Vascular Plant List
Fort Simcoe
Fort Simcoe, Yakima County, WA. List covers plants found on the 200-acre Fort Simcoe State Park property, about 35 miles southwest of Yakima. WNPS Central Washington field trip, April 5, 2008, D.J. Shook, leader. 124 spp.
These lists represent the work of different WNPS members over the years. Their accuracy has not been verified by the Washington Native Plant Society. We offer these lists to individuals as a tool to enhance the enjoyment and study of native plants.
* - IntroducedScientific Name / Common Name / Family Name
Acer glabrum / Douglas maple / Aceraceae
Achillea millefolium / Yarrow / Asteraceae
Agropyron cristatum* / Crested wheat-grass / Poaceae
Agropyron sp. / Wheatgrass / Poaceae
Allium scilloides / Scilla-like onion / Liliaceae
Allium sp. / Onion / Liliaceae
Amsinckia sp. / Fiddleneck / Boraginaceae
Antennaria dimorpha / Low pussy-toes / Asteraceae
Anthriscus scandicina* / Bur chervil / Apiaceae
Artemisia rigida / Stiff sagebrush / Asteraceae
Artemisia sp. / Wormwood / Asteraceae
Artemisia tridentata / Big sagebrush / Asteraceae
Balsamorhiza careyana / Carey's balsamroot / Asteraceae
Balsamorhiza hookeri / Hooker's balsamroot / Asteraceae
Brodiaea sp. / Brodiaea / Liliaceae
Bromus inermis* / Smooth brome / Poaceae
Bromus tectorum* / Cheat grass / Poaceae
Cardamine pulcherrima / Palmate tooth-wort / Brassicaceae
Centaurea diffusa* / Diffuse knapweed / Asteraceae
Centaurea repens* / Russian knapweed / Asteraceae
Chaenactis douglasii / Dusty maidens / Asteraceae
Chrysothamnus nauseosus / Gray rabbit-brush / Asteraceae
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus / Green rabbit-brush / Asteraceae
Cichorium intybus* / Chicory / Asteraceae
Cirsium arvense* / Canada thistle / Asteraceae
Claytonia rubra / Red miner's lettuce / Portulacaceae
Clematis ligusticifolia / Virgin's bower / Ranunculaceae
Collinsia parviflora / Small-flowered blue-eyed Mary / Scrophulariaceae
Collomia grandiflora / Large-flowered collomia / Polemoniaceae
Cornus stolonifera / Red-osier dogwood / Cornaceae
Crataegus douglasii / Black hawthorn / Rosaceae
Crepis sp. / Hawk's-beard / Asteraceae
Crocidium multicaule / Goldstar / Asteraceae
Cryptantha sp. / Cryptantha / Boraginaceae
Cynoglossum officinale* / Common hound's-tongue / Boraginaceae
Delphinium multiplex / Kittitas larkspur / Ranunculaceae
Delphinium occidentale / Western larkspur / Ranunculaceae
Elymus cinereus / Giant rye grass / Poaceae
Epilobium minutum / Small-flowered willow-herb / Onagraceae
Epilobium paniculatum / Tall annual willow-herb / Onagraceae
Eriogonum compositum / Northern buckwheat / Polygonaceae
Eriogonum douglasii / Douglas' buckwheat / Polygonaceae
Eriogonum heracleoides / Parsnip-flowered buckwheat / Polygonaceae
Eriogonum strictum / Strict buckwheat / Polygonaceae
Eriogonum thymoides / Thyme-leaf buckwheat / Polygonaceae
Festuca sp. / Fescue / Poaceae
Frasera albicaulis / Columbia frasera / Gentianaceae
Fritillaria pudica / Yellow bell / Liliaceae
Galium aparine / Cleavers / Rubiaceae
Haplopappus stenophyllus / Narrow-leaf goldenweed / Asteraceae
Holodiscus discolor / Ocean spray / Rosaceae
Holosteum umbellatum* / Jagged chickweed / Caryophyllaceae
Hydrophyllum capitatum / Woolly breeches / Hydrophyllaceae
Idahoa scapigera / Scalepod / Brassicaceae
Iva xanthifolia / Tall marsh-elder / Asteraceae
Juncus sp. / Rush / Juncaceae
Lactuca serriola* / Prickly lettuce / Asteraceae
Lepidium campestre* / Field peppergrass / Brassicaceae
Lithophragma bulbiferum / Bulbiferous prairie-star / Saxifragaceae
Lithophragma parviflorum / Small-flowered prairie-star / Saxifragaceae
Lithospermum arvense* / Corn gromwell / Boraginaceae
Lomatium canbyi / Canby's desert-parsley / Apiaceae
Lomatium columbianum / Columbia desert-parsley / Apiaceae
Lomatium grayi / Gray's desert-parsley / Apiaceae
Lomatium nudicaule / Pestle parsnip / Apiaceae
Lomatium piperi / Piper's bisciut-root / Apiaceae
Lomatium triternatum / Nine-leaf lomatium / Apiaceae
Lupinus sp. / Lupine / Fabaceae
Machaeranthera canescens / Hoary aster / Asteraceae
Maclura pomifera* / Hedge apple / Moraceae
Marah oreganus / Manroot / Cucurbitaceae
Medicago sativa* / Alfalfa / Fabaceae
Melilotus alba* / White sweet-clover / Fabaceae
Melissa officinalis* / Lemon balm / Lamiaceae
Microseris troximoides / Wavyleaf microseris / Asteraceae
Microsteris gracilis / Pink microsteris / Polemoniaceae
Mimulus guttatus / Common monkey-flower / Scrophulariaceae
Montia linearis / Narrow-leaf montia / Portulacaceae
Montia perfoliata / Miner's lettuce / Portulacaceae
Nemophila breviflora / Great Basin nemophila / Hydrophyllaceae
Nepeta cataria* / Catnip / Lamiaceae
Perideridia gairdneri / Gairdner's yampah / Apiaceae
Philadelphus lewisii / Mock-orange / Hydrangeaceae
Phlox speciosa / Showy phlox / Polemoniaceae
Pinus ponderosa / Ponderosa pine / Pinaceae
Plantago lanceolata* / English plantain / Plantaginaceae
Plantago major* / Common plantain / Plantaginaceae
Plectritis macrocera / White plectritus / Valerianaceae
Poa bulbosa* / Bulbous bluegrass / Poaceae
Polemonium micranthum / Littlebells polemonium / Polemoniaceae
Populus trichocarpa / Black cottonwood / Salicaceae
Potentilla glandulosa / Sticky cinquefoil / Rosaceae
Prunus virginiana / Chokecherry / Rosaceae
Purshia tridentata / Bitterbrush / Rosaceae
Quercus garryana / Oregon white oak / Fagaceae
Quercus robur* / English oak / Fagaceae
Ranunculus glaberrimus / Sagebrush buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus repens* / Creeping buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Ranunculus testiculatus* / Hornseed buttercup / Ranunculaceae
Rhus glabra / Sumac / Anacardiaceae
Ribes aureum / Golden currant / Grossulariaceae
Rosa woodsii / Wood's rose / Rosaceae
Rumex crispus* / Sour dock / Polygonaceae
Salix exigua / Coyote willow / Salicaceae
Salix scouleriana / Scouler willow / Salicaceae
Salix sp. / Willow / Salicaceae
Salsola kali* / Russian thistle / Chenopodiaceae
Sambucus cerulea / Blue elderberry / Caprifoliaceae
Saxifraga integrifolia / Grassland saxifrage / Saxifragaceae
Scirpus microcarpus / Small-flowered bulrush / Cyperaceae
Sisymbrium altissimum* / Jim Hill mustard / Brassicaceae
Sisyrinchium inflatum / Purple-eyed grass / Iridaceae
Sitanion hystrix / Squirreltail / Poaceae
Smilacina stellata / Star-flowered Solomon's seal / Liliaceae
Symphoricarpos albus / Common snowberry / Caprifoliaceae
Talinum spinescens / Spiny fameflower / Portulacaceae
Taraxacum officinale* / Common dandelion / Asteraceae
Tauschia hooveri / Hoover's tauschia / Apiaceae
Thysanocarpus curvipes / Fringepod / Brassicaceae
Trifolium macrocephalum / Big-headed clover / Fabaceae
Typha latifolia / Common cattail / Typhaceae
Verbascum blattaria* / Moth mullein / Scrophulariaceae
Veronica americana / American brooklime / Scrophulariaceae
Viola trinervata / Sagebrush violet / Violaceae
Zigadenus sp. / Death-camas / Liliaceae
WNPS Native Plant Lists
Fort Simcoe, Yakima County, 12-08
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