-S13 Pre-Reading Exam & Case Law AsgnCrim Proc
10:00-12:00114 M01-S14 Civil Rights & Color of LawRichardson (FBI)
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:301201 Firearms: Orientation (classrm) (u#1)Range
Thursday, January 03, 2013
*08:00-12:001202 Firearms: Fundamentals (u#2-12)Range
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:301202 Firearms: Fundamentals (u#2-12)Range
Friday, January 04, 2013
08:00-10:001107 DT: Striking Tools #1 of 4Fitness & Force
*10:00-11:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
11:00-12:00199-1 Pre-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:30401 M04-S01 Intro to Traffic EnforcementTraffic
13:30-16:30402 M04-S02 Rules of the Road & Equip VioTraffic
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 3 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Jan 07, -Jan 11, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, January 07, 2013
08:00-09:00200-1 Case Law Presentations (from M1/S13)Crim Proc
09:00-10:00200-2 Case Law Presentations (from M1/S13)Crim Proc
*10:00-12:00203 M02-S03 Criminal Law FundamentalsCrim Law
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-14:30203 M02-S03 Criminal Law FundamentalsCrim Law
14:30-16:301109 DT: Striking Tools #2 of 4Fitness & Force
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
08:00-10:00199-2 Module 1 Written ExamNeymeyer
10:00-12:00201 M02-S01 Social & Terry StopsCrim Proc
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:301203 Firearms: Live Fire #1 (u#13)Range
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
08:00-12:00202 M02-S02 Intro to Patrol ProceduresPatrol Proc
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:30199-3 Post-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
13:30-14:30207 M02-S07 Com Caretaking & Knock & AnnouCrim Proc
*14:30-16:301100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
Thursday, January 10, 2013
08:00-10:00204 M02-S04 StressNeymeyer
Crisis Int
10:00-12:00206 M02-S06 Report WritingNeymeyer
Crisis Int
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:30208 M02-S08 Noise ComplaintsCrim Law
13:30-16:30209 M02-S09 Call ResponsePatrol Proc
Friday, January 11, 2013
08:00-11:00403 M04-S03 Intro to Traffic StopsTraffic
11:00-12:00217 M02-S17 On-line Rpt Writing (self study)Neymeyer
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:301110 DT: Striking Tools #3 of 4Fitness & Force
*14:30-15:301100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
15:30-16:30218 Study & Project TimeCrisis Int
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 4 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Jan 14, -Jan 18, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, January 14, 2013
08:00-11:00211 M02-S11 Welfare ChecksPatrol Proc
*11:00-12:00212 M02-S12 Mental IllnessHicks
Crisis Int
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-14:30212 M02-S12 Mental IllnessCrisis Int
14:30-16:301112 DT: Handcuffing #2 of 3Fitness & Force
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
08:00-12:001204 Firearms: Live Fire #2 (u#14)Range
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30213 M02-S13 Security ChecksCrim Proc
Patrol Proc
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
08:00-10:00205 M02-S05 Radio ProceduresNeymeyer
10:00-12:00216 M02-S16 Complicity & Anticipatory OffensCrim Law
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:301113 DT: Use of Force #1 of 2 (Classroom)Fitness & Force
*14:30-16:301100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
Thursday, January 17, 2013
08:00-11:00215 M02-S15 People in CrisisCrisis Int
11:00-12:00299-1 Pre-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:30200-3 Case Law Presentations (from M1/S13)Crim Proc
13:30-14:30300-1 Case Law Presentations (from M1/S13)Crim Proc
14:30-16:30301 M03-S01 Exigent Circ & Consent SearchesCrim Proc
Friday, January 18, 2013
08:00-10:00299-2 Module 2 Written ExamNeymeyer
10:00-12:001114 DT: Ground Survival #1 of 2Fitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-15:30407 M04-S07 Writing CitationsVehicles
15:30-16:30314 M03-S14 On-line Rpt Writing (self study)Neymeyer
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 5 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Jan 21, -Jan 25, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, January 21, 2013
-Holiday: Martin Luther King Day
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
08:00-09:00299-3 Post-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
09:00-10:00300-2 Case Law Presentations (from M1/S13)Crim Proc
*10:00-12:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30307 M03-S07 Firearms & Dangerous WeaponsCrim Law
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
08:00-11:00408 M04-S08 Traffic Stops PracticalVehicles
11:00-12:00409 M04-S09 Driver's License ViolationsTraffic
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:301116 DT: Baton #1 of 4Fitness & Force
14:30-16:30305 M03-S05 Burglary, Trespass & Veh ProwlCrim Law
Thursday, January 24, 2013
08:00-10:00302 M03-S02 Tactical CommunicationNeymeyer
Crisis Int
10:00-12:001118 DT: FriskFitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:30303 M03-S03 Crim Inv-Crime Scene MgmtCrim Inv
14:30-16:30310 M03-S10 Crim Inv-Rpt Write/Note TakingCrim Inv
Friday, January 25, 2013
*08:00-12:00405 M04-S05 Drug Abuse & InvestigationsShepard
Crim Inv
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-13:30405 M04-S05 Drug Abuse & InvestigationsCrim Inv
13:30-15:30411 M04-S11 DUI LawsTraffic
15:30-16:30315 Study & Project TimeNeymeyer
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 6 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Jan 28, -Feb 01, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, January 28, 2013
*08:00-10:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
*10:00-12:00304 M03-S04 Fight CallsCrim Law
Patrol Proc
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-13:30304 M03-S04 Fight CallsPatrol Proc
Crim Law
13:30-16:30309 M03-S09 Court Testimony & Evidence RulesCrim Proc
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
08:00-12:00306 M03-S06 Procedures of ArrestPatrol Proc
Crim Proc
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30311 M03-S11 Assault & HarassmentCrim Law
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
08:00-10:00308 M03-S08 Frisking & SearchingCrim Proc
10:00-12:001120 DT: Handcuffing #3 of 3Fitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:30400-1 Case Law Presentation (from M1/S13)Crim Proc
13:30-14:30400-2 Case Law Presentation (from M1/S13)Crim Proc
14:30-16:30312 M03-S12 Conflict Resolution PracticalNeymeyer
Crisis Int
Thursday, January 31, 2013
08:00-12:00313 M03-S13 Interview & Interr - Reid TechCrim Inv
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30413 M04-S13 Collision Investigation & PTCRTraffic
Friday, February 01, 2013
*08:00-09:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
09:00-10:00399-1 Pre-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
10:00-12:001205 Firearms: Intro to Low LightRange
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:301206 Firearms: Live Fire #3 (u#15)Range
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 7 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Feb 04, -Feb 08, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, February 04, 2013
08:00-12:001207 Firearms: Live Fire #4 (u#16)Range
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-15:30415 M04-S15 DOL (Department of Licensing)Weaver (DOL)
15:30-16:30400-3 Case Law Presentation (from M1/S13)Crim Proc
Tuesday, February 05, 2013
08:00-10:00399-2 Module 3 Written ExamNeymeyer
10:00-12:001122 DT: SearchFitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30404 M04-S04 High-Risk Vehicle StopsVehicles
Patrol Proc
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
08:00-09:00399-3 Post-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
09:00-10:00499-1 Pre-Exam ReviewTraffic
10:00-12:00412 M04-S12 Veh Searches & ImpoundCrim Proc
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:30410 M04-S10 Crim Inv-Crime Scene SearchingCrim Inv
13:30-14:30406 M04-S06 Tactical Thinking ACommander
*14:30-16:301100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
Thursday, February 07, 2013
08:00-11:00499-2 Module 4 Written ExamNeymeyer
11:00-12:00500-1 Case Law Presentations (from M1/S13)Crim Proc
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30413-5 MOCKS: High-Risk Veh Stops #1 (BANK B)BLEA
Patrol Proc
Friday, February 08, 2013
08:00-12:00214 M02-S14 ACCESSWhite (WSP)
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:301208 Firearms: Live Fire #5 (u#17)Range
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 8 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Feb 11, -Feb 15, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, February 11, 2013
*08:00-12:001301 EVOC: Day 1Dixon
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:301301 EVOC: Day 1Dixon
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
*08:00-12:001302 EVOC: Day 2Wash. St. Patrol
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:301302 EVOC: Day 2Wash. St. Patrol
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
*08:00-12:001303 EVOC: Day 3Wash. St. Patrol
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-18:301303 EVOC: Day 3Wash. St. Patrol
Thursday, February 14, 2013
*08:00-12:001304 EVOC: Day 4Wash. St. Patrol
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-18:301304 EVOC: Day 4Wash. St. Patrol
Friday, February 15, 2013
08:00-12:001305 EVOC: Day 5Caldwell
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 9 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Feb 18, -Feb 22, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, February 18, 2013
-Holiday: President's Day
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
08:00-10:00501 M05-S01 Alarm ResponsePatrol Proc
10:00-12:001124 DT: Striking Tools #4 of 4Fitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30411-5 MOCKS: Traffic Stops #1 (BANK A)Vehicles
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
08:00-09:00499-3 Post-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
09:00-11:00502 M05-S02 Crim Inv-Crime Scene Photo/DiagrCrim Inv
11:00-12:00414 M04-S14 On-line Rpt Writing (self study)Neymeyer
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30503 M05-S03 Building SearchesMock City
12:30-16:30503 M05-S03 Building SearchesPatrol Proc
Thursday, February 21, 2013
*08:00-12:00505 M05-S05 Domestic ViolenceCrim Law
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:301126 CT: Control Tactics #1 of 6Fitness & Force
14:30-16:30509 M05-S09 MirandaCrim Proc
Friday, February 22, 2013
08:00-12:00504 M05-S04 K-9 Patrol & TacticsKasprzyk (KCSO K9)
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:301209 Firearms: Live Fire #6 (u#18)Range
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 10 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Feb 25, -Mar 01,
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, February 25, 2013
*08:00-12:00505 M05-S05 Domestic ViolenceCrim Law
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:30511 M05-S11 Gambling InvestigationsLisa (Gamb Com)
14:30-16:30510 M05-S10 Fire InvestigationsBaer (Seattle FD)
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
08:00-11:00508 M05-S08 Crim Inv (Series #5)Crim Inv
*11:00-12:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:30506 M05-S06 Property CrimesCrim Law
14:30-16:30512 M05-S12 Crim Inv-Photo MontageCrim Inv
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
08:00-09:00513 M05-S13 Workshop: Criminal LawCrim Law
09:00-10:00515 M05-S15 ATD Mid-term EvaluationAdv Trng (WSCJTC)
10:00-12:001129 CT: Control Tactics #2 of 6Fitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30504-5 MOCKS: Building Search PracticalBLEA
Patrol Proc
Mock City
Thursday, February 28, 2013
08:00-12:00505-5 MOCKS: Crisis #1 (BANK C)BLEA
Crisis Int
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:301210 Firearms: Mid-Term Testing (u#20)Range
Friday, March 01, 2013
*08:00-12:00507 M05-S07 Gang AwarenessGagliardi
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-14:30507 M05-S07 Gang AwarenessGagliardi
14:30-16:301131 CT: Control Tactics #3 of 6Fitness & Force
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 11 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Mar 04, 2013-Mar 08,
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, March 04, 2013
08:00-10:001132 CT: Control Tactics #4 of 6Fitness & Force
10:00-12:00601 M06-S01 Vulnerable AdultsScott
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-15:30605 M06-S05 Computer CrimesCrim Inv
15:30-16:30514 M05-S14 On-line Rpt Writing (self study)Neymeyer
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
08:00-09:00516 M05-S16 Criminal Inv Series ReviewCrim Inv
09:00-10:00599-1 Pre-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
*10:00-12:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30509-5 MOCKS: Field Interview #1 (BANK E)BLEA
Crim Proc
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
08:00-10:00599-2 Module 5 Written ExamNeymeyer
10:00-12:001134 DT: Mid-Term Skills Exam (Closed Skills)Fitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:30703 M07-S03 Standard Field Sobriety TestsTraffic
Thursday, March 07, 2013
08:00-12:00602 M06-S02 Crim Inv-Search WarrantsCrim Inv
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:30599-3 Post-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
13:30-14:30603 M06-S03 Domestic Violence Report ReviewCrim Law
14:30-16:30604 M06-S04 Fraud and ForgeryCrim Law
Friday, March 08, 2013
*08:00-12:00703 M07-S03 Standard Field Sobriety TestsTraffic
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-13:301100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
13:30-16:30608 M06-S08 Crim Inv-FingerprintingCrim Inv
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 12 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Mar 11, 2013-Mar 15,
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, March 11, 2013
*08:00-12:001002 M10-S02 First Aid / CPRCompetitive Edge
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-14:301002 M10-S02 First Aid / CPRCompetitive Edge
14:30-16:301136 DT: Baton #2 of 4Fitness & Force
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
08:00-11:00611 M06-S11 Crim Inv-Evidence CollectionCrim Inv
11:00-12:001001 Class Graduation PhotosCommander
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:301211 Firearms: One-Hand Manipulation (u#32)Range
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
08:00-10:001138 DT: Ground ControlFitness & Force
10:00-12:00609 M06-S09 Arrest WarrantsCrim Proc
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:30703 M07-S03 Standard Field Sobriety TestsTraffic
Thursday, March 14, 2013
08:00-12:00601-5 MOCKS: Field Interview #2 (BANK F)BLEA
Crim Proc
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:30699-1 Pre-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
13:30-15:301142 DT: Use of Force #2 of 2 (Classroom)Fitness & Force
*15:30-16:301100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
Friday, March 15, 2013
08:00-10:00699-2 Module 6 Written ExamNeymeyer
10:00-12:001144 CT: Control Tactics #5 of 6Fitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:30703 M07-S03 Standard Field Sobriety TestsTraffic
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 13 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Mar 18, 2013-Mar 22,
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, March 18, 2013
*08:00-12:001212 Firearms: Use of Cover #1&2 (u#21-22)Range
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:301212 Firearms: Use of Cover #1&2 (u#21-22)Range
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
07:30-09:00INSP Graduation Inspection
09:00-11:001146 DT: Impact Resistant Suit Drills #1 of 3Fitness & Force
11:00-12:00699-3 Post-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:30701 M07-S01 Homicide & Felony Murder RuleCrim Law
14:30-16:30702 M07-S02 Serving Orders & Civil Stand-bysHicks
Crisis Int
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
08:00-12:00701-5 MOCKS: High-Risk Veh Stops #2 (BANK H)Vehicles
Patrol Proc
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30703-A Standard Field Sobriety Test - WET LABTraffic
Thursday, March 21, 2013
08:00-12:00604-5 MOCKS: Building Search #2 (BANK G)Patrol Proc
Mock City
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:301150 DT: Scenario Training #1 of 2 -Day MocksFitness & Force
Friday, March 22, 2013
08:00-12:00705 M07-S05 Death InvestigationsChristman (Bothell)
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30708 M07-S08 SFST - Practical App & ExamTraffic
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 14 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Mar 25, 2013-Mar 29,
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, March 25, 2013
08:00-10:001148 CT: Control Tactics #6 of 6Fitness & Force
*10:00-12:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30704 M07-S04 Robbery & KidnappingCrim Law
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
*08:00-12:001213 Firearms: Low Light (u#24-26)Range
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:301213 Firearms: Low Light (u#24-26)Range
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
08:00-12:00610 M06-S10 Workshop: Criminal Procedures
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30RW (4 hrs from Report Writing)
Thursday, March 28, 2013
08:00-10:00706 M07-S06 Comm w/People w/DisabilitiesCrisis Int
10:00-12:001152 DT: Handgun Retention #1 of 2Fitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30704-5 MOCKS: Crisis #2 (w/reports) (BANK I)BLEA
Crisis Int
Friday, March 29, 2013
08:00-10:001154 DT: Baton #3 of 4Fitness & Force
*10:00-12:00806 M08-S06 BAC & PBT (classroom)Traffic
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:30806 M08-S06 BAC & PBT (classroom)Traffic
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 15 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Apr 01, -Apr 05, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, April 01, 2013
08:00-09:00712 Study & Project Time and Chaplain IntroNeymeyer
Oas (Chaplain)
09:00-10:00713 Tactical Thinking BCommander
10:00-12:001156 DT: Impact Resistant Suit Drills #2 of 3Fitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:30806 M08-S06 BAC & PBT (classroom)Traffic
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
*08:00-09:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
09:00-12:00707 M07-S07 Patrol InvestigationsCrim Inv
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30801 M08-S01 Child Abuse InvestigationsGraham (TPD)
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
08:00-12:00506-5 MOCKS: Traffic Stops #2 (BANK D)
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30707-5 MOCKS: Field Interview #3 (BANK J)
Thursday, April 04, 2013
08:00-12:00710 M07-S10 Evidence Collection PracticalCrim Inv
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:301158 DT: Ground Survival #2 of 2Fitness & Force
*14:30-16:301100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
Friday, April 05, 2013
08:00-10:00709 M07-S09 Suicide InvestigationsNeymeyer
Crisis Int
10:00-11:00799-1 Pre-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
11:00-12:00808 M08-S08 Amber AlertDrain(SPD)
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30806-5 M08-S06 BAC & PBT ExamTraffic
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 16 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Apr 08, -Apr 12, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, April 08, 2013
*08:00-12:001214 Firearms: CQB, FATS & PrismRange
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:301214 Firearms: CQB, FATS & PrismRange
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
08:00-10:00799-2 Module 7 Written ExamNeymeyer
10:00-12:001160 DT: Handgun Retention #2 of 2Fitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:30809 M08-S09 Sexual PredatorsAtty Gen Office
13:30-14:30802 M08-S02 Domestic Violence Pre-Exam RevieCrim Law
14:30-16:30803 M08-S03 Crimes Against ChildrenCrim Law
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
08:00-09:00898 Domestic Violence Written ExamCrim Law
09:00-10:00799-3 Post-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
*10:00-12:001140 DT: OC Lecture & PracticalBLEA
Fitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:301140 DT: OC Lecture & PracticalFitness & Force
Thursday, April 11, 2013
*08:00-12:00809-5 MOCKS: Patrol Beat MocksVehicles
Mock City
Crisis Int
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:30809-5 MOCKS: Patrol Beat MocksNeymeyer
Mock City
Crisis Int
Friday, April 12, 2013
*08:00-12:001215 Firearms: Final&Low Light Exam (u#36-38)Range
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:301215 Firearms: Final&Low Light Exam (u#36-38)Range
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 17 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Apr 15, -Apr 19, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, April 15, 2013
08:00-11:00804 M08-S04 Sex Crime InvestigationsGraham (TPD)
*11:00-12:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:301162 DT: Baton #4 of 4Fitness & Force
14:30-16:30905 M09-S05 Excited DeliriumFitness & Force
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:301164 DT: Scenario Training #2 of 2- Day MocksFitness & Force
17:00-21:00900-3 NIGHT MOCKS: Final Testing Scenes #1Mock City
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30805 M08-S05 Sex OffensesCrim Law
17:00-21:00900-4 NIGHT MOCKS: Final Testing Scenes #2BLEA
Mock City
Thursday, April 18, 2013
*08:00-12:001216 MOCKS: Dynamic SimunitionsBLEA
Mock City
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
*12:30-16:301216 MOCKS: Dynamic SimunitionsRange
Mock City
Friday, April 19, 2013
08:00-12:001166 DT: Impact Resistant Suit Drills #3 of 3Fitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-16:30807 M08-S07 Mini Crime Scene PracticalsCrim Inv
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 18 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Apr 22, -Apr 26, 2013
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, April 22, 2013
08:00-10:001170 DT: Final Written ExamFitness & Force
*10:00-12:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:30902 M09-S02 Intro to Unusual OccurrencesPatrol Proc
14:30-16:30904 M09-S04 Critical Incident StressDonner
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:301168 DT: Final Skills Exam (Closed Skills)Fitness & Force
14:30-15:30899-1 Pre-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
15:30-16:30903 M09-S03 Active ShooterPatrol Proc
17:00-21:00900-1 NIGHT MOCKS: Force Scenario & DUI #1Mock City
Fitness & Force
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:30899-2 Module 8 Written ExamNeymeyer
14:30-15:30906 M09-S06 Counter-TerrorismFBI
15:30-16:301004 M10-S04 Safe Call ProgramRussell
17:00-21:00900-2 NIGHT MOCKS: Force Scenario & DUI #2BLEA
Fitness & Force
Mock City
Thursday, April 25, 2013
08:00-11:00901 M09-S01 Crim Inv. Series Mock TrialCrim Inv
*11:00-12:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:30899-3 Post-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
13:30-16:30907 M09-S07 Leadership (Eff. Followership)Commander
Crisis Int
Friday, April 26, 2013
*08:00-09:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
09:00-12:00910 M09-S10 HAZMATKelley (Kent FD)
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:30909 M09-S09 Bombs & ExplosivesPt of Seattle Bomb S
14:30-16:30900-5 Study & Project Time {DUI Report}Traffic
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 19 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Apr 29, -May 01,
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
Monday, April 29, 2013
08:00-11:00911 M09-S11 Unusual OccurrencesMock City
Patrol Proc
11:00-12:00999-1 Pre-Exam ReviewTo be determined
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-14:301006 M10-S06 Off-Duty ConsiderationsPatrol Proc
14:30-16:301100-1IDT: Final Mock Scene RetestsFitness & Force
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
08:00-10:00999-2 Module 9 Written ExamNeymeyer
*10:00-11:001100 IDT: Intensive Defensive TacticsFitness & Force
11:00-12:001003 M10-S03 ATD End-of-Academy EvaluationAdv Trng (WSCJTC)
12:00-12:30LUNCH Lunch
12:30-13:301005 M10-S05 Professional Ethics BCommander
13:30-14:30999-3 Post-Exam ReviewNeymeyer
14:30-16:301007 M10-S07 Graduation PreparationAuditorium
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
07:30-09:001008 M10-S08 Inspection/Ringing OutNeymeyer
09:00-12:001009 M10-S09 Family Orientation/Class VideoOas (Chaplain)
Crisis Int
12:00-13:00LUNCH Lunch
13:00-15:001010 M10-S10 Graduation CeremoniesOas (Chaplain)
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 20 of 21
B.L.E.A. 3 - Master Schedule - 688
Tac Officer: NeymeyerSchedule Dates:Apr 29, -May 01,
Date/TimeItem CodeActivityInstructor(s)
* - Indicates class time split over more than one interval.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013Page 21 of 21